One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1929: Defeat Li Er

"Come as you say, leave as you say, do you think Shushan is your home?" Luo Ya sneered, Li Er's retreat, in his opinion, was completely worthless.

Among these people, Zhunti, Xiyin, Li Er, Yuanshi, and Tongtian, it can be said that Li Er is the most threatening.

Zhunti and receiving are bound by Buddhism, and Buddhism will always be thought of at any time, and Yuanshi and Tongtian also have the same traditions.

There is only Li Er. He does not have a clear inheritance of Taoism, but his Taoism has been circulated in Taoism. Whether it is elucidating or intercepting teaching, there is more or less his shadow left.

Human education is intangible, but it is also visible everywhere. This is why Li Er can gain such prestige among the saints. Such methods are far more sophisticated than the Buddhism and interpretation.

However, it is precisely because of this that Li Er has become the most worthless person in Luo Ya's heart. Although his prestige is high, it has nothing to do with the general trend. There are very few people below who can follow him.

"Friends of Daoist, now the victory or defeat is divided, so why be persistent." A thin layer of cold sweat rose behind Li Er. He really didn't know how powerful Luo Ya possessed was able to break the Zhuxian sword formation. Also solved the quasi-lifting and receiving so quickly.

The bottomlessness is the most apt description of Roja in Li Er's heart today, but no matter how strong Roja is, even the current strength displayed is no longer comparable to him.

The most important thing is that even if he retreats, Roja is not willing to give up. Li Er's back is sweating, and his eyes can't help but look at Yuanshi who is still facing the enemy.

It’s just that Yuanshi’s current situation is not much better than Li Er. Zhen Yuanzi went to help Subhuti after a few words with Luo Ya. Now Yuanshi is pressed by the two and can only passively defend, and the defeat is only sooner or later. thing.

"I'll take a pee on your head and tell you that it will dry as soon as the wind blows, and you can't do it." Luo Ya has a sneer on his face, the stars in his eyes are moving, and his hands are already slowly accumulating energy. .

"Friends of Taoism, that vulgar thing is not something I cultivator should do, how can it be compared with the situation at this time." Li Er took a small step back, his face was full of guard, heaven and earth mysterious yellow Linglong pagoda He has been urged to the extreme.

"Nimado, nonsense, it's like how noble you are." Luo Ya's feet moved violently, and the space was stepped on with an explosion, and he went straight towards the mysterious yellow and exquisite pagoda that day.

He just watched for a long while, this Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda has extremely strong defenses and extremely strong heavenly virtues, which makes the defense power that was already at the top level more perfect.

The rain cover lowered by the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is extremely heavy. Luo Ya guessed that this level of defense, even in the face of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, although it cannot break the formation, it can still resist one or two.

Of course, this indispensable first defensive treasure of heaven is not perfect. Its only flaw is the spire of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

The Innate Treasure itself should be the strongest defensive place, but the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is different from other spirit treasures. This spirit treasure obviously uses all its power to defend the user itself.

From the top of the tower, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda itself can see that its power is gradually weakening. This kind of thing is invisible to others, but under the Zhoutian starry sky, there is nothing to hide.

As long as the spire of the tower is broken, the defenses of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda will collapse, but for ordinary people, the spire is hard to break.

Cang Ming cut all things

With a low cry in his heart, Loya's blade pointed directly at the spire of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. Li Er's expression was startled, and he didn't understand how the other party could know the flaws of his spirit treasure, whether it was an accidental coincidence or it was really seen through.

Naturally, he knew very well about his Lingbao flaws. He had a crutches in his hand, and he shot upwards without hesitation. Luo Ya's Zui corner evoked a sneer, and the blade turned slightly and slashed on the crutches. The force smashed it out.

With a flash of figure, Luo Ya did not wait for Li Er to react, prompting him to disappear in front of Li Er, holding the smashed crutches in his hand.

The crutches struggled endlessly, and the power of Lingbao trembled endlessly. On the Cangming Catastrophe Sword, the light of the catastrophe gushed out, directly wrapping the crutches and assimilating them.

"You are your magic weapon" Li Er was about to split his eyes, sensing that the connection between himself and Lingbao became weaker, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Ask for flowers

"Didn't they tell you?" Luo Ya had a smile on his face, in the state of the Azure Catastrophe Sword, the speed of Zan Po Sword swallowing the Lingbao was shocking, and it was integrated into the blade in a short time.

Although it will take about half a time for the incense to be completely integrated, Li Er now has lost his most handy crutches.

With his feet moving, Luo Ya turned into thousands of phantoms, too fast to capture, with the Cangming Catastrophe Sword in his hand, continuously hacking towards the spire of Li Er Tian Di Xuan Huang Linglong Pagoda.

Although Li Er tried his best to avoid him, but how fast he could pass Luo Ya, Tai Chi figured out, and wanted to envelop the opponent, but he was always avoided by the slightest difference.


In the continuous huge vibrations, cold sweat fell on Li's ears, and with a crisp sound, the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, the strongest defense treasure between heaven and earth, was officially broken.

Li Er didn't care about anything else, and blocked the Innate Treasure Tai Chi Tu in front of him. At this time, regardless of the Innate Treasure, his own defense power is not outstanding, and the most important thing is to save his life.

Luo Ya frowned, and after looking at it for 33 days, his figure disappeared instantly, and he appeared behind Li Er again. The light of the Cangming Catastrophe Knife in his hand cut Li Er in half.

"Ah" Li heard a hoarse cry in his ears, and his five qi rushed around. The upper body and the lower body were separated, but there was no tendency to heal at all, making him a deep panic in his eyes.

Turning his hand to grab a handful of pills, Li Er was about to stuff it into his mouth, but Luo Ya's hand flashed with the knife, and Li Er's right hand was broken at the wrist.

A beam of precious light flew, and the three dazzling rings of heaven, earth and people directly engulfed Li Er's separated upper and lower body, and Nuwa raised an eyebrow at Luo Ya proudly. Compared to controlling others, Nuwa's Lingbao was indeed very convenient.

"Is it because there is still a magic spell that can transform three clears" Luo Ya did not hear the system prompt for a long while, frowned, and muttered in his heart, and the Nuwa on the side undoubtedly heard these words and waved his sleeves. Seven heavenly swords flew straight..

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