One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1778: Reinvigorate potential

It was the first time that Luo Adam saw the world will of the Dragon Ball world. The power of the old world king and god was the power that mobilized the world to discover the undeveloped potential of human beings.

Unlike the previous great elder’s ability to mobilize the superficial layers of the body, Roja can clearly feel that between his internal organs, he has already begun to roar, and the energy hidden in the deepest part of the human body is being guided out little by little. .

And the bone of the avenue that was just obtained before, under this power, is also bursting, with magnificent arcs of blood shining on it, and the bones actually accelerate the blood production by dozens of times.

The Eight Doors God Forbidden kept running, pain, itching, and tingling sensation, all kinds of brains were used, Luo Ya's face was violent, and his complexion was grim and his teeth clenched.

This kind of ascension speed is extremely fast, it can save many years of hard cultivation, even if it is painful, he has to endure, this time there is only one purpose, that is to gain strength

At present, it is just one day before and after. In less than two days, his power has already increased greatly. The cultivation base of the practitioner has jumped from the peak of Taiyi Zhenxian to Daluo Jinxian.

This kind of improvement span is terrifying, even the panacea of ​​Journey to the West cannot improve as drastically as this.

Just like in the Westward Journey, all parties calculated, Taiqing saint Li Er wanted the monkey to become strong, strong enough to break free from Buddhism's calculation and restraint in a short time, and in turn added a lot of trouble to Buddhism.

For this purpose, he directly took out a few gourd medicinal pills, and went through seven or seventy-nine days of refining in the Eight Diagrams furnace, but even so, the monkey's final performance was not satisfactory.

Luo Ya learned Li Er’s Taiqing alchemy, and learned various alchemy methods from the gold medals of good fortune. It can be said that today’s alchemy, even if it is due to the problem of cultivation level, slightly loses Li Er, but it does not lose. How many.

He himself thought about all the possibilities, calculated to swallow the pill to increase the limit and speed of his cultivation, but after calculating, he still couldn't reach the point of satisfaction in his heart.

Even if he didn't remember the consumption at all, he might be able to reach the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian with the forcible promotion of the pill in a hundred years.

Not to mention whether his own treasury can support his consumption like this, the side effects caused by swallowing and taking pills are not acceptable to him.

Such an increase in cultivation level will inevitably bring about the consequences of the foundation's vain foundation, and the vain foundation will inevitably lead to a significant reduction in combat power. What Roja wants is a strong combat power. If the combat power is reduced, he will also waste his own talent and not improve. Nothing.

The most important thing is that the medicine is three-point poison, even those elixir is no exception, the monk's body can discharge most of the harmful substances, but there is a long process in between.

If you really want to swallow like he planned, you won't get the poison or waste that is discharged, and after a long time, it is likely to pile up to prevent him from continuing to ascend.

Before the great elder improved Roja's strength, he was still worried about whether there would be any side effects, but after the promotion, this idea was directly thrown into his mind.

With the help of the Eight Gates of God’s Forbidden Technique, which is the ultimate development of the body, there is nothing wrong at all. All the improved combat power is inherent in his body, but has not yet been developed.

It is equivalent to saying that he only gained the strength he deserved first, so how could such an improvement have too much side effects?

Of course, the side effects are not at all absent. The first point is the mastery of strength, which is far less stable than before and requires a certain amount of time to adapt.

But this is not a problem at all for Roja. The gravity chamber that Dr. Breff is building in Bouma's house is for this.

And from the peak of Taiyi True Immortal, to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base, he had mastered seven or eighty eight when he violently beat the world king Shen Xin and Jiebite.

Although it's still not as handy as it was before, Haolai didn't mean to walk a path, and stepped on the ground with a big hole.

The power in Roya's body is boiling and rolling, and the old world king is not easy. He is old, and this helps others to improve his strength. It is indeed as expensive as he said, and now he is sweating.

On the side, Realm King Xin looked stupidly at the scene in front of him. This group of people's ways to increase their potential was originally unique to the Seventh Universe Realm King God, or the one passed down from generation to generation.

And several generations ago, this secret method was lost with a cosmic turmoil. Because of the continuous chaos and various accidents, the seventh universe has also become the second-to-last in combat power.

For Realm King Xin, whether the universe he manages is strong may only be a matter of face, but for himself, being able to stimulate potential and enhance strength is also an unparalleled temptation.

If the strength is sufficient, why should he swallow his breath and sit and watch the trio of Frieza and his son do the majesty in the universe. If the strength is strong, how can he stay in the realm of the realm king all day.

"Aaaaaa" was another language that was completely unintelligible. The sweat on the Old World King God's body became more turbulent, and his complexion turned blue.

Luo Ya has just broken through Da Luo Jinxian’s pather cultivation base, as if he’s on a rocket, and started to improve rapidly, Da Luo Jinxian mid-term, Da Luo Jinxian late, Da Luo Jinxian peak

The power of the bloodline is gushing and surging, and the power that has been accumulated has been fully utilized. The cultivation base of the practitioners actually faintly exceeds the cultivation base of the enlightened ones.

Only at this step, Luo Ya could clearly feel that the power emerging in his body had begun to decay, and the energy that the Old World King God spurred through that unknown secret technique had gradually become gentle.

This energy began to converge in his body, gradually blending into the flesh, bones, and internal organs, and the light on his body became more intense.

"This is to help me increase my potential." Luo Ya's expression was slightly pleased. Although his strength has already stopped the pace of improvement, the improvement of this potential is also a good thing for him.

The higher the potential, the higher the height that can be reached in the future, and the faster the speed of cultivation, just like a person with high potential and good talent, just in the early stage of cultivation, they can get rid of those poor people. Large intercept distance.

After the ceremony was completed, the old world king god collapsed and put down his arms, and fell directly to the ground, with a big mouthful of breath, and his face was exhausted.

And the world king gods Xin and Jiebite, who had recovered from the dullness and excitement at this time, quickly went up to support the old world king god..

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