One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 193: The arrival of Kaido

But, guy Kaido, is there really only one person here? Will there be any conspiracy?

Will the navy pop up when it is at war with Kaido?

In short, it's better to be more careful now that Kaido knows the news, it is impossible for the aunt to not know where a thunder was buried, and just wait for herself to step on it.

If someone ransacked the nest, it would really be a beeping dog. Fortunately, the two guys on Zuowu should be useful.

Since the furry Principality was returned to Roja, it seems that the country has developed quite well after the reforms. The two did not join the Thunderstorm Pirates, nor left, and they fought every day in the Whale Forest.It’s a lot of fun to play one day at a time, and it's clear that no one wants to kill anyone. "Three Eight Seven" is to fight.

Like the lord, a one-on-one or a lieutenant-general who finds the weakness of his nose, if he gets in, he will probably kneel.However, if the high-end combat power is allowed to hold it back, the sour and refreshing power can definitely play a miraculous effect on larger occasions, just like the little Oz during the war.

So in the end, Roja chose to let Zou continue to wait for news in the center of the site.If there is a situation, go to support, even if the aunt comes at the same time, I believe it will be able to withstand a period of time.

"Notify the two guys on Zou, pay close attention to the next move, and rush to support as soon as there is a situation, and gather six cadres, immediately set off to Punk Hassad, and I will take the first step."

"Yes, boss"

After receiving Loya's order, Nightmare hurried out and started contacting everyone with a phone worm. At this time, efficiency was the most important thing.

After finishing the nightmare, Roja turned into a thunder light and rushed towards Punk Hassad. Although the forces under his command had already begun to take shape, the intelligence system had just been established.

With the abilities of those intelligence personnel, the ghost knew how far Kaido had gone when he got the news, and whether he was about to reach Punk Hassad soon.

Thunder light flew quickly in the air, and all the islands under the violent thunder disaster had all entered the highest level of alert state. At the beginning, all the information of the Punk Hassad Institute was backed up under Roja’s instruction, just in case. After sorting and storing a copy of Zuowu, this is the only good news now.

Regarding such things as powerful forces invade, Roja has simulated countless times in his mind, and even specially asked the pirates of the cadres to conduct collective exercises, but at this time, the tension still lingers.

On Luofeinan Island, Lederfield just got the news that Kaido wanted to invade Roja. After all, he was an old fritters that had been mixed in the New World for so many years, and he also took over the remnants left by the Golden Lion. The masses, the ability to gather intelligence is faintly higher than that of the Pirates of Furious Thunder Disaster.

Because of the friction with Bi almost every day recently, his heart has the same premonition as Luo Ya, I am afraid that the old woman Charlotte Lingling will not stand by.

From the morning before yesterday, he had already felt that the strength of the bi pirate group’s attack was much weaker. At that time, he only felt that the old woman was tired of this kind of friction between you and me, or he was ready to give up. Either it was brewing to give him a ruthless note.

I'm afraid it's still a bit strange now

"It seems to be a good opportunity. I don't know if Mr. Lu Xi'an can stick to it. Come here."


"Pass my order and gather all the staff"


The little brother in charge of the transmission did not dare to ask more and walked out. The corner of Lederfield's mouth behind him smiled. If he guessed wrong, then it is very likely that there will be a hard battle next. If he guessed right, there will be no one in the new world. Can shake one's own position

Can rush to Punk Hassad, Roja looked at the new members of the Pirate Group and the undamaged base who were transferring the research results in an orderly manner and heaved a sigh of relief. As long as they arrive early, the problem is not too serious

Vientiane Thunder Cloud

Standing in the sky, Roja supported the sky with one hand, and the light of thunder scattered above his palms, creating thunderclouds as best as he could, preparing for the coming crisis.

There are not many opportunities to prepare in advance. With the advantage of the home battle, as long as there is a certain amount of time to control the position of the battle, then the loss can be minimized, and the position of the tripod in the new world can be determined at once. Dare to provoke someone again.

Members on the ground of the research base saw the thunderclouds flashing in the sky and cheered loudly. They had just received the news of an enemy attack. Everyone was at risk. After all, it was the highest-level strategic alarm. The panic in the heart was hard to suppress.

Luo Ya's alarm levels are divided into three levels. The lowest level three alarms are rarely activated. Last time, a captain offered a reward of more than 400 million pirates.Under the alarm, the third team leader Sledgehammer Nadrehaimen personally came to defeat the opponent and directly took off the opponent's captain's head.

The second-level alarm has never happened, and this time, the unprecedented first-level alarm is turned on, and everyone knows that this situation is definitely not ordinary people.

As the backbone of the entire site, Thunder Gun Lucian's prestige is not just to talk about it, this is almost a legendary man, which has changed the talk of countless people on the sea.

A large number of thunderclouds are continuously generated at 55, and the scope is rapidly expanding. It has covered the entire punk Hassad in less than ten minutes, and is still expanding outward.

Last time I played Fujitora, I only saved less than two minutes, and this time for such a long time, Luo Ya dared to say that Baibeard would kneel down and call his father when he came.

While thinking about it, Roja already felt a strong sense of crisis approaching on the sea. Obviously, the extremely fast speed could not be a ship, and Kaido was running on the sea.

A thunder step blasted at an unprecedented speed. This step that integrated the high-level skills of the world of death easily harnessed the power of lightning and brought the speed of light to the fullest.

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