One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 1993: Fire Dragon King vs Steel Dragon!

In a shocking gaze, a figure wrapped in a scarlet flame slowly appeared on the arena. The flame was about three feet high, beating vigorously, and exuding a terrifying violent aura. .

That kind of flame gives people the feeling that they have enough to burn everything, and makes people feel palpitations for no reason.

"This, what kind of monster is this"

"My God, what is going on again"

"Is this the Naz I know?"

The audience exclaimed, and they looked at Naz in disbelief.Among them, some of the more qualified members watched Naz grow up under their noses from childhood to big, but at this moment they suddenly realized that Naz was so strange.

When did Naz possess such a powerful transformation magic

Many people were stunned. Suddenly, they found that they didn't seem to know Naz as much as they thought.

"This, this is a breakthrough after the limit"


Makarov stood up excitedly, and he could tell from his eyesight that this was Naz’s breakthrough after reaching the limit. It was another sublimation of Dragon Slayer Magic. Only then did he understand that it’s no wonder Roja has been Said that Naz has huge potential that has not been developed.

"Fire Dragon King Mode?"

Roja thoughtfully looked at the flame-wrapped figure in the field, and a faint smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. Of course he knew that this was not the real Fire Dragon King mode, but just like Gajiro, preliminary spying on the semi-finished products of the threshold. State is nothing.

But even so, it is full of expectations.After all, the Fire Dragon King is full of firepower, but he has the qualifications to play against Jeff.

"You also broke through"

Gajru was startled, and screamed, he felt a familiar and unfamiliar smell from the breath emanating from Naz, which was somewhat similar to his steel dragon mode, but the two power forms were completely different.

He was also shocked in his heart. You know, in order to develop the steel dragon model, he has studied for nearly half a month, and it gradually takes shape after continuous hard training, exploration and tempering every day.

But right now, this guy actually broke through to this kind of power in battle

"Hahahaha, I feel that I have infinite power, Gajru, come on, let's decide the victory or defeat." Naz couldn't help but laugh after feeling the abundant power all over his body.

He looks quite awe-inspiring now, the whole person is shrouded in flames, looking like a god of fire descending from the sky, no longer the previous embarrassment.

"Huh, even so, you are not my opponent." After a brief surprise, Gajru quickly recovered his composure. He knew very well that Naz is even stronger than him now, but there is a huge Defects.

When he first came into contact with this kind of power, Gajiro believed that Naz was absolutely unable to control it. In contrast, after many days of pondering and research, he was barely able to control this kind of power, so the battle between the two of them laughed. In the end, it must be yourself.

Thinking of this, Gajiro had confidence and was naturally not afraid.

"Come, come, fight for three hundred rounds"

Naz, who has always been militant, can't wait to try his power immediately after his strength suddenly strengthened. There is such a good opponent in front of him, how could he let him go.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist"

Naz swept forward, like a giant humanoid beast, burning hot flames all over his body, like a meteor falling from the sky rushing towards Gajru.

Gajru sneered coldly, as if he had expected it to be normal. His steel dragon mode was not only strong enough, but also faster than Naz by half a minute. When Naz rushed in, he turned slightly sideways. Just escaped Naz's attack.

"Yeah" Naz didn't seem to expect that Gajeru would play such a hand, and he rushed over his head accidentally, but when he realized it, it was too late to turn his head back, he couldn't control this powerful force. , "Ah, why is my body out of control"

In Naz's yelling, he looked like a train that was out of control. He hit the railing with one head, and was backed more than ten meters by the force of the enchantment before finally stabilizing his figure.

"Asshole, there is a decisive battle"

Naz was very disdainful of Jajiru's actions and said angrily.

But Gajru knew his advantage, how could he give up his advantage because of Naz's one or two words, he is not so stupid, Quan did not hear it, shrugged, and launched his first round of offensive. .

"Iron Dragon Sword"

Gajiro left a trail of afterimages behind him. In the blink of an eye, he came to Naz from a distance of tens of meters away, his right arm turned into a long sword and pierced Naz's shoulder.

Although the speed is not as good as Gajru, but Naz is a natural talent for fighting after all. He simply came to stay in place to respond to changes, and let Gajru pierce him with a sword, just watching When the iron sword was about to pierce his shoulder, he put his hands together and blocked the sword.


Jajiru snorted coldly, as if he didn't expect Naz to react so quickly. He wanted to withdraw the sword in his hand, but found that Naz seemed to be similar to him in terms of strength, and he couldn't get it back for a while.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be my attack." Naz laughed 273 triumphantly. He seemed to be very happy for his strategy. He laughed, the flame on his fist soared a few minutes, and he punched it.

The iron sword is a part of the body. Under this circumstance, if the iron sword is not pulled back, Gajru will be injured. He quickly responded. When he loosened his wrist, the iron sword melted into his arm suddenly melted. It became a stream of molten iron, flowing out of Naz's hand, and regrouping into his arm.

In this instant, Gajru's body had moved back for almost ten meters, just avoiding this round of Naz's attack.

"Huh, dare you to have a showdown with me"

Naz was not a fool. He knew that he could not control this power for the time being, and that he might make unstable mistakes at any time. While Gajru continued to back down, looking for opportunities, naturally he couldn't let the other party succeed.

Naz blindly forced Gajeru to fight head-on, because only in this way could he have a chance of victory.

Fortunately, this time, Naz's fierce fighting method seemed to have an effect, and Gajru actually stopped.

"Why not dare"

He stared at Naz coldly, his mouth curled up in disdain.


After Naz laughed, his face became cold, his eyes burned with frenzied fighting spirit, "Come on then".

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