One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1983: The duel begins


"Master Loya"

Everyone was stunned. They didn't react, and felt very strange in their hearts. Why did Roja agree to such an unreasonable request by Laxus? The audience was hesitant to speak, but they didn't dare to ask questions.

"Master Loya, you are"

Makarov was startled, and he could not figure out what Roja meant.

"Sure enough, I knew that Lord Roja would also recognize this kind of game." Naz seemed to be the only person in the audience who understood. He felt that he had guessed Roja's idea and stood proudly. .

"what are you saying"

"Game Naz, are you just a game?"

"Do you know that it matters"

Most people disagreed with Naz's words, and there was a lot of rapture at the scene.

"Natz, I beg you, don't make trouble here, okay" Lucy begged. She really can't help this crazy Naz. This guy can't tell the situation at all, so he can only fight.

At this time, 13th Roja waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. He looked at Laxus seriously and said, "However, I'm very curious, you want to do this."

Laxus didn't even think about it, and stated the plan he had made long ago, "A one-on-one match in the ring. Everyone has only one chance. If they win, they will advance, and if they lose, they will be eliminated. It's simple and clear."

"Well, I'm already on fire, it really is a simple and clear rule"

Naz was the first to raise his hand in agreement.

"Naz, you"

Lucy and the others couldn't wait to knock this guy out with a hammer.

"It's not bad, but it's a little less to look at." Roja nodded, and he thought for a while, "Well, let's draw lots to determine the opponent, win the promotion, compete for the quarter-finals, and then the finals, I can give some reward."

In fact, the reason why Roja agreed to Laxus' proposal was mainly because he wanted to take the opportunity to improve the overall strength of the guild. It happened to take advantage of the opportunity to select some relatively good seeds and give them the opportunity to become stronger.

Of course, he was also very curious about what kind of heights these wizards could achieve after they had cultivated various natural treasures from the Journey to the West.

Especially Naz, he is looking forward to it.


"Excuse me, Lord Roja, yes, what reward is it?"

Everyone who was not interested in this before, almost all their eyes brightened when they heard that there was a reward, as if they saw a place of golden treasure, especially Lucy was suddenly excited.

Of course, there are some who think of a deeper level of faint worry.

"What kind of punishment will you have if you fail"

Someone asked weakly.

Roya heard the words, glanced at him, smiled slightly, and said, "Isn't failure itself the best punishment?"

His words made many people stunned at the same time. They lowered their heads and thought for a while. They seemed to make sense, and mumbled thoughtfully, "Failure is punishment? That's how it is."

"I see, Lord Roja, I want to participate"

Naz raised his hand enthusiastically again.

Only this time, no one refuted him anymore, even Lucy, who had been opposing him just now, lowered his head and thought silently.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, Mebis, who was still in the background, noticed something was wrong. He walked out and saw everyone bowing their heads in thought, thinking that something had happened, and quickly walked to Roja.

"The first generation of adults, this is the case, Laxus this kid proposed" Makarov explained with a wry smile. To be honest, he was opposed to it at first, but even Roja spoke up. He had to weigh and weigh it if he wanted to oppose it. .

"It turned out to be like this. I think it's great. This is indeed more meaningful than the beauty contest." Mebis stood on Roja's side unconditionally, and she said with a smile, not thinking it was a big deal.

"Old man, even the first generation adults agreed, you still have opinions." Laxas was even more proud after seeing Mebis's attitude. In the entire guild, except for Roja, there was only one Mebe. Now that these two support him, he feels that he is invincible.

"But, this"

Makarov was worried, but hesitated.

Seeing him like this, Roja guessed his worry and said with a smile, "Actually, this is just a game, not a duel of life and death, so everyone can't play dead hands. Once they find that they are lost, they can give in early. "

"As for the rewards you care about, I have some treasures of heaven and earth, each of which can increase the extremely strong cultivation base at least, as a reward for the top eight. Of course, there are some other rewards. Don’t worry. ."

After finishing speaking, Luo Ya's sleeve robe waved, and a bunch of heavenly materials and earth treasures appeared on the ground, exuding immortal aura, compelling aura, and full of fragrance in the garden.

"This is a ginseng fruit, and the user can enhance the magical cultivation base and prolong life for eight hundred years."

"This is a 10,000-year flat peach that can prolong life for three thousand years. It can be used as one of the championship rewards."

"This is the Nine Ranked Pill I refined. After taking it, it can increase your magical power by several times or even more."

"this is"

Luo Ya introduced the various treasures he had brought from Journey to the West like a few treasures. Everyone's eyes were straightened, especially the scented fragrance that made people drool.

"Thousand, Thousand Year Life"

"Good smell"

"I, I, I feel I am the champion"

These fairy tail natives, have never seen such a high-end treasure of heaven and earth, they were deeply shocked by the hand that Roja exposed, especially the various words that increase the cultivation base for thousands of years, which are even more incompatible. Ear to ear.

Increase magic power and life span

570 What concept is this.

For the Fairy Tail world, the life span of a normal person is only a few decades, and at most it is only a hundred years old.Except for the fire dragon in Naz, or the immortality like Jeff, no one can live for a thousand years.

Not to mention, there are still some treasures that can increase cultivation and strength.

Unless your aptitude is so bad that it can’t be worse, eating a ten thousand-year-old flat peach can completely become the strongest in the fairy tail world, the strongest surpassing Jeff, because you have a long life span.

One can have a lifespan of a thousand years. This temptation is in front of you. Who can refuse this temptation if not moved

Sarudi, who had been hiding in the crowd, was completely dumbfounded after seeing this scene. She suddenly felt like a soil bun, who had never seen anything.

"Okay, champion, I'm going to make it"

Naz's heart is not about the millennium life span, but the cultivation base. He swears to pat the Xuan, as if I am about to make a decision.

"This kind of thing, I must be indispensable"

Gray also stood up.

"Hey, there is really no way. For a thousand years, I seem to have to work hard."

Lucy waved her hand helplessly.

"I can't be absent from this kind of battle."

Elisa talked to herself..

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