One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1945: Zhao Gongming and Ran Lan

If we meet in private, there is nothing wrong with this way of greeting, but combined with Ao Cunxin's questioning, this attitude has a big problem.

Yuetu calls Chang'e as her sister. There is no problem. She usually calls it that way. After all, the relationship between the two is there. This silly girl has no concept of occasion at all.

And Ao Cunxin's way of greeting, from the perspective of normal heaven, is the relationship between the upper and lower levels to show intimacy. On the side, her name is also because she can't figure out the relationship between Chang'e and Luo Ya.

If Chang'e has nothing to do with Luo Ya, at this time, you should make clear your identity. This way of greeting should be that the Taiyin Yuanjun Chang'e has met Ao Tianjun.

Chang'e’s attitude is really ambiguous in response to her sister’s words. Isn’t this telling Ao Cunxin that she is one of their sisters?

"Sixty Three Zero"

Luo Ya held her forehead with her hand, and she didn’t understand what Chang'e thought. Damn, I just finished pinching your neck with the first hand, but the second hand will make your attitude ambiguous.

"Sister Chang'e and Sister Yuetu are responsible for the reunion of the world alone, and the separation of the world by the other, but the saying that the moon is cloudy and sunny is missing."

When Ao Cunxin heard Chang'e's reply, she secretly gave Luo Ya a roll of eyes. She did not doubt the authenticity of this statement. Based on the principle of her sisters, the relationship must be harmonious, she led the topic elsewhere.

"Sister Cunxin, Chang'e has lived in the deep palace for a long time, but I don't know how to do this job. I also ask my sister for advice." A trace of unnaturalness flashed on Chang'e's cold face, and she instantly suppressed it and asked Ao Cunxin.

"I'm also new to things here. I don't understand very much. If we go to find Nezha together, he is very familiar with the operation of the heavenly court." Ao Cunxin took Chang'e's hand and raised his steps to the place where the Guardian was originally. Away.

With such a harmonious scene, Luo Ya almost smashed his head on the golden table and jade table in front of him. The girl Chang'e obviously didn't play cards secretly, and Ao Cunxin did not accidentally completely misunderstand.

"Madan, it's delivered." Luo Ya thought for a moment with his forehead, feeling a toothache. It stands to reason that it was delivered to the door, don't want it for nothing, but Chang'e's experience and current performance really made him a little confused. .

After completing the arrangements for the heavenly court, everyone has been constantly exploring and familiar with the new three-realm management system and methods. Luo Ya worked hard to reduce the division of various departments and streamline the division of duties in the heavenly court as much as possible.

The simple division of labor brought about faster adaptation and operation of all parts, and it didn't take long for everyone to handle everything in the heavens in an orderly manner.

However, Roja used the power of the source to make a big move to move the heaven above the nine heavens to the eighth heaven.

The Heavenly Court is above the Nine Heavens, and of course it has many benefits, gathering energy and condensing the sky, but the peculiar rules of one day above the nine heavens and one year underground are really scratching their heads.

Originally, the power of the origin was able to forcibly reverse the rules in the middle, but Luo Ya thought about it and chose to move the heaven.

After dealing with the necessary affairs, Luo Ya handed over the power of Heavenly Court to Ao Cunxin and the others, Sayazi ran away directly, the Emperor of Heaven was not good enough, and there were really many things to deal with every day.

Although he delegated power to the six heavenly officials several times, everyone had to ask his opinion on everything in order to highlight his heavenly emperor's authority.

Decentralization is not enough, Roja naturally can only run away. He has done enough in Hokage World to deal with affairs every day.

With nothing to do, Luo Ya, who returned to Shushan, was about to break through the barriers of the world, summoning Tsunade and others, and the communication jade in his arms shook easily.

This communication jade slip was later refined by him, which can realize multi-party information transmission. It is similar to the texting of the previous life. The only flaw is probably that it cannot make calls.

"Made, I've run away, can you please don't contact me if there is nothing serious." Luo Ya muttered dissatisfiedly, and when he heard the vibration frequency of Yujian, he knew that it was not sent by Ao Cunxin and other girls. .

Ran Deng and Zhao Gongming have been arrested, teacher, how to deal with Sun Wukong

The message sent by Sun Wukong made Luo Ya raise his eyebrows, and secretly called this fighting frenzy that he was really restless for a moment. He had just become a general of the Ministry of War, so he was going to catch a lot of people with a high risk factor.

Burning Lantern is also among the newly-built Heavenly Courts to hunt down because of his body's magnificent purple energy, and he is one of the best in cultivation. Sun Wukong, a fighting mad, must first choose the strongest one.

Luo Ya frowned. It was really difficult to decide how to deal with these two people. In essence, burning the lamp did not cause much loss to Shushan.

That is, before, two bugs were sent to monitor the mountain of Shu, so that Luo Ya was very uneasy, and he was very aggrieved after a long time.

And Zhao Gongming, this product is the most owed and poor character. He said badly more than once. At that time, he was angry and said that he would cramp and peel this product. But now his identity is different. Moreover, he just became the Emperor of Heaven. Peeling cramps

Such a harsh behavior is the same as a demonstration, and it is unsightly. Those who have just surrendered may still think that they are living under high pressure.

"If you light the lamp, you will get away from Hongmeng Ziqi and imprison your cultivation base. He will squat for ten thousand years in the Tiangong jail, and send people to recite Buddhist scriptures to him every morning, Taoism in the afternoon, and hundreds of schools of miscellaneous studies in the evening. "

Roya thought for a while, and directly responded to Burning Lan's handling opinions. This guy dared to send someone to annoy him, but now he makes people go back. As for thousands of years, no matter what Burning Lan looks like, it won't hurt you.

Sun Wukong was able to catch him once, twice, and three times. If he didn't change well, he would be treated as a disciple after he was released.twenty four

"Zhao Gongming, abolish the position of the God of Wealth, and enter the Six Paths of Reincarnation forever and not embark on the path of immortality." Luo Ya suddenly remembered his little apprentice, the Bone Spirit, and then let go of Zhao Gongming's thoughts and disappeared.

This guy pitted the three sisters miserably. Yunxiao died under Qilin Cliff, and died again tragically when he was reincarnated. Bixiao and Qiongxiao also lived lonely in the heaven.

Fortunately, now that the White Bone Essence Yunxiao has become his own sect, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao have also surrendered to the Ministry of Rites, which is a good ending, but the apprentice's hatred, as a master, can be reported naturally.

"Your little junior sister Bai Yunxiao, when you look back, remember to let her recognize Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao." Luo Ya thought for a while and ordered Sun Wukong to say that Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao still don't know the whereabouts of Yunxiao..

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