One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 174: Wandering around Dresrosa

Although the battle against Dresrosa was a bit more troublesome than imagined, it still couldn't change the fact that Roja was now strong enough to make many people look up.

In the battle of the cadres, the most difficult one is undoubtedly the battle between Ryder, the ladder-ability person, and Cyrus. This fierce battle experience from the arena is full.If it hadn't been for the weird ability of the fruit and the recent leaps and bounds under the guidance of Roja, Ryder would have already lost a mess.

Fortunately, under the order of Roja, Cyrus and others who could use it were kept, otherwise King Liku would have no son-in-law.

As early as when he landed, Roja covered the entire periphery of Dresrosa with the electromagnetic waves of the God Thunder Fruit. All communications could only be used in the country, and he wanted to transmit information unless he went to the open sea.

The Navy still has a lot of spy personnel in Dresrosa. Those who discovered this situation and wanted to escape were all annihilated by the thunder that fell from the sky. So far, without the Navy’s knowledge, Dresrosa completely Fall

"How do you want to treat my people"

Looking at the big pirate Lucian who was sitting idly on the couch, King Liku crunched his teeth, his eyes filled with resentment.His daughter Violet was actually called by him as a maid, and was threatened to stay with him all the time.

"Now it depends on your choice."

A document was thrown by King Liku and opened the document with dense small prints. The guy who had been a king for decades, the more he looked at it, the more he could feel the difficulty of this document.

There is no monarch, the royal family retreats behind the scenes and is only responsible for comforting the people. The cabinet discusses the implementation of laws and regulations together and decides on national affairs.

Different from the system promoted by the Revolutionary Army, this document is more like that of a militarist country. Although it is not as advanced as the Revolutionary Army, this span is easier to accept.

However, since it is militarism, of course there is a greater inclination towards the army. In this case, the pirates of the violent thunder disaster, which represents the army, are the biggest beneficiaries.

"Hope you can really do it."

He sighed in dismay, in the puzzled gaze of Cyrus and others, King Liku removed the cloak that represented the king's identity and folded it neatly.

If it can be implemented in accordance with this system, then it is indeed a good thing for the people. The throne or something, on the contrary, does not seem so important.

The next day, King Dresrosa issued a series of new decrees. His colleagues announced their abdication, and the cabinet made decisions on national affairs.

A vigorous reform has begun, and of course there are voices of resistance, as long as the reform is bound to touch the interests of some guys, it is just that these voices are quickly suppressed under the powerful force of the Thunderstorm Pirate Group.

It wasn't until everything came to an end that Luo Ya let go of the communication that was blocked by the electric wave ability of the God Thunder Fruit, so that he kept using the Fruit ability, even if he had an immortal body, he was tired.

The long overdue news reached the navy headquarters. The navy, which had already invested a large amount of combat power in the g5 recovery battle, was weak. After all, even King Liku said after he got on the phone from the world government that this was the reform of the kingdom. Policy does not require the intervention of world governments.

King Liku could not do anything. Violet, like Little Tail, could only follow Roja every day. This method of holding hostages made him throw a rat-and-treat, who valued his family.

After the nostalgia, Roja, who had been busy for the past two days, was able to wander idly on the streets of Dresrosa.The guys in the Pirate Group are good at burning, killing, looting, and pursuing policies. If the pig teammates are not actively cooperating with Liku, the ghost knows that it will take a few days to get it done.

"Girl, you said that your country is also very interesting. If you don't go to prison, you can get out of the bullfighting arena with a hundred consecutive victories. What breaks the rules?"

When the business is done, Roja naturally came out again to hunt for treasures. The country of Dresrosa is good, but the treasure chest is a little bit less, and the gold content is also so big a country, a silver treasure chest, a bronze treasure chest, shivering

Ask for flowers

And Violet, the girl is also perfect in figure, her face is also perfect, and the big steamed bun is even better. It is the mouth, how awkward it is to look at, the result is that the system doesn't even come out of the Fu Li treasure box.

The reason why I brought it around is also because this guy knows too many secrets of himself, so I don’t feel relieved to put it outside.

"Death is sometimes not the end. Sword fighters fight swords in the arena and are asked not to take the lives of their opponents. After a long time, they will naturally realize the value of life. A hundred consecutive victories are just a way for them to reform. opportunity."

Violet followed Roja, with a cold expression on her face, explaining that this girl didn't look like a princess at all these days, and even the bathing was under Roja's supervision. There was no privacy at all, and she hated her in her heart. Thorough this guy.

The bullfighting arena is a place established by the Liku royal family earlier, just to give the people some entertainment. Later, after Cyrus came into being, gradually the death row prisoners will be given one entry to the arena if they are manslaughter. The opportunity for this kind of system has only become cruel and bloody after Dover came.

Roja's current status is the highest minister of the cabinet, the person who commands all military forces. Naturally, there is no place to go to the arena. It is easy to get a silver treasure chest.

From an unknown time, Luo Ya had already clearly felt that the Silver Treasure Box could no longer bring him any substantial improvement.The enthusiasm in my heart has naturally decreased by several times, and I am almost putting it in the exclusive location of garbage with the bronze treasure chest.

What attracts him now is gold, diamonds, and the supreme treasure chest with only one fragment. Of course, the treasure chest in the exchange space still makes him want to see through.

The readers of s who won the prize are also those who have not contacted the mosquitoes, the Empire oikong and xihji110, I hope to contact me as soon as possible with the skirt 564026298..

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