One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1967: Four Elements

"You two rubbish, what do you think of me?"

The iron dragon Gajru was blue with anger. He is the "Iron Dragon Slayer", known as "the strongest man in the ruler of ghosts". He was actually looked down upon by these two little ghosts. This feeling made He was very upset, and an unknown anger suddenly rose in his heart.

The anger made him unable to remain calm, and a powerful wave of magic was released on his body. All of a sudden, steel-like scales appeared on his arm, which seemed to be filled with incomparable strength. He rose into the sky and slammed into the sky with a punch. people.

His fist was extremely violent, and his fist had not yet arrived. The fierce fist wind had already shook Naz and Gray back by half a step, enough to see how terrifying his punch was.Suddenly Naz and Gray were facing enemies.

"Modeling Magic, Ice Shield"

Gray put his hands in front of Hungarian, and the magic in his body was madly urged. The ice shield was half built, but Naz suddenly kicked him.

"Don't stop me, let me come"

Naz, this guy, at this juncture, still thinking about competing with Gajru, he kicked Gray out with a single kick. Gray was so angry that he was about to rush up, but he was caught in front of him in a tuxedo. The man stopped.

"Little devil, as a gentleman, your opponent is me, Ouhouhou"

Sol, one of the four elements, stood in front of Gray, half-covered his mouth and let out a terrible laugh, but his strength was so strong that even Gray did not dare to care.

On the other side, the impatient Naz and the furious Gajru have already fought together. The fierce battle between the two sides, the confrontation of the two dragon-killing magics, the destructive power displayed is terrifying, and people can't help but feel the scalp. hemp.

"Trash, go to hell"

Jahjiru was already angry. He wanted to kill this little devil, so he dared to look down upon him. This is a proud nature and he could not tolerate it anyway. An iron dragon steel-toothed sword appeared in his hand. The pitch-black iron teeth exude cold light.

"Iron Dragon Sword"

This move is an extremely cruel move in Jajiru’s Iron Dragon Slayer Magic. He usually saw the enemy in half by rotating the iron teeth with the steel-toothed sword in his hand, and often died in his hands. All the corpses were separated and bloody, which was one of the reasons why he was frightening.

If he is facing Naz some time ago this time, perhaps he can still be fully crushed in strength, but Naz, who has been working hard during this period of time, has not been reborn, at least he is much stronger. Facing this chilling steel-toothed sword, he directly covered the flames on his fists as a defensive method, and actually blocked the steel-toothed sword.


Gajiru looked a little ugly when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that this inconspicuous trash could actually block his steel-toothed sword. While he was shocked, he became more angry.

"I want you to die"

Fairy Tail was attacked by the enemy. As a member of the guild, Lucy, although she was a little scared, stood up without hesitation this time. Just as she was about to summon the Protoss to fight, a woman with an umbrella appeared. In front of her.

"you are"

Lucy was like an enemy, she could feel that the seductive-looking woman holding an umbrella in front of her didn't seem to be as simple as it seemed on the surface, especially when it was drizzling beside her.

"You are Miss Lucy Hatfilia, right"

Jubia looked at her.

"Why do you know my name?" Lucy was shocked. She thought it was strange that she was just an unknown person in Fairy Tail. How could she say her name?

"There is no need to ask, Jubia will take you back." Jubia covered his mouth and said softly.

"Take it back you are a ghost"

Lucy's face changed. She had just reacted, but before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a soft magic enveloping herself like a giant water ball, and she couldn't move inside.

"This will complete the task, it's really easy."

Jubia took Lucy wrapped in a water polo, with an umbrella in one hand, smiled slightly, turned and left.

"Joseph bastard, get out of the old man"

At this time, Makarov also took the initiative to come out to fight, although he knew that the guild had the killer's skill left by the adult, but he was not willing to expose it until the end, this time he simply stood up.

Anyway, the Magic Council was offended, and he didn't have to worry about the two guilds breaking the rules when they started a war.

Ask for flowers

At this time Makarov had become a giant, with a body as high as four or five feet, like a small hill, every step of it caused the ground to shake, as if the world was shaking.

In front of Makarov, there was a hexagonal monster, the building of the entire Spectre Guild, and a laugh came from inside, and then a black figure fell to the ground lightly like a ghost.

"Makarov, you still haven't changed." Joseph Bola looked at Makarov who had turned into a giant in front of him, his eyes flashed thoughtfully, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Hmph, Joseph, when did my Fairy Tail offend you? Why did I want to attack you like this?" Makarov said angrily. He was looking at Joseph's face as the Ten Great Sages, otherwise he would have ignored it. Everything is out.

"Hahaha, the aggressive attack is just easy." Joseph Bola laughed unscrupulously.

Seeing him like this, Makarov suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

"you guess"

A sly light flashed in Joseph Bola's eyes.

This scene suddenly made Makarov even more uneasy. In order to dream of the night, he directly attacked, his huge body moved forward, waving those two pairs of big fists and smashing it forward.


Joseph Bora snorted coldly. He blocked Makarov's attack with dark magic, but Makarov's power was too great, and the remaining power of the attack could shock him by several meters, but none of these It's important.


A smile appeared at the corner of Joseph Bola's mouth, as if something had succeeded. When his voice fell, suddenly a figure flashed out.

"Oh, it's so sad"

The appearance of Aliya immediately made Makarov's uneasy premonition even stronger. In Makarov's shocked eyes, he slowly used the airspace "destroy" magic, and directly took all Makarov's magic power away. .

If Roja was there, he would be familiar with this scene. This is exactly the trajectory of the monster tail world, but what happened next was very different..

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