One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1749: The Avenue of Transition

Luo Ya was slightly surprised when he heard Subudi’s voice, but when he thought about it, he knew it clearly. He forgot to inform Subudi and Zhen Yuanzi that he had an agreement with the Lord Tongtian. I was afraid that these two best friends would My heart is still up and down.

"It's not a big advance, a small gain." Luo Ya responded with a smile, waved open the front door, got up and walked out of the training room.

"Brother Luo" Ao Cunxin has a bit of joy on her face. Her own man is advancing, and she is much more excited than the person involved. After learning about the current situation in the Three Realms, she is very frightened.

"Thanks for your hard work, go and arrange for the disciples to restore order and practice in an orderly manner. I don't need to worry about it here." Luo Ya came to Ao Cunxin, scraped the girl's little nose, and said something.

When Yang Chan, Leng Jing, Chai Miaoling, Gu Ruotong, Nie Xiaoqian, Xiao Wei, Hong Shao, Zhao Ling'er, Anu and others saw Luo Ya's appearance, they knew that he had something to discuss with Subhuti, and they retired after making a blessing.

Hu Yu'er, the girl who was quite discerning, blinked at her master, soaked a pot of fairy tea in the living room, and walked out.

"What kind of deal we have reached with Jiejiao, what do we need to pay?" Subudi said, and went straight to the subject. His heart was really not stumped. After all, Jiejiao's current appearance clearly wanted to protect Shu Mountain with all his strength.

Dealing with that kind of existence, in exchange for the other party's full support, must have paid a terrifying price, which is tantamount to putting their contradiction with Buddhism on the stage, and what they have to face afterwards must be extremely terrifying.

"The remaining three majestic and purple spirits require two to cut off the teachings. Moreover, it is only one year. We only have one year. After that, we will begin to fight with Buddhism."

Luo Ya opened his mouth and directly stated what they need to pay. This is the limit he can fight for. After all, the cut-off teaching is messy. Except for the master of the sky, the other top monks are far inferior to Buddhism and interpretation. They are also for one year The limit.

"In such a short period of time, I can't guarantee that I can become a saint." Subhuti gave a wry smile. After hearing this, he was about to smash with Buddhism and almost couldn't help falling over.

One year is enough for him to break through to the realm of saints in a hundred years, and he has hit the Grand Fortune. It is a question of whether he can be in harmony with Hongmeng in one year.

"I have a way of this. I know a place. One day in it is equal to one year in the outside world. But even so, you will only have more than three hundred years at most, and the rules there may be different from this world. Can you Breakthrough, everything is unknown."

Luo Ya’s plan this time includes both Subudi and Zhenyuanzi. If the two of them can also make great progress and become saints, then he can completely ignore the Buddhist interpretations, even if they die. Not afraid.

"Hongmeng purple qi is inherently good fortune, what I need is to completely integrate it into my body, integrate it with the way I have cultivated, and then cut off my own corpse. Even if there are no rules, I can do it, but these three For a hundred years, I only have 30% certainty."

Subhuti nodded. Out of complete trust in Roja, he didn't have the slightest doubt about this. Although the rules of time were mysterious and inexplicable and could not be mastered by humans, this kind of thing did not exist.

"Then what we have to do now is to do another big vote before leaving." A smile appeared on Luo Ya's face, looking at the land of the East Sheng Divine Continent, with a bit of spirit in his eyes.

"Is it useful? This thing is good, but Na Hongmeng Ziqi doesn't have intelligence, this can really attract it" Zhen Yuanzi looked helplessly waving the hollow willow, one of the ten innate spiritual roots in his hand, to split the way into the space. The power of this road makes the power of this space constantly reverberate in a thousand miles.

This hollow willow is a branch of Yang Mei's body that Roja obtained at the beginning. It has been cultivated in the World Spirit Garden for so long, and it is already quite large. It can only be said that the distance is fully grown. Not a short time.

Before Roja leaves, the last thing to do is to snatch a burst of radiance

This cosmic purple energy was naturally given to Zhen Yuanzi. Since he has decided to implement the plan in his heart, he must do his best. Only by putting the two in together can he feel at ease.

If the two break through to the realm of saints together, it is certainly gratifying, even if there is only one person, it is barely enough for the three to protect themselves.

"You don't know what Yang Mei's identity is. With the body of real cultivation of Dao Dao, it should not be a big problem, but I don't know the accuracy of Master Tongtian's perception."

Luo Ya spied on the three realms of the Three Realms with his supernatural powers, and answered Zhen Yuanzi's words with the remaining three humongous and purple qi, and he rolled his eyes with a big eye.

"It's too much to put the divine mind to the maximum range like this." Subudi smiled bitterly on his face. He has already put the divine mind to a million miles for a full day, and the perceptions of hundreds of millions of mixed feelings are present all the time. Passed back, even he felt a headache.

"Don't complain, I'm the most tiring." Zhen Yuanzi said helplessly. He didn't dare to stop in his hands. With the power of space, I don't want money to spread around.

"This is not for you. If it weren't for Tongtian to say that a great purple qi is a great road of leaping, who will suffer this sin." Luo Ya said angeredly, and directly slammed Zhen Yuanzi back.

"Although Qianyue Avenue involves space, it always feels weaker than Subudi's Wuxiang Avenue." Zhenyuanzi muttered, with a sad expression on his face.

"Fuck, do you want it, don't we go back now." Luo Ya started to swear, and the money of the mind was always paying attention to the movement of the three grand purple qi.

"Yes, yes, yes, why don't I owe it?" Zhen Yuanzi surrendered quickly, Hongmeng Ziqi, or Hongmeng Ziqi that involves the way of space, and I don't want fools.

"I don't know which of the three realms is the purple energy of the Great Dao of Transition, otherwise we can get closer to that one." Subudi opened his mouth and sighed. On this day, he must always pay attention to his surroundings. , The pressure is quite high, but it is necessary to speak to relieve this pressure.

"Tong Tian is just showing off with me. It shows how great his sainthood is. How can this kind of thing be said clearly? Moreover, if you think I can ask about this matter, it's the same as saying, this cosmic purple energy is we grabbed. "

Luo Ya really felt that these two hurt friends, today, they talked about things like things together, he couldn't help thinking, is it true that he usually looks like this.

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