One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1970: Go to the Tower of Paradise

Due to the sudden appearance of "Mebis", the defeat of Joseph Paula and his ghost guild, the reputation of Fairy Tail once again shook the mainland. The dark guild that had been eyeing Fairy Tail seemed to be shocked. It disappeared.

Even the allied forces of the magic council and the major guilds that had been so powerful to conquer Fairy Tail seemed to have no action, leaving a small impact on the thunder and rain.

The tension facing Fairy Tail seemed to ease a lot.

After the war, Fairy Tail rebuilt the collapsed building at its own expense. Residents who fled from the town returned one after another, making the town once again restored to its former noisy and prosperous.

Even later, those peripheral members who had left the guild seemed to have seen the power of Fairy Tail and returned.

This series of changes, of course, made Makarov, the president, so happy that he smiled every day.Just adhering to Roja's simplification concept, Makarov refused all these peripheral members who had flew separately in the face of disaster.

"Fairy Tail doesn't need disloyal members."

This sentence almost became Makarov's mantra.Not only that, but in the later evaluation of new members, he also added many evaluation requirements, one of which is absolute loyalty.

"Hey, it seems I can't retire yet"

Sitting in the room, Makarov, who had originally planned to lead him, gave up this idea abruptly due to the series of changes that had taken place.Anyway, the first generation will definitely not take over the guild anymore. Before he finds a suitable candidate, his retirement can only be a beautiful fantasy.

"Next, where are we going"

Sitting on the flying magic weapon, Mebis asked Roja.

Roya smiled slightly when he heard the words. He glanced at Elisa and said, "Take you to a place and have a good time."

Hearing the play, the eyes of the women suddenly lit up. It seemed that they hadn't had enough of the vacation on the beach during this time. They looked at Loya with expectation and couldn't wait to ask.

"Where is it"

"I look forward to it."

"It's not like I went to the beach."

The women babbled. When Karna mentioned the beach, the expressions of the women were a little resisted. There was no way. They stayed at the beach for a whole week, even if they were covered with sunscreen every day. The skin tone is more or less dark.

For women who are born to love beauty, the seaside now has a shadow on them.

"A place called the Tower of Paradise."

Roja smiled mysteriously.


"The Tower of Paradise sounds like an amusement park."

"Paradise, Tower"

The women were a little curious when they heard this.Only Elisa seemed to think of something, her face changed and she became pale, and she seemed to be stunned.

"Elisa, what's wrong with you"

Feeling Elisa's changes, the women asked with concern.After this time of getting along, these women have long become best friends. They are not only close, but also often unite to "bully" Roja.

"Is it really finished? The Tower of Paradise" Elisa's face became more and more ugly. She looked at Loya, hesitated for a moment, and said, "My lord, can you not go?"

Roja gave Elisa a thoughtful look. Of course he understood why Elisa had such a reaction. You know, the Tower of Paradise was her childhood nightmare. It became a shadow in her heart, and it was her. One of the reasons why always wear armor.

But this time in Paradise, he was determined to win.

Because the diamond treasure chest refreshed by the system is in that place.Although the diamond treasure chest is not of much interest to Roja now, he has long been used to opening the treasure chest along the way. Even the bronze treasure chest is unwilling to let him go. How could he refuse one? The diamond treasure chest.

What's more, if he wants Elisa to be his own woman, he has to help her get rid of the shadow in her heart.Moreover, there is also a Geral there, in short, this time he must take a trip.

"You will want to go, there are people you want to meet."

Roya smiled and patted her head, comforting.

"Although I don't know why Elisa is so worried, please don't worry, there won't be any problems with us." Mebis took a look at Roja, then hugged Elisa and comforted.

"That's right, Elisa, you must know that with Lord Mebis and Lord Roja, we are the safest no matter where we go." Milaj also comforted, she has become Roja's Woman, naturally help him speak.

The comfort of everyone warmed Elsa's heart. She looked at everyone with a touch of emotion. Although her eyes were slightly red, this strong woman did not let the tears stay. She said, "Thank you, everyone."

"This is too polite, we are a family."

Mebis said with a smile.


Elisa was quite moved at first, but after she glanced at Roja, she didn't know what she thought of, suddenly her face flushed and she shyly buried her head in Mebis's arms.

The tower of the paradise.

Roja's flying magic weapon is an acquired spirit treasure. Even though it has not exerted its full power in the Monster Tail world, the speed is still as fast as lightning in this small world, and soon everyone came to the destination.

Looking at the tower high into the clouds in front of them, the women felt curious.

At this time, Elisa explained, explaining to the unsuspecting women what this "Tower of Paradise" was.

"It's terrible, if it's really made, isn't this world dangerous?" After listening to this, Miraj patted her mouth with lingering fear.

The Tower of Paradise was an evil force attempting to create an R system to subvert the world, so many slaves were summoned. Elsa was one of them. As coolies, they were asked to build the Tower of Paradise.

During the captive period, Elisa and Geral decided to resist, but after the victory of the resistance, Geral became a cruel person.Strictly speaking, it should be that Geral was bewitched by Urrutia, the head of the seven purgatory family members of the "Devil's Heart".After that, he killed the cult cadres, drove Elisa out of the tower of the paradise, threatened her not to come back, and told the laborers that Elsa would abandon them, and logically left the laborers in the tower of the paradise to continue building.

When Elisa confessed to all of this, Roja had an expression that was so weak that money was so faint, as if she had already known the class.This could not help making Elisa very curious.

"Did you forget, Lord Roja doesn't belong to this world." At this moment, as if seeing the doubt in Elisa's heart, Mebis explained.

But it was okay for her not to explain. As soon as she explained it, Elisa was even more strange. She didn't belong to this world, and it was impossible to know. IQ was not what she was good at, which made her feel very confused.

"Because he is an omniscient and omnipotent god in the world of your latitude."

Mebis said with a smile, in fact, she can't say that she fully understands Roja, but in order for Elisa to figure it out and not explain it too hard, she directly gave this reason.

Although Roja felt a bit funny about Mebis’s statement, he did not deny that he would have become an existence beyond God according to the setting of Journey to the West. There is nothing wrong with what she said. .

"Go, let's go in and see your old friend."

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