One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1981: Uninvited Guest?

After Makarov's reassurance, the scene was quite quiet. Amidst the sound of the waves, there was a crisp and melodious low voice, and a woman was sitting on a cluster of waves as high as several feet.

To be precise, it was a mermaid.


She was walking in the waves, letting the wind and the waves be raging, she still played her flute melodiously, as beautiful as a fairy, and everyone was stunned.

The audience was silent, so quiet that only the sound of breathing could be heard. In the many shocking gazes, Aquiya was getting closer and closer to the beach as the waves rolled. She gently moved the three thousand green silks, which was so beautiful. Out of dust.

"What a nice view"

At this moment, everyone was stunned, regardless of gender.Aquiya is like a fairy from the sea. She does not eat the fireworks in the world, which makes people daunting. She can only stand in the distance and watch and appreciate.

"Is it a mermaid?"

Lucy was stunned at the backstage. She suddenly felt that the performances she had prepared seemed nothing better than Aquiya. Her performance was too shocking, perfect, almost impeccable.

What's more, Aquiya itself is so beautiful.

"It's so beautiful" Makarov was shocked and muttered to himself. Surprisingly, he didn't have that nasty thought this time. His eyes were clear. It seemed that Aquiya was so beautiful that he didn't think about it. The meaning of appreciation.

Roja nodded with satisfaction. Most of the contestants had solicited Roja’s opinion in advance, and it was more perfect after getting suggestions and amendments. However, Aquiya was an exception. She never asked Roja from start to finish, but she used her own Performance, conquered everyone.

It is no exaggeration to say that if there is no better performance next, this time the champion is none other than Aquiya.

"Too shocking, this is the best performance I have ever seen." Although Aquiya left the stage, everyone was still in a sluggish state. After a long time, the host Marcus returned to the stage and he took a deep breath. , It seems to have just recovered from the shocking performance, "Next, let us ask for the third choice"

Before Marcus finished speaking, a voice suddenly appeared on the court.

"It looks very interesting, I don't know if anyone can participate"

In an enchanting and cold voice, a woman slowly appeared on the stage, with a typical melon-seed face, delicate and pretty, with black long hair hanging down like a waterfall, and a goose yellow belt standing on the waist of the white dress, cleverly making the bumps. The figure shows off.

"What, you are"

Marcus was stunned, he hadn't recognized the identity of the woman.

"Who is this woman?"

"We Fairy Tail don't seem to have this person, right"

"What is she doing here?"

The audience in the audience saw a strange face and questioned. Most of them didn't know the woman. They suddenly thought that the other party might be messing up, and each of them looked bad and rebuked them.

"Hey, what are you doing? It's a beauty contest now, don't let outsiders make trouble."

"Hurry up and get Laozi down"

The audience in the audience was emotional, especially the male audience. They were watching, and they were suddenly interrupted by a woman who appeared from nowhere. How could they not be annoyed even though this woman looks pretty good, but they are watching Acting

"Sa, Sarudi"

Makarov's eyes widened. He recognized the woman's identity. He seemed to be a member of the council. The woman who often stayed with that Zike Lein became even more strange in his heart. How could this magic council suddenly send People are here

Although Fairy Tail and the council are froze, for the sake of old friends, Makarov still does not want to have a direct conflict with the council. He is still polite, and stands up with a smile and said, "Your Excellency Sarudi, I don’t know what Expensive"

"Does President Sarudi know this name?"

The audience was very surprised to hear Makarov was so polite to this woman. They hardly heard the name.

At this time Elisa explained in a low voice to everyone that this Sarudi was a member of the Magic Council. Members of Chikrein, who heard that it was the Magic Council, immediately became uncomfortable and scolded them.

"Who am I? It turned out to be a guy from the Magic Council. There is nothing good at first sight. Go away."

"That's right, go away, what is the Magic Council"

Since the last conflict with the council, many people have had no good impression of the council. This time when they heard that the opponent was from the magic council, almost no one gave a good face.

Ask for flowers

Sarudi smiled, as if she hadn't heard the ironic words, she opened her red lips slightly, and said with amorous feelings, "President Makarov, admiring the name for a long time, when I saw it today, it was indeed well-deserved."

With a compliment, Sarudi spoke again, and she explained, "Don’t get me wrong, they didn’t come here on behalf of the council this time. They just happened to be passing by. Come and join in the fun. President Marca will never mind, right?"

Her remarks both stated her position and explained her intentions. She was generous and decent. In addition, she had a thousand different styles. Even if she knew that it was not that simple, it still made people speechless and difficult to refuse.

"Uh, if that's the case, that's it." Makarov hesitated. He didn't know how to choose for a while, and looked at Roja, hoping that he could help to take notice.

Roja guessed Makarov's thoughts at a glance, and he looked up at Sarudi.

Others may not know, but Roja knows very well that this one is not "Sarudi". Her true identity is the wizard of "Demon Heart" of the Dark Guild, one of the Baram Alliance, and one of the seven families of Purgatory. first.It is Ulutia who used to pretend to be the undead of Jelf in the tower of the paradise, brainwashing Geral.

But she later pretended to be "Sarudi" and infiltrated the Magic Council with Geral.

For this woman, Roja has neither goodwill nor disgust. At first, she appeared as a villain, but afterwards, after Sirius, she changed her evil spirits and even used magic to save mankind and turned herself into a wife.

Roja was very interested to know what this woman wanted to do when she came here suddenly, but he knew very well that the tower of the paradise was destroyed, but Zicrein was still in the magic council.

Maybe you can find more clues just through Zickrein.

Thinking of this, Luo Ya smiled slightly and nodded.

Makarov immediately understood and greeted with a smile, "In that case, we welcome Miss Sarudi, and quickly arrange a seat for Miss Sarudi."

"No need, President Marca, they are here to participate in the competition."

Sarudi blinked pretendingly.

Makarov was stunned, and after getting Roja's consent, he agreed..

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