One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1747: Avenue of Wutong

Even if Yuanshi Tianzun was arrogant and slow to react, he knew that at this time things were not as simple as he had imagined. The Master Tongtian and them were not of one mind, otherwise they would not openly unite with Shushan.

They had guessed before that Luo Ya was Hongjun's reincarnation and rebuilding the Dao, so he could rise at such a fast speed. Whether it was Yuanshi or Li Er, he was jealous, but he did not dare to cross it.

After all, if Luo Ya is not the reincarnation of Dao Zu Hongjun, but a disciple of Hongjun, or a more important existence, once they take action, it is very likely to face Hongjun's anger.

Before the heaven and earth descended on the grand and purple energy, the saint could not even leave his one-acre three-quarters of land. Even the first-rate three-qing, they could only communicate in thirty-three days.

If it is the lower realm, it will inevitably be warned by the Dao of Heaven, but the world has changed, and the restrictions on them are much looser. Although they still can't casually fall into the lower realm, they can fall into their own orthodoxy.

For example, Yuanshi Tianzun, under his sect, there are many Taoist schools in Nanzhan Tribe, Jinxia School, Jinguang School, Taoyuan School, a total of eight schools, and several three-generation disciples and four-generation disciples.

These factions, because they offer him as the ancestor, this is a relationship recognized by the heavens, so he can already communicate freely among several factions.

But excluding his own faction, the saint easily won't go down for nine days. After nine days, Tiandao will issue a warning. Prior to this, the Master Tongtian had already tried it himself.

After Roya knew this, he was determined that he would not go up to the nine heavens. Don't get close to the orthodoxy handed down by the saints. For the time being, he could avoid the saints.

Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti, after knowing the news, first were happy, and then full of anxiety.

Jiejiao is undoubtedly a behemoth, even if the high-level combat power is not enough now, there are countless sects hidden in the Three Realms, and alliances with such forces are full of uncertainty.

With the addition of the saint, Master Tongtian, can the alliance between the two sides be equal, what conditions need to be paid?

Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti continued to send messages to the jade slips of communication, but Luo Ya was immersed in enlightenment and did not notice at all.

The two of them couldn't help but set off directly to Shushan. When they heard that Ao Cunxin said that he is now in a mysterious and mysterious state of enlightenment, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the current situation really made Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti uneasy. I don't know how long Luoya would be able to wake up, and Subhuti simply lived in Shushan.

Zhen Yuanzi, after agreeing to contact Subudi immediately after something happened, continued to arrange the passage between the three sects. Their current relationship is both prosperous and prosperous, and it is the most sloppy thing.

The Wannian Enlightenment Card has an extraordinary effect, immersed in enlightenment, Luo Ya is full of the power of vicissitudes of time, the power of system rules, far from being understandable by the monks in this world.

From the beginning of the journey through the Pirate World to practice physical skills, domineering, and hone the power of the devil fruit, then to the Naruto World, to beat the body, to the journey to the west, to achieve Sanxian.

The road to become stronger step by step, Luo Ya is constantly groping for his own way, thinking of the blessing of the finger, the increase of the golden fairy power, and the blessing of the heavens, forcibly condensing the fifty Dao rhymes.

In Roya's consciousness, this enlightenment took more than seven thousand years from beginning to end. From the beginning to the end, he directly enlightened the road leading to the saints.

Chaos Wuji Luo Jinxian is in the form of chaos and exists in all ages. With a single thought, the heaven and the earth move together. The great saints are the top of this world.

After comprehending his own path, Luo Ya had a thought, and directly aimed at the Pangu Nine Turns Profound Yuan Gong from the fairy magic treasure chest when he was promoted to Da Luo Jinxian last time.

His great witchcraft, because the primordial spirit condenses on top of the three flowers, cannot dissolve in the flesh, this great witchcraft has always been in a state of half-waste, and it has always stopped at the realm of Taiyi true fairy.

Pangu Nine-turn Profound Yuan Kungfu should be said to be the strongest Taoist practice in this world. It is also a practice that uses power to prove the Tao and leads directly to the avenue. Not to mention that it can be transferred to this practice. Prohibit deduction to a high enough level.

Eight gates of the gods are forbidden. Before, because of his realm limitation, he only deduced to the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and then the realm of Hunyuan and the realm of saints were not what he could get involved at that time.

With this opportunity, he is ready to directly perfect this exercise, forming the most suitable method for his own practice, and start the practitioners and enlightened practitioners again.

During this period of time, he fought successively with Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level opponents. Luo Ya found that he still couldn't adapt to the combat style of the enlightened ones. During the action, he would often start close combat.

Although there is a top-quality innate spirit treasure bodyguard, as long as it is not directly hit by the practitioner, there is no major problem, but the fragile body still gives Roya a headache.

It is necessary to improve the cultivation base of the practitioner. Otherwise, when he confronts the saint directly, I am afraid that even with the innate spiritual treasure, it will be difficult to break the defenses.

During the thousand years of enlightenment, because he had already understood his own way, Luo Ya easily understood the Pangu Nine-turn Profound Yuan Art. With this, he spent another one thousand years and directly deduced the eight-door god ban. A realm similar to Pangu's Nine Turns Xuanyuan Art

From then on, the Eight Gate God Forbidden is the second gate, which can pass directly to the Dao exercises at the top of the Tao.

In the last thousand years, Luo Ya put his mind on the magical powers, alchemy, alchemy, and formation. Through continuous enlightenment, he perfected his abilities and deduced his exclusive magical powers.

12 buzzing

The spiritual energy in the mountain rushed away, and above the Luoya training room, a spiritual energy vortex resembling a tornado was formed. This vortex rapidly rotated, and the spiritual energy of the mountain was more than ten times stronger than the outside world, rushing towards the vortex.

The center of the whirlpool fell directly to the place where Luoya was. This terrifying vision caused countless disciples in the practice to stop their practice. It was not that they didn't want to continue, but that they couldn't absorb a little bit of aura at all.

"Open the guardian array, Fellow Luo Dao needs heaven and earth spiritual energy" Subhuti felt abnormal, and quickly appeared outside the Supreme Immortal Mansion. Seeing the guarding Ao Cunxin, he quickly spoke.

This kind of movement, you don't need to guess that Luo Ya must have made a big breakthrough, Ao Cunxin nodded, and did not dare to delay, pinching the formula in his hand, letting go of the guardian formation..

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