One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1977: Undercurrent

The news of the destruction of the tower of the paradise is like a stone that caused a thousand waves of waves and ripples, causing huge waves in the dark guild, and even in some weaker dark guilds, it has caused panic.

Regarding the plan of the Paradise Tower, apart from the magic council getting a little wind, the regular guild is almost ignorant, so on the surface the world is still peaceful and stable, but hidden in the dark, there are various undercurrents.

Although the Tower of Paradise was a plan led by Gerald, in fact, he was bewitched by Ulutia, and Ulutia belonged to the heart of one of the three dark guilds. In other words, It seems that the tower of Paradise destroyed only Geral, but it actually concerns the entire Dark Guild.

"Master Hades, Geral could not be contacted, he was missing, only a guy with a square face was caught, what shall we do next" Ulutia looked at the tall figure in front of him and asked in a low voice.

After her voice fell, Hades slowly turned around, he glanced at Ulutia, his dark eyes flashed with magical light, and he pondered for a long time before he said "You are like this, look for the Magic Council"

He used magical sound transmission. After listening to Ulutia's face changed drastically, she took a deep breath, as if shocked by Hades's plan, she nodded after a long delay.


Hades' laughter echoed in the empty and dark hall.

Magic Council.

Ziklein was sitting in the room, opposite her, it was Ulutia who had just returned from the devil's heart.

"Next, what do you plan to do"

Ulutia looked at Zicrein, and she told the man who had happened to the devil's heart.

"Fairy Tail?" Zikelein's eyes were slightly condensed, staring out the window, he suddenly said, "You didn't tell me about my body, right?"

"Of course not." Ulutia gave him a white look and said without hesitation.

"That's good."

Ziklein nodded and fell silent for a moment.

He seemed to be thinking about something, Ulutia looked at him quietly without interrupting.After a long time, Qi Kelei turned his gaze back. He glanced at Ulutia and slowly said, "You, help me go to Fairy Tail for a trip."


Urutia was taken aback, looking at Qi Klein’s firm gaze, as if thoughtful, hesitated for a moment, nodded, and a charming smile appeared on his face, "It seems that I am the only one suitable to do this. That's it"

The two looked at each other and were silent.

Fairy Tail Guild.

Naz took the commissioned task and pulled Lucy and Gray to form a small team. Before leaving, he vowed to slap Roja to ensure that they could complete the task, which attracted the envy and contempt of Kana and others. After his eyes, he left the guild and started working.

These three unreliable guys, sure enough, after three days, they returned to the guild again.

"Lucy Nazgray"

"Why are you back?"

Miraj, Elsa and others looked at the three guys who were downcast in front of them with strange faces.

The contrast between the front and back was so big that it was a bit overwhelming. Three days ago, he made a vow, but after three days he came back with a disgraced face.You can guess even without asking, they must have not completed the task.

"Cut, it goes without saying, how can the task be completed with these three wastes"

Laxus sat on the second floor, mockingly and disdainfully.If he couldn't let go of his figure and compete with Naz, he would have wanted to take on this task. After all, it was a reward worth 50 million, but he was taken the first step by Naz before he thought about it. How could he feel comfortable? .

"Who said that?" Naz opened his mouth and wanted to deny it, but his eyes dimmed suddenly, and he said with a dissatisfaction, "Master Loya is also true, even the location is not clear, how could we find it?"

Everyone was stunned and looked at the three of them.

Lucy was speechless, she sighed and explained slowly.

It turned out that after Naz received the task, he hurriedly pulled her and Gray to do the task, but as soon as they left the town and got on the train, the fellow Naz fainted and he didn't specify the location. Lucy and the others had to ride all the way to the terminal station.

After getting out of the car, he finally waited for Naz to wake up, but the guy told them that he didn't know where the location was. Seeing Naz's serious appearance, Lucy and Gray couldn't help but beat him wildly. A meal.

Then he forced Naz back.

In the end, three days passed.


"It really is Naz"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly felt a group of crows flying over their heads, and their faces were covered with black lines.

"This way, can I really complete the task?"

Miraj looked at Naz with some worry. No matter how he looked at it, this guy was unreliable. Why would Lord Roja believe he could complete the task? Miraj felt very strange and puzzled.

"Bring it"

At this time, Kana looked like a big sister, she walked to Naz and stretched out her hand.

"Uh, what?" Naz was stunned, seemingly unresponsive.

"Task, give it to me, do you think you have the ability to complete it?" Kana rolled her eyes. She stood proudly in front of her with a variety of styles. The eyes of other men were straight, but Naz in front of her didn't understand. enjoy.

"What are you kidding?" Naz suddenly became anxious. What he hates most is being underestimated by others. He said angrily, "Kana, what are you kidding? How could Naz not be able to finish it?"

"Do you know how to find clues? Do you know about investigating Geral's information? Do you look through the book to find information?" Kana looked at him with contempt, "a guy who can only use brute force, trash"

Naz was called a trash. He was already anxious before he changed it. He had to roll up his sleeve and fight Kana. This time he was stunned. He seemed to be thinking, thinking carefully, Kana said. It seems to make sense.

"Look, you're speechless, don't you give it to the old lady." Kana looked down on him even more, with a scornful face.

Naz suddenly laughed. He patted Kana on the shoulder with a blank stare. He said, "Kana, you are right. I don't understand it, but I have a companion to understand. Right, Lucy"

"Ah, uh" Lucy was stunned, as if she hadn't figured out how to answer.

"Look, I can't do it alone, so I need a companion. Do you want to join us?" Naz waved his hand indifferently and said with a smile.


Karna looked at Naz and was speechless for a moment. She couldn't think of how Naz, who always wanted to fight with someone, became so friendly.

At this time, Roja, who was sitting in the tavern drinking, looked at Naz with admiration, took a sip of Jiuqu Xianzhu, shook his head, and chuckled, as if saying to himself, "This is Naz. ".

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