One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1764: Ten Thousand Times Gravity Room

"Oh, is my baby girl back?" A graceful young woman walked out of the house after the door was opened, and saw her daughter standing in front of the front door with a dull face.

It's no wonder that Mrs. Breff showed such an expression. When Boomer left, she was just a sixteen-year-old girl, even because she was petite, she looked only fourteen years old.

But now Bouma's image has changed drastically, and she has become a young and beautiful 20-year-old girl. Although Mrs. Brive can tell that she is her own daughter by her appearance, she still can't help but be stunned for a while.

"You, you are Boomer." Mrs. Breff pointed to Bouma. After a brief stunned expression, she was full of joy. She ran all the way and took Bouma into her arms, pinching left and right, as if she had seen a large one. Dolls are average.

"Mom, what are you doing? Don't squeeze it randomly." Bouma's sensitive place was pinched to and fro by her mother, her face flashing blush, she kept resisting.

"Unexpectedly, my Boomer has grown so beautiful. It really is because of my mother's strong genes that Boomer has not grown into that stinky guy."

Mrs. Breff is not as tall as Bouma, but when the maternal love breaks out, she is stunned to hold Bouma in her arms, making her completely unable to break free and can only toss 273.

"Don't have a guest, okay?" Buma blushed to the base of her neck, and hurriedly pushed her mother away. Monkey King was fine. Anyway, the two knew each other very well, but Luo Ya was on the sidelines, but Buma was embarrassed.

"Guest? Handsome gentleman, did you and Bouma take over?" Mrs. Breff looked at Roja with a smile. Except for Breff, she was quite gentle to most people.

"Er" Roya has a black line on his forehead. What is this and what is going on and ask him if he has ever played kiss with Bouma, is there such a mother?

"Mom, what are you asking? Shouldn't this kind of thing be said by my father?" Bouma rushed up on the spot when he heard what his mother said, and the blush spread directly to the base of her ears.

"Your dad is busy now, so mom will do it for you. It's not your mom who said you. Sometimes girls can't be too conservative, but take the initiative."

Mrs. Breffe squeezed her eyes towards Roja, showing her milf's charm.

"Damn it, this family can't be normal?" bddb Roja twitched his cheeks. It was the first time he saw such a superb parents. This superb level is simply unprecedented, and there is such a way to teach his daughter. Is it

"Wow, I need you to teach me this." Boomer turned her mother's body over and pushed directly into the house, but she didn't see the light in Mrs. Breff's eyes.

She knows her daughter's personality very well. To say this is basically to admit that she likes the man in front of her. As a mother, there is no one who doesn't care about her child.

"The two are going to have fun." Mrs. Breff was forcibly pushed away by Bouma, and she turned her head and greeted Luo Ya and Xiao Wukong. The smile made Xiao Wukong especially happy.

Since the last time the Western Capital was attacked, the Bouma’s house has installed various protective measures. Fingerprint recognition is one of them. Walking here, even the pupils must be identified. The courtyard with a huge area is unique in the Western Capital. One family, the wealth of the Bouma family can be seen from this.

After a brief questioning, Roja learned that what Dr. Breff was studying was how the universal capsule ignores time and stores living objects.

This kind of research is extremely in-depth, and it is far from being completed in a short time. If unable to do so, he can only directly violently take the old man out of the laboratory, and the frightened Boomer was taken aback.

"Is there any interest in spacecraft research?" Roja opened his mouth and went straight to the subject. Dr. Breff was frightened. When he heard the spacecraft, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"Yes, very much"

"I can give you a spacecraft for your research, but as a condition, you have to create a supergravity chamber for me. The multiples of gravity must be satisfied with me."

Roja smiled when he heard Breff's answer, Bouma on the side was also relieved, while Little Goku was full of puzzlement.

"The existing mature technology has been able to create a hundred times the gravity." Brive showed a confident smile on his face. When it comes to research, as a scientist, he has enough proud capital.

"Not enough, at least ten thousand times or more in order to have an effect." Luo Ya sneered at Hundredfold Gravity, Hundredfold Gravity, let alone him, any monk above the Sanxian level could ignore it.

"Ten Thousand Times, give me a few days." Breff rubbed his chin, with a little thought on his face. His research level is one of the best in the entire Dragon Ball world.

Ten thousand times of gravity, it's just that he hadn't thought about it, but if you want to do it, it should be no problem to spend some time.

"The spaceship is here. The gravity chamber you created makes me satisfied. It is yours." Roja waved his hand and released the spaceship from the Celestial Temple from the system warehouse, waving a thin layer of cloth. The thin Xianli shield allows Breff to see clearly.

This kind of research lunatic, with the stimulation of a spaceship, will definitely explode 200% of the energy. Roja knows the human heart very well.

"Perfect work, really perfect." When Breff saw the spaceship, although he could only look at it from a distance, with his insight, he had already confirmed the authenticity of this thing in his heart, and he kept muttering to himself.

After determining within a few seconds that he could not get this thing temporarily, Breff rushed back into the research room as if he was beaten up, and kept calculating the things needed for ten thousand times of gravity on the computer.

"Dad is really" Bouma couldn't help but muttered, with a look of dissatisfaction on her face, she didn't expect her dad to compromise so easily.

Originally, she was still going to come forward after Roja was rejected to improve her sense of existence, but she didn't expect that his father would directly agree within 30 seconds, so she had no chance to speak.

How terrifying the tens of thousands of gravities is, Luo Ya is not very clear about this concept, but he does understand that if he is in tens of thousands of gravities, the pressure on his body now should be ten thousand times the current.

In other words, originally he could feel the weight of a hundred kilograms of body, which would become more than one million in the gravity chamber, and this weight has the same effect on internal organs, bones, and heart veins. .

This will be a huge increase for the path of cultivating Taoist practitioners, and even the speed of practicing Taoist practitioners' techniques will soar again..

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