One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1761: You will be fainted for a while

Roja looked at the three people who were not slow to react, and the corners of his eyebrows twitched slightly. There is no reason why the three of them can live so long in the original work. At the very least, there are really few people who can live with the wind. Compared with them.

He hadn’t read a lot of the original Dragon Ball, and over time, most of them have been forgotten. After all, after such a long time, the memory of being a mortal, the impression is not so deep. .

And Pilaf is a person with a deeper Roja image. After all, this guy is against Monkey King and can't die over and over again. He is definitely one of the few in the Dragon Ball world.

Even if it is dead and alive, alive and dead Frieza, there is no way to compare with Pilaf, this guy is really tough.

"I heard you can't die, I don't know if it's true." Luo Ya didn't care about being dizzy with "Two Three Seven", and stepped up to Pilaf's side, squatting down, staring at this height like a dwarf. Little dwarf.

"Big big, how come, I, I, and I are just ordinary people" Pilaf's clothes were soaked in cold sweat, his eyes were full of fear, and he screamed loudly in his heart. I don't know why the man in front of him ignored the Big Devil. Actually stared at him

"As an ordinary person, your life is too hard." Roja raised a finger and placed it on Pilaf's forehead. A celestial force pierced from his fingertips. Pilaf's head was instantly pierced. Finger-sized holes.

Pilav's expression of fear solidified on his face, his pupils gradually dilated, and a little purple fire emerged from Roja's fingertips, and Pilav's three-inch body was directly burned to ashes.

Even the soul who had just left the body and wanted to report to the underworld could not escape. Under the purple fire, the soul flew away.

Even if the dragon balls are gathered together, who wants to be resurrected, it must be supported by the soul, which also means that from now on, Pilaf will never appear in the dragon ball world again.

"Egg Fried Rice King" Ah Xiu and Xiao Wu looked dull, looking at the ashes of Pilaf, a chill came from under their feet.

Roja's methods were completely beyond their understanding, and the flames that could directly turn people into ashes made both souls tremble.

"There is nothing wrong with loyalty, but in the future, remember, don't follow the wrong person." Luo Ya saw the expressions of Xiao Wu and Ashiu and said something, which is also a kind reminder.

Although Pilav is a bit weaker, he is good at making trouble. Regardless of whether he can obtain the original power of the Dragon Ball World this year, this kind of stuff should be eliminated directly to avoid future troubles.

As for Ash and Xiao Wu, to be honest, Roja really looks down on this person and dog. He has no thoughts and opinions. He is completely following Pilaf to join in the fun. Now Pilaf has died and lost his backbone. They are just two ordinary people. That's it.

"Asshole dare to attack you and be ready to die?" Piccolo pulled his head out of the pit on the deck swayingly at this time, wiped out the blood, turned and looked behind him viciously.

"This idiot, is your mind still stuck in the last century?" Luo Ya saw that Piccolo turned his head to look where he was just now, and couldn't help but twitch lightly.

The Big Devil Piccolo was slapped on the back of his head just now. This slap seemed to temporarily short-circuit his head. Now he got up from the pothole without realizing that he had been dizzy for a long time. .

"Correct, I didn't make a sneak attack. Also, don't say that you're dead. It's unlucky. As punishment, you'll be dizzy for a while."

Roja appeared behind Piccolo with a slight smile on his face, raised his hand, and slapped Piccolo's bald head again.

Piccolo plunged his head into the deck again in exactly the same posture. Roja looked back and was stunned, as if they had lost their souls, Ashiu and Xiao Wu, slipping Piccolo's waistband, urging momentarily, arrived. Temple of Heaven.

Wannian Watering the Flowers Party Bobo, seeing Luo Ya carrying the Great Demon King Piccolo appeared, his expression on his face was somewhat tranced, and he quickly dropped the watering bottle in his hand and went to find the gods like a wind.

"Burn a demon-sealing array, lock the spirit array, add the spirit array." Luo Ya looked at the surrounding environment, walked to the center of the temple, pinched the magic formula in his hand, and clicked a finger from time to time.

As the name suggests, the Sealing Demon Formation is a seal with Sumi hidden inside, and it is also a seal of a relatively large-scale commodity, but not to mention the small rubbish in the seal hand, it is enough to seal the Taiyi Immortal.

The Spirit Locking Array is an auxiliary array that can completely block the Sealing Demon Array. Used alone, it can prevent the banned from using the slightest immortal power. In other words, in the Dragon Ball world, there is no way to use Qi.

The Spirit Gathering Array is simple, one is to support the two seal auras, and the other is to make the aura here extremely abundant, which can be regarded as a meeting gift given by Luo Ya to the gods and Bobo.

After receiving Bobo's message, the gods quickly walked out of the small shrine and saw Piccolo lying on the floor of the shrine. There was a sense of blood connection in his body.

Celestial and Piccolo are the products of the polarization between good and evil, and they are the same. This kind of blood-connected sensor makes Celestial ascertain that the Namek star in front of him, who is almost exactly the same as him, is absolutely comparable.

"Enchantment, success" Luo Ya yelled in his heart, immortal power poured out, and the Spirit Locking Array, the Sealing Demon Array, and the Spirit Gathering Array were activated at the same time.

The figure of the Big Demon King Piccolo slowly merged into the surface. On the ground, a big seal appeared, surrounded by dense array patterns.

Although the Celestial God could not understand the Confinement Array, through the pity of the blood between Piccolo and Piccolo, he could clearly feel that Piccolo was now firmly restrained under his feet 28, and there was no chance at all.

"Thank you." Looking at Luo Ya's face, the heavenly god said quite solemnly. Although there are only two words, he can feel it, like the unrest in God's heart today.

From the time Roja left the temple to the present, it was probably less than an hour before Roja had his full calculations. Within an hour, the Great Demon King Piccolo appeared here and was sealed again.

With this kind of strength, the gods had to let the gods re-examine Luo Ya, how strong he was, in order to harm a planet for so many years, the Big Demon Bik, so easily solved.

"Remember not to disturb my companions in the Mental Time House." Luo Ya waved his hand and said, disappearing again. He felt that he was really the busiest person. For an hour, his footsteps never stopped..

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