One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1808: Everyone Out

Different from the original work, in the original work, because of the lack of basic strength, Monkey King’s transformation has a time limit, but now, without violent consumption, the time he and Vegeta’s transformation can last is almost equal to Is infinite.

However, it is obvious that even Vegeta's strength has caught up with the late Monkey King because of the bottleneck of the True Immortal Period, but at this time, he turned into a Super Saiyan, and the two have moved a little apart.

Although this gap is not very obvious, in the eyes of Luoya, Subhuti and Zhenyuanzi, the qualifications of the two have already been judged.

The Turtle Immortal and the others also gathered together in the fun. They had also seen Frieza's transformation, and were full of curiosity about this bloodline that could become another appearance.

"This is the Super Saiyan" Vegeta clenched a fist. The original Super Saiyan was Frieza's extremely jealous existence, and he could also feel the power of this state.

But Frieza's bloodline is also very extraordinary. After so long of training, his strength has soared a lot. Although he has transformed into a Super Saiyan, he is still somewhat invincible.

Although Frieza in the formation can't come out, he can see the appearance of Sun 197 Wukong and Vegeta transforming. Their faces are full of fear and a little bit of terror in their eyes.

The legendary Super Saiyan is definitely an existence that can completely eliminate him. Although the aura of the two is not as good as him, but based on the speed of their previous progress, they may soon surpass him.

"This is the state of Super Saiyan's first tier. After that, there will be super two, super three, and even higher, but you have to experience it yourself."

Roja spoke and said to Monkey King and Vegeta. Transforming Super One and Transforming Super Second Super Third have the same principles. As long as the two of them pass their combat power and reach the limit of their current state, there will be Opportunity breakthrough.

"There are higher levels" Vegeta is the prince of Saiyans, but he is completely unclear about the transformation of Super Saiyans, let alone Super 2 and Super 3 afterwards.

Monkey King looked excited. With such blood, he could pursue stronger power and stronger opponents. For Wu Chi, the temptation is selfless.

"In order to live longer, practice hard, otherwise you will be killed soon." Roja turned his head and said to Frieza, only letting Frieza's hair stand upside down.

No one wants to die, even though death is known to be an almost irreversible ending, anyone facing this situation will probably want to live longer.

Subudi bluntly said that he had picked up the leak, and he kept stimulating Zhen Yuanzi. The Zhen Yuanzi on the side was aggrieved, flung his sleeves, and went back to start practicing directly. The apprentice lost a lot. He obviously wanted to take advantage of his own. Regain face on the cultivation base.

"It's almost time, we should go out." Luo Ya looked at the Guixianren and the others on the side. The Shushan Budokan opened, there must be people from the town.

Although only eight hours have passed since the outside time, nearly four months have passed since this spiritual time house, and the progress of Kelin, Tianjin Fan and others has been considerable.

That is to say, dumplings, because of their superior spiritual power, the path of the cultivation and enlightenment, although there are all kinds of cultivation resources, it is still slower than others.

The path of an enlightened person pays attention to comprehension, and the early cultivation is destined to not be as fast as the practitioner. This has nothing to do with qualifications, but only because of the way and method of cultivation.

Guixianren, the little old man, has an unfailing mind in martial arts. Although his body is no longer at his peak because of his age, this old man hides extremely deeply, and his basic combat effectiveness is much higher than that of Tianjin Fan and others. Pathways in the mid-period.

And Tianjin Fan and Kelin have also stepped into the door of cultivation, and become the trailblazers of the late stage or peak of the Concentration Realm. In terms of combat power, there is no bdch opponent on the earth today.

After admonishing Monkey King to continue working hard, Roja led the crowd out of the Spiritual Time House. Unlike when they entered, when everyone came out, both the gods and Bobo almost freaked out.

The Dove occupying the magpie’s nest has been waiting for the Great Realm King and Jiebit in the Temple of Heaven, and they are also full of surprises. For them, it is just a night. Those who enter the spiritual time house have exposed spirits. God is completely different.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the Turtle Immortal today is hardly weaker than Frieza's subordinates, and even surpasses them. Tianjin Fan and Kelin have also undergone world-wide changes.

Outside the Temple of Heaven, the sky gradually brightened, and the newly born morning sun slowly appeared on the horizon. Look at the time. Now it’s only six in the morning. It was more than an hour early.

"Xidu, Buma's house." Luo Ya said to the Realm King God who had been standing by Hou Ming, and now the Realm King God who was willing to be a horse with all his heart nodded his head in a hurry.

A few people directly landed at the door of Bouma's house, urging the ability to move instantaneously. Today, Bouma's house locked the door tightly, but there was still a loud noise from outside.

Luo Ya slightly released some divine thoughts, and directly enveloped them in a radius of more than ten miles. Seeing this crowded scene, a smile appeared on his face.

News reporters, entertainment reporters, and even martial arts reporters unique to Dragon Ball World, all kinds of media, armed with long guns and short cannons, surrounded the gate of the martial arts hall he built, and the water was impenetrable.

If it weren't for yesterday's departure, the formation was laid here to prevent others from entering at will, I am afraid these reporters would have rushed into the martial arts hall by this time.

In addition to all kinds of reporters, people from all walks of life who wanted to apprentice also caused the surrounding traffic to get stuck in a jam. As the news spread, one after another, many people have heard the news.

Of course, more people are still on the road. Although the technology here is relatively advanced, there are various aircraft and vehicles, but with the power of mortals, it will take a long time to come here.

In addition, there are more than a dozen small camps wearing uniform martial arts uniforms outside the gate. It can be seen that these people must have come to choose places.

Now that Luo Ya and others are not on the stage, the reporter's guns and guns are all aimed at these people, clicking and clicking non-stop.

"A group of fighting five scum." Luo Ya muttered, with a disdainful expression on his face. Ordinary people, that is, single-digit to tens-digit combat power, except for one or two combat powers. Those who are in their early 100s, the others are just a little bit more energetic than ordinary people..

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