One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1987: Gray, burst out

"The shape of ice, the wall of ice"

In front of Gray, a large amount of cold air spread, and a wall of ten meters high was quickly condensed. Although it looked crystal clear, it was astonishingly thick, almost half a meter thick.

Seeing that the magic light doll kills the cannon, it will blast Gray's whole person into scum. Just when this is imminent, and consumes a lot of magic power, Gray has created such a thickened version of the ice city wall.


There was a loud noise, deafening.The huge explosion stirred up smoke and dust in the sky, blocking people's sight, even the shadows of Gray and Bigoulos were blocked, and the sight was hazy.

After a long time, the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and the figures of Gray and Bigoulos reappeared in front of people.

On that huge and heavy ice city wall, there appeared a series of shocking cracks, "One Three Seven" looks like it may break apart at any time, enough to see the magic light doll killing cannon. How terrifying the power is.

A breeze blew past, and the ice wall seemed to have reached its limit, completely shattered, and ice slag shattered all over the floor.


"Even the killing cannon can block it, it's really Gray"

"It's surprising"

The audience exclaimed.

"It was actually blocked." Biguloth's face changed slightly. Although the ice wall in front of him was shattered, he still blocked it. I didn't expect this guy Gray to be able to withstand the magic light with so much damage. Doll kill all cannons.

This is one of his strongest attack methods.

"I said, it's not that easy to lose"

Gray panted loudly. The temporary ice wall just created consumed a lot of magic power in his body, and the spirit of the whole person seemed to become a lot weaker.

"Huh, you're not ashamed, do you still have the strength to fight now?" Bigoulos is an experienced veteran after all. He saw that Gray had reached the end of his crossbow, and he quietly breathed a sigh of relief. If Gray could build the ice wall just now, I am afraid that even he has nothing to do.

However, none of this exists anymore.

Gray's face was a bit ugly, but he still raised his head, his face was determined, his eyes seemed to say, he will never give up until the end

Jury seat.

"My lord, is this the potential you are talking about?" Mebis leaned over and asked in a low voice.

Roja kept staring at Gray on the stage, his dark and deep eyes seemed to have the power to penetrate everything. He was silent for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and said, "Maybe, this is not the case."

"That's not counted." Mebius was stunned. With her strength, Gray's true condition can be easily seen. The enhanced version of the ice wall just made, for Gray, has clearly reached its limit, and she feels very Is puzzled.

"It's not the end, so take a good look."

Roja smiled without explaining too much.

Mebis nodded, seemingly understanding, she paid close attention to the situation in the ring.

"It seems that I can only use my strongest move to make you understand the gap between you and me." Bigoulos saw that Gray did not admit defeat and was a little impatient. He decided to use that move completely. Solved this opponent.

"Better prepare, arrogant and ignorant kid"

Bigoulos knew that his attack was too powerful. He didn't want to accidentally kill Gray, so that he would be disqualified from the game because of violation of the rules. He kindly reminded him.


How could Gray, who is naturally arrogant, accept such a proposal? After a short rest, he recovered a bit of magic power, stood up again, and snorted proudly, but his nerves and body remained tight at this moment. The state is fully prepared.

"Baryon Formation"

An icy voice faintly came from Bigoulos' mouth, and within him, bursts of tyrannical magical energy, like an endless storm, running like an endless storm.

"What Bigoulos, are you crazy?"

"Stop it, Biguros"

"President, stop this guy"

The expressions of the audience suddenly changed, even the expressions of Elsa and others were a little pale.As the old members of Fairy Tail, they knew exactly how terrifying the power of this trick Biguros was.

Not to mention other people, even Elisa wanted to resist it with great difficulty.

Baryon formation

This is the strongest magic of Pigusro. There is no one. The doll is formed into a pentagonal shape and a powerful laser is emitted. The power is terrible. Perhaps the impact is not as intuitive as the magic puppet killing cannon, but the power is Not at the same level

Not to mention that Gray’s current consumption of magical power in his body is too huge, even in his heyday at the peak of his state, it is impossible for many people to take this trick.

"My lord, stop?"

Makarov stood up involuntarily. If he hadn't seen Roja's calm face, he might have rushed to save Gray back, he didn't want to lose any member.

Roja didn't speak, his eyes locked on Gray, waved his hand, and motioned Makarov not to worry.

"Grey, surrender, you will die"

The kind hobby was almost crying.

Naz rarely looked serious. He stared at Gray stubbornly. He didn't seem to hear the voices of people next to him. He muttered to himself "Come on, Gray, I believe you can"

"Don't admit defeat?" Bigoulos was about to be unable to suppress the violent forces. He planned to give Gray one last chance, but after seeing Gray's determined expression, he couldn't control it anymore. Then go to die"

At this time, Bigoulos, who was flooded with violent energy, became a little crazy, and a trace of blood appeared in his eyes, looking very hideous.

The pentagonal figure 28 trapped Gray, emitting a powerful laser at this moment.

"Then, fight for whoever is more powerful."

Gray roared hysterically, and on his shoulder, a huge snow cannon appeared, with a pitch-black deep hole, aimed at Biguros in front of him, which made people shudder inexplicably.

"Ice shape, ice and snow cannon"

The bright white light completely engulfed everything, engulfing Gray’s whole person, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. Even if I opened my eyes, I couldn’t see anything. The light became more and more dazzling, and finally it made people tears. Can't help but go down.

"Why do you still have strength"

At the moment when Bigoulos was engulfed by the light, he exclaimed unwillingly..

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