One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1801: Finally obtain the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment

The soul-searching technique is inherently harmful to human spirits. If it is used improperly, it may directly turn people into fools. Since the creation of this technique, Roja has only used it a few times.

Although it is the Kuishui Yin Thunder, the Purple Fire, the Nether Ghost Fire, which can achieve the effect of annihilating the soul, they can also cause damage to Frieza.

Frieza's strength is far inferior to that of Majin Buu. If he burps accidentally, Roja will suffer a heavy loss.

Moreover, there is another point. In the memory of Majin Buu, there is the most original explanation of the Qi in the Dragon Ball world. Even among them, Roja also saw Dapla's understanding of Qi and the use of moves.

The memory of Majin Buu is very long, even as long as the universe was just created. This point also overturned some things from the side. For example, this guy was not created by Bibidi at all.

Bibidi knows whether he knows the method to awaken Majin Buu, nor does he know where he got the method to control Majin Buu, but this method is obviously not safe enough. Otherwise, in the original book, Bibidi’s son Babidi, Nor will it be killed by Majin Buu himself.

After a while, Majin Buu's struggle became weaker and weaker. Only after Roja forcibly destroyed a part of his memories and souls, he couldn't help shaking his whole body.

The Daluo Jinxian’s peak-level Dao Zhenmin is far from comparable to a guy like Majin Buu who doesn’t know what Divine Sense is. In less than a minute, all the memories of Majin Buu have been read by Roja. .

Except for the memories of some of the great realm kings and gods and other relatively kind people and Frieza's memories, other things have been directly destroyed by him.

With a satisfied smile on Roya's face, he let go of the hand holding Majin Buu's head. His gains this time have been great. Originally, he was planning to ask about the basic application and principles of Kamejinjin. Now No need at all.

Regardless of whether it was the former Great Realm King God, the Southern Realm King God, the Western Realm King God, or the Northern Realm King God, or the memory of Dapla, Frieza and others, he understood the Qi of this world. Transparent.

Relying on the things he has learned, he can definitely analyze some of the secrets of this world most intuitively, and these understandings are also enough to help him, learn from each other's strengths, and accommodate the advantages of Qi in his body.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating Demon Buu and obtaining the Shard of the Supreme Treasure Box."

Just at this time, the system's prompt sound came faintly, and Luo Ya's face was even more joyful. He called for a lot of time and spent a lot of effort. He finally obtained the first piece of the supreme treasure chest fragment.

There is nothing more surprising than getting the Shards of the Supreme Treasure Box. This time the Shards of the Supreme Treasure Box almost tells Luo Ya, let’s start arrogantly, this world has no opponents at all.

Daluo Jinxian's pather cultivation base, because the eight-door gods cultivating forbids this bug-like technique, he only needs to open the eight-door Dunjia formation, even in the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he dared to go up and fight.

As long as the Eight Gate Dunjia Array is not opened, there will be no risk of death after that. It is really impossible. With the cultivation base of the enlightened person and the innate Lingbao coming together, he will be sure to smash the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Calculated according to the general world's inference, the highest combat power is generally two poles higher than the combat power capable of exploding the fragments of the Supreme Treasure Box.

It's like a Chinese Ghost Story, Taiyi Sanxian can explode the pieces of the Supreme Treasure Box, but there are three-legged Wu Peng Wuhuan such a golden immortal level anomaly.

"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian." Luo Ya muttered, with a smile on his face. He had never tried to fight Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian with his physical cultivation skills.

Before being able to defeat Our Lady of the Golden Spirit very quickly, one was relying on a lot of innate spiritual treasures, and the other was because of the actual combat level of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

And now his strength lies here. It can be said that when he meets the Golden Spirit Mother again, he doesn't have to take any tricks, and crushes the girl in minutes, pressing the girl under her body and she can't resist.

Roja stood up with a smile on his face, looked at the frothy demon Buu, waved to untie the immortal rope on this guy, the stars in his eyes turned, staring at the position of Nafrisa, five fingers Cheng grabbed one of them out through Buu's body.

Frieza, who was wrapped up like a sarcoma in a puff of smoke, returned to his original size and fell to the ground on the side, still in a coma.

After thinking about it, Luo Ya flexed his claws and grabbed Dapla. If he remembers correctly, this guy seems to have lived in a similar place to hell. After his death, King Yama directly threw him to heaven.

To my delight, Dapura is like joining an MLM organization, and was abruptly brainwashed by a bunch of good people in heaven. The master of the good demon world actually wants to reform and re-behave.

Dapla turned into an ordinary human size, lying on the ground side by side with Frieza, a pair of difficult brothers, they didn’t look like they wanted to wake up at all. Seeing that, Roja knew that the soul-searching technique he had just done was still affected. The two of them, but the impact is not serious. If they die, they will be unconscious for a while.


Muscles were torn and the sound of bone dislocation sounded. After losing Frieza and Dapla 363, Majin Buu turned into a fat Buu, and his broken hands and feet gradually healed under the powerful recovery force.

Majin Buu is worthy of being Majin Buu, possessing the resilience, so perverted, he woke up quickly after being tossed by Roja like this.

"Um, I slept so well." Majin Buu stretched his waist with a happy smile on his face, muttered to himself, and his squinted eyes were full of contentment.

Gentle, kind, and sunshine-like breath emanating from Buu's body. This kind of change made Roya stunned, and Vegeta and Monkey King outside the formation were even more unbelievable. look.

Majin Buu actually has such a side

When the devil Buu appeared before, he could still talk. Although he was a little bit fierce, he was somewhat sane, but after absorbing Frieza and Dapla, he became like a beast, completely devoid of sorrow. .

Not only can he talk now, it actually seems to make people feel like a spring breeze. The difference between before and after is really unacceptable to Monkey King and Vegeta.

"Sure enough, it's the same as I thought." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and said in his heart. He deliberately left a pure and kind memory before, hoping that Buu could be used by him. Now it seems that the goal has been achieved more than half. ..

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