One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 184: Go to the Isle of Thunder

There was silence for a long time, seeming to be weighing the pros and cons of the whole thing. The phone worm of c0 had long exposed the news that Lei Qiang Lucian was in Punk Hassad.It is not a special surprise that the other party proposed such a condition. Although the artificial devil fruit is still a technology that is completely unknown whether it is feasible, the value is almost immeasurable.


In the end, a positive answer came from the phone worm, which is more important than the success of a technique that cannot be studied.Moreover, the most important person for research, Begapunk, is still in the hands of the world government. Without this person, it is extremely difficult for the other party to continue the experiment.

"It will appear in front of you in a few days."


After speaking, Luo Ya hung up the phone worm in his hand, and Wu Lao Xing's answer had indirectly indicated that Vegapunk was not here.Otherwise, the status of this kind of talent is not inferior to the ability of the fruit of the operation. The knowledge that has been advanced for 500 years can almost represent that the world government has no worries for 500 years, and they cannot agree to this condition.

Glancing at the self-satisfied vulture, Roja has appeared behind him with the movement of thunder.

"Don't be a dog for the Navy in your next life."

The golden desert eagle issued a heavy gunshot, and under the tremendous power, the vulture, who thought it had saved its life and was not at all guarded, was knocked out of its head, and the body fell to the ground feebly.

Almost a major-general-level combat power, Roja would not put it back to the world government to retain strength, a shot collapsed simply and quickly, saving trouble later.

The inferior copy card was lightly patted on the surgical fruit that was red as blood and looked like a heart. The exact same fruit appeared on the side of the original surgical fruit.

"The inferior quality copy card was successfully used and the fruit of the operation was incomplete."

The incomplete surgical fruit has the same appearance as the surgical fruit, but can only use the simplest scalpel ability, has no development potential, and is also afraid of sea water and sea stones.

Not bad.

This effect proves that this is indeed the fruit of surgery. On the other hand, it will not benefit the five old stars at all. I am afraid that the fool who can eat the fruit of surgery has no talent for using the fruit of surgery. Solve it

Stepping out of the central laboratory, staring at the researcher who was swaying in front of him, Roja looked at Violet on the side.

"There are no spies or spies, they are all ordinary researchers. Here are all assistants, who are only responsible for data collection and experiment preparation, and record detailed records. The one over there is a guy named Bergapunk. Assistant, it seems that he has made great achievements in the development of civilian technology."

Although he was extremely upset with Roja, Violet truthfully reported the information that Gingguo had seen to him. After all, it was already a grasshopper on a rope, and it was both pros and cons.

"It's pretty useful for civilian use."

Luo Ya took the leading scientist into the research center with great interest, and Violet followed behind him. After asking in detail for a long time, he figured out the details of this guy.

The assistant of this Begapunk assistant is named Anne LeBlanc. Begapunk, who has a poor research on devil fruits, is tens of thousands of miles away. I am afraid that even Caesar can't match it. The only specialty is civilian technology.

But for Roja, who has a genius scientist who has researched pure gold, the ability of this guy does not seem so important.

But the next few messages made Roya frowned.

Caesar was stealing Begapunk’s research results privately several years ago, and has been working with Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, as well as the killed Crescent Hunter.This incident has just been discovered not long ago, and Caesar has become a wanted criminal. Now he lives in the sphere of influence of the Bi Pirates to continue his research.

In other words, Auntie and Kaido have already obtained this technology, and it’s not good news earlier than themselves. Kaido’s goal is to create a pirate group composed of pure animal fruit abilities. Once they After researching it out, I'm afraid the power under his command will double.

Ask for flowers

It seems that the pace of the plan must be accelerated

The phone worm called to Dresrosa, and the sledgehammer led a construction team of thousands of people and Miszinaassie to Punk Hassad and began to build on the island.Luo Ya continued to take the ladder and hurried to the next island.

Thor Island

In the original book, Smogg pursued the Straw Hat Pirates, serving as a temporary resting place, and understated the magical island that was taken.

There are thunders and lightnings every night, and countless thunders fall from the air. The ground of the island is full of pits and craters. There are still people living on the island with such a bad environment, and there are a lot of people.

In the very center of the island, stands proudly a huge tree several hundred meters high. The whole body is pitch black. From time to time, a faint black light emerges from the epidermis. There are luxuriant branches. There is this small lightning mark on the black leaves. It is the existence of the weird big tree with this thunder tree that allows the indigenous people of this town to survive.

The thunder tree has the instinct to absorb lightning. The lightnings that fall from the sky are absorbed into the branches, but they are not scorched or destroyed. It is like these thunder and lightnings are the nutrients of this thunder tree. Under the tree trunk, there is a radius of more than ten miles, because the shelter of the thunder tree has not been destroyed in any way, and the aborigines live here.

It took another half a day to reach Thunder Island. At this time, the sky was completely dark, but countless falling thunders shining blue and white light kept falling from the sky, shining here like daylight.

With a little brother wearing a rubber anti-electric suit, Luo Ya took the lead and walked towards the island. Just stepping on the ground of the island, there was a kind of restlessness in the fruit of the gods in his body, and he also had a bad feeling in his heart.

Click bang bang bang bang

Repeated lightning strikes struck Roya's body, standing there blankly without responding, and the lightning was already present in an instant..

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