One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1745: The Second Gu Worm

Luo Bao's money entered the dantian, and Luo Ya's smile on his face grew a little bit bigger. This Ling Bao was simply too strong to be unnecessary, it was a big bug in the world.

When enshrining the gods, if it weren't for Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao, the scattered people of Wuyi Mountain who held this treasure, it would be too rubbish, this treasure would definitely be able to hang down a group of immortals.

And this Lingbao, in general, has three minor flaws. First, this treasure consumes a lot of immortal power in the body. Ordinary golden immortals will be dizzy with exhaustion.

Under continuous transportation, its consumption will increase exponentially. In the Conferred Gods, Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao, who are scattered in Wuyi Mountain, have poor cultivation skills. They cannot sustain this consumption and will die in the end. .

Luo Ya is a real cultivator of the Great Dao, and he also has the pure and extremely golden celestial power in his body. Compared with the monks of the same realm, the celestial power is much stronger. This magic weapon is in his hands, although the consumption is not small, but it is easy to lose. Seven or eight treasures, there is no problem at all.

And the second flaw is that the treasure money is issued in a single time, and only one piece of treasure can be left. If the two pieces come together, one piece will be missed after all.

When facing a group attack, there is more than one baby that flies over at a time, and this makes the practicality of the 223 treasure money greatly reduced.

And the last point, the treasure money can only be a magic weapon for the enlightened person, and it has no effect on the weapon of the pather. It is like in the Conferred God, Xiao Sheng was cracked to death by the brain of Zhao Gongming's whip.

"Tsk tusk, forget it, it's not bad, the enlightened one is the nemesis, single-handedly against the artifact, people must learn to be content." Luo Ya muttered aloud, with a smile on his face.

No matter how many shortcomings, it can't conceal the bug-like ability of this Luobao money, which is completely the nemesis of the magic weapon of the enlightened person. Even if it is a sage, I am afraid that except for the few innate treasures, other treasures cannot be prevented at all. .

Luo Ya was quite proud of the simultaneous sacrifice of treasure money, poison gourd, twelfth-grade karma fire red lotus, twelfth-grade merit gold lotus, and Shura hell sickle.

Five treasures of the innate spirit treasure level, the lowest level is the high-grade innate spirit treasure Shura Hell Scythe, such a rich net worth, I am afraid that anyone will be jealous when they see it.

After reading the treasure, Luo Ya looked at the saint treasure chest that the new bdaj unlocked and refreshed in the system, which is stronger than the treasure chest that can open the best innate spirit treasure, what innate treasure or chaos treasure can be opened

Saint treasure chest is also known as heavenly treasure chest. Above the mixed ingot treasure chest, higher-level treasure chests can be opened to open heavenly treasure, heavenly path supreme treasure, heavenly evil and evil treasure, innate treasure, and heavenly path-level auxiliary items.

Very good, very cruel

Roya saw the introduction of the Saint’s Treasure Box, with a bit of admiration on her face. The style of the Saint’s Treasure Box was immediately lifted to a very high level. The several treasures mentioned in the introduction were completely unthinkable to ordinary people.

There are only three pieces of Kaitian Treasures, Taiji Picture, Pangu Banner, and Chaos Clock. Each one is strong and terrifying. Taiji Picture is now in the hands of Taiqing Saint Li Er, Pangu Banner is in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun, and Chaos Clock is in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi. His whereabouts are unknown.

There are only a few pieces of the Supreme Abnormal Treasures of Heaven, and all of them are extraordinary, and the evil and evil treasures are extremely spicy. When Luo Ya first saw the introduction of several evil and evil treasures, he was curious about how God would allow these. The existence of things.

The next Innate Treasures are slightly more numerous than the first three, but they are also few in number. Each one has the power to destroy the world.

As for the Hunyuan-level auxiliary items mentioned in the last system, Roja is not very concerned, and if he assists, it can still prescribe the elixir that makes people sacred.

However, the treasure chest of the system is good, that is, things that are never empty, even if the harvest is not in Loya's mind, the high-level treasure chest is worth a few redemption points.

Thinking wildly in his mind, Luo Ya remembered two things. One thing, he seemed to have made an agreement with the Golden Crow Prince Jin Chao. As long as he solves the Zen Master Wu Chao, the other party will tell him where the Chaos Clock is.

There is no doubt about the power of the Chaos Clock, but now that time is tight, he only has one year to solve the problem of Zen Master Wuchao, but God knows how long it will take to find the Chaos Clock and take it out.

One year's time is still too short. Luo Ya can only use this year to improve his own strength, otherwise he will only be able to lose track of Buddhism.

The second thing, Luo Ya has a toothache, he actually forgot to put away the six wings in the body of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, what's more, this is completely asking for trouble.

There is also that Master Tongtian, whose strength is already Hunyuan Wuju Luo Jinxian, it is impossible not to see the strangeness of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit. This attitude is really unpredictable.

In fact, in the heart of Master Tongtian, this six-winged centipede remained in the body of the Golden Spirit Mother, and it was also part of the two-person transaction. Even if he wanted to come, this was Roya's method of restraining him.

After all, his sect besieged Shu Mountain. Although they were talking about protection, once the two turned their faces, his sect attacked the Shu Mountain group. If something happened suddenly, Shu Mountain would not be able to hold on even if it had a large formation.

With the threat of the first disciple among his disciples, this possibility was minimized, and even if he wanted to turn his face, he would be a little hesitant.

As for the Golden Spirit Mother, although she was a little arrogant, she was not stupid. After seeing Luo Ya leave, her master just left all instructions, and did not mention the matter again, she had already guessed something in her heart.

The guessed result made Mother Jin Ling's heart cold. As the person whose life was threatened, looking at the ugly six-winged centipede in her body, Mother Jin Ling almost had the urge to cry.

"I hope that Six Wings won't panic from being hungry, and I will just gnaw the Golden Spirit Mother." Luo Ya muttered, with a somewhat helpless expression on his face. The current situation is obviously not suitable for looking back to the Master of Tongtian. , The six-winged centipede, should be deposited with the Golden Spirit Mother.

Among the poison gourds, the second Gu worm was still gestating, and the killing was fierce, and it was not weaker than the six-winged fighting, and among them, Luo Ya was very optimistic about a heterogeneous scorpion.

This scorpion was green all over, like a jade carving. During several fights, it grew faster than other gu worms. If it became a gu, it would certainly be no weaker than six wings.

After thinking about it in his heart, Luo Ya had already returned to the mountain of Shu, and looked at a mixed ingot chest left in the system warehouse, and directly ordered the system in his heart..

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