One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1979: Beauty Pageant

"Hmph, you are qualified." Tielong Gajiro glanced at him disdainfully, with a proud look, and did not put Naz in his eyes. In his opinion, what qualifications does a defeated general have to fight him?

"Hey, hey, don't underestimate people. I am now different from last time." Naz jumped up with anger. He thought it was because Jajru took iron to regain his strength last time. Otherwise, it must be He won, this time he was very determined.

Gajru seemed not interested, he put his hands on his chest, glanced coldly, and was silent.

"Quickly, come to a duel with me"

Naz kept yelling.

"It's so noisy"

Elisa kicked Naz into the air.


Everyone laughed happily.The joining of Jubia and Gajiro did not arouse everyone's resistance, especially Jubia, who quickly integrated into the fairy tail family.

Everyone was laughing and joking, but no one noticed that Lucy was alone in the corner, with a bitter face.

"Lucy, what's wrong with you"

Hobby looked at Lucy with an unhappy look, and said with concern.

"Hey, there is no income without a job. I will pay the rent next month, so annoying." Lucy looked sad. She was upset at the thought of paying 70,000 j in rent next month. Even though Naz has taken over the task of offering a reward of 50 million, it is impossible to finish it so quickly.

"Well, maybe I have a way." Hobby thought for a while and said.

"What can you do"

Lucy's eyes lit up, and she hugged Hobbit up and looked at him expectantly.

"Look," Hobby took out a weekly magazine and said triumphantly, "Next week will be the harvest festival. A beauty contest will be held at that time. It is said that the prize money for the first place is as high as 500,000 j. If Lucy goes to participate , Maybe there is a chance."

"beauty pageant"

Lucy was stunned and reacted quickly. She jumped up with joy, and said triumphantly, "Sure enough, it suits me. Hobby has a vision. This kind of job suits me best, ha Haha"

At the end, she laughed disregarding her image. When she thought of getting a bonus of 500,000 j, her eyes flashed, but the rent for more than half a year was gone, and finally there was no need to worry.

Kana, who was drinking at the side of "500,000 j", seemed to hear the conversation between Lucy and Hobby, put down the jar in her hand, thought about it, smiled and said to herself, "500,000 is enough for a lot of wine. Right."

"Very good, I decided to participate"

Kana stood up and said firmly.

"You" Lucy glanced at the corner of her mouth. She was a little overwhelmed just now. She didn't expect that there were people next to her. Although she was confident of her body and beauty, one more person would make a rival.

Soon, news about the beauty contest spread throughout the town, and it also caused a sensation in the Fairy Tail Guild. In recent times, no matter where you go, you can always hear various discussions.

"Have you heard that next week is the beauty contest."

"Of course, I also know that Miraj also participated."

"Cut, what's the matter? Elisa, the fairy queen, also participated."

"What, you said, the first generation of Mebis also participated."

No matter where you go, you can always hear the men discussing excitedly.Whenever she heard one more name, Lucy's mouth always curled involuntarily. She suddenly felt that 500,000 j seemed to be getting farther and farther away from her.

Especially when she heard that Mebis was also going to participate, she felt even more of a missed prize.

"That's a first-generation adult. No one should dare to offend her. What's the point of such a beauty contest, hey" Lucy was worried. If it was Miraj, Elisa and others, she still had a chance. Compete on the same stage, but if it is the first generation of Mebis.

How dare she steal the limelight from Mebis

Soon, Lucy found out that she was wrong because she received the latest news. For the sake of fairness, the beauty pageant specially invited Roja and President Makarov as judges, regardless of who they are.

The news rekindled a little hope for Lucy.

"My lord, what clothes do you think Mebis should wear to participate in?" Mebis hugged Roja's neck with both hands and exhaled.

Roja smiled, kissed her lightly on her forehead, patted her shoulder, and smiled, "You look good in everything you wear."

Mebis blinked his eyes, seeming to be satisfied with Roja's answer. She glanced at Aquiya, thought of something, and said, "By the way, Aquiya, you also come to participate."

"Forget it." Akuiya was stunned. Although she became a human being, she was accustomed to the lonely character, and it was still difficult to accept this group atmosphere. Whenever everyone had a good time, she Always hiding behind him secretly.

"That's right, if you also come to participate in Aquiya, it will be very exciting this time, maybe the champion is you." Mebis jumped off Roja, took Aquia's hand, and persuaded .

"I don't seem to be able to" Akuiya hesitated, she seemed to be a little moved, but she still felt a little embarrassed.

"My lord also hopes that you will participate." Mebis winked 443 at Roya, taking the opportunity to pull Roya into the water.

Akiya seemed to be a little surprised. She glanced at Luo Ya and found that he really nodded, his face flushed, and a sentence of "stinky hooligan" was broken.

"Great, if Aquiya participates, I have to dress up carefully."

Mebis was very happy. For her, it didn’t matter what she was named. The reason why she wanted to participate was that she was active and wanted to join in the fun. Of course, there was also the nature of a woman. After all, any woman had fantasized about herself. Dressed in full costumes to show off on the highly anticipated stage.

"Let's go, let's go shopping for clothes now."

Mebis pulled Aquiya into the street, leaving Roya alone.

Luo Ya just hugged left and right, and was suddenly dumped by these two girls. He shook his head with a wry smile, and was about to turn back to the tavern, but Milaj came to him with a shy face.

"What happened to Miraj"

Since having a love relationship that time, Milaj has already regarded herself as Luo Ya's woman, but her character is relatively shy, and she always blushes involuntarily every time she sees Luo Ya.

"My lord, I bought a dress, you can help me see it, okay"

Miraj hesitated, blushing, lowering his head, and said timidly..

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