One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1958: S-level wizards gather!

When Naz and Gray were complaining, Roja brought Mebis and Aquiya to the downstairs, and saw everyone hiding in the tavern, and he was stunned.

"I said, why didn't I see a figure upstairs? It turns out that everyone is hiding here."

Mebis couldn't help rolling his eyes, these guys were really speechless.

"First Generation"

"First Generation Adult"

"President Mebis"

These guys, seeing the appearance of Mebis, got up and said hello in fright. Although Mebis looked like a little girl, everyone knew that this was the first president who had lived for hundreds of years.

Not to mention, behind Lord Mebis, there is an unfathomable Lord Roja.

"Master Mebis, it was President Makarov who asked the big "Two Two Three" family to go to the basement to avoid the limelight." Milaj smiled embarrassedly and explained that everyone was hiding here. the reason.

"Oh, in fact, you don't need to worry at all, I'm here." Mebis waved his hand indifferently, even if Roja wasn't here, her strength alone would be enough to deal with any situation.

Not to mention that there is another Roja here. With him, Fairy Tail is the strongest fortress on the continent, not one of them.

"I said, you guys, why are you hiding here"

Just as Mebis’s voice fell, two people came out from the stairs, one of them was a big blond man, the other was wearing a veil, and he couldn’t see his appearance. The appearance of these two people aroused all the members’ feelings. note.

"It's Laxus and Mistgang"

I don't know who exclaimed.

Seeing Lucy’s puzzled eyes, Gray shrugged helplessly, and explained in a low voice, "You don’t know, these two guys are the strongest candidates for Fairy Tail, and they are of the same level as Elisa. Grade Sorcerer."

"Yes, doesn't it look like it's amazing." Lucy nodded, seeming to be talking to herself.At this moment, Miraj next to her laughed. She said, "Elisa, Laxus, and Mistgang, in Fairy Tail, besides the uncle, the strongest person next to the president is. ."

"It's not right, right, and me?" Naz suddenly became unhappy when he heard Miraj say this. He slapped the table and yelled at the two guys, "Hey Laxus, Mistergang, you guys Two who will fight with me"

When Naz said this, Gray pouted disdainfully. Although he was proud, he would not be as unaware as Naz.

"Haha, you are not qualified to challenge me" Laxus heard this, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, he burst into laughter, making no secret of his contempt.

"Asshole, you dare to look down on me and let you taste my flames"

Naz suddenly became angry. She rolled up her sleeves and was about to go up to do it, but Elsa pulled her back. She slapped Naz on the head and said angrily, "Fool, now is not the time for a duel."

"What the hell is this?"

Mistergang sat down and asked impatiently.He was going to perform an S-level mission with Laxus, and suddenly received news that the Magic Council was going to jointly fight against Fairy Tail, so scared that they quickly put down their work and rushed back to support.

Hearing what Mistergang said, Elsa and the others immediately felt warm in their hearts, and they rushed to explain, and quickly explained everything that happened the day before yesterday.

"The Magic Council guys are getting more and more assholes, but" Mistgang frowned after listening, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, but he seemed to want to say something, after taking a look at Roja, In the end, he did not say anything.

"Huh, this is too messy." Laxus is not like Mistgang. He didn't hide his inner thoughts. He glanced at Roja and said, "It's you guy who beat the group of people away."

He still maintained his usual arrogant style, without the slightest respect in his tone.However, Roja was not angry and shrugged noncommittal.

"You guy is really troublesome, knowing that the Magic Council is not easy to provoke, you want to offend it, and you don't care about the overall situation at all." Laxus gave Roja a vicious look and kept accusing him, "Do you know How much trouble has Fairy Tail caused by your impulse?"

"Laxus, it's not intentional to have enough Loya." Elisa saw Laxus reprimanding Roya without hesitation. She was so frightened that she was in a cold sweat and quickly spoke to stop him, but at this time Laxus did not pay attention To the honorific name of Roja in her tone, she still babbled and criticized

"Hmph, you feel that you can do it recklessly because of the protection of Lord Mebis. Binaz has no brains." Laxas found Roja and Mebis were very close, thinking this guy was Mebe Si didn't know where to find distant relatives or disciples, so he did not hesitate.

"Hey Laxus, how can you say that"

Naz lay innocently, his entire face stretched out.

"Hmph, did I say something wrong? You haven't seen it before. You don’t know how terrifying the Ten Great Sages are. If there is no president and Mebis, we can kill them with one hand. I waited, I can't stop the powerhouse of that level at all"

"This time the Magic Council sent eight holy wizards and united the major guilds. How could Fairy Tail be able to withstand it, let alone the dark guilds who are ready to move? These are all thanks to you, kid"

The more Laxus talked about it, the more angry he got. He didn't want to have this guild destroyed before he became the president.

Luo Ya glanced at him lightly, expressionless.44

"Asshole, did you hear me speak, do you think who you are is your strength, it's not enough to stuff my teeth, let alone want to resist the holy wizard, asshole" Laxas saw Luo Yayi With a calm face, he suddenly felt that he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus swooping down.

The furious Laxus wanted to beat him fiercely, and slapped his hands forward, and there was a dense array of small lightning balls, piercing and piercing electric lights flashing, flooding Roja's side overwhelmingly.

Luo Ya sighed helplessly. No matter which world he is in, there is always a lack of eyesight like Laxus. He slowly stretched out a hand and waved it towards the void, and a blue-violet thunder appeared. .

"Look carefully, what is the real thunder and lightning."

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