One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1996: Undercurrent

The knockout round is over. Naz and Gajiro’s matchup ended with Naz’s tragic victory. This is the most tragic one since the start of the game. Both of them are described as losing both. It could not be better.

"Huh, it looks a little bit at last."

This is the evaluation given by Laxas after the game. You must know that this is the first sentence he said since the game. Although it still seems so arrogant and conceited, it can be seen indirectly. His recognition of Naz and Gajiro.

The quarterfinals will be held a week later. After all, the competition has been going on for so long. In order to allow players and spectators to have a good rest time, it can only be delayed a week later.

As a result, this week became a holiday.Many people have chosen to travel, even Gajiro has gone.

The crow's tail.

As a dark guild independent of the Baram Alliance, the crow's tail has always been an extremely mysterious guild. People only know that it exists, but they don't even know who the leader behind it is.

However, the strength of the crow's tail is extremely powerful in the dark guild, but it is so low-key that many people once found it very strange.

"President Ivan, the current situation is probably like this." Gajiro stood behind a man, as if he had just reported his intelligence.

"What about the game?" Ivan, the tail leader of the crow, flashed his eyes thoughtfully, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, "Where is Laxus now?"

Gajru was taken aback, looked up at him, and said, "He also participated in the game."

"Is it all right? Keep staring. Remember, even if you reveal your identity, you can't reveal my location." Ivan nodded, waved his hand, and signaled that Gajiro could leave.

Fairy Tail.

Makarov sat in the room, listening to Gajiro’s report, nodding from time to time, and finally he sighed, patted Gajiro’s shoulder, and said, "Very good, thank you."

"Huh, the crow's tail, sooner or later will cocoon itself"

Makarov turned and left.

General of the Six Demons.

Listening to the angel's report, the leader was silent. The guy was still sleeping at midnight, only Cobra was thinking hard.

"Are you sure it's civil strife"

"If this is the case, then our plan should be able to act, what do you think, leader"

After Cobra finished speaking, he turned to look at the leader.

The leader still didn't speak, as if he was still hesitating. At this moment, the angel next to him quietly leaned into his ear and didn't know what was said, making his face changed instantly.

"Okay, then execute it"

For some reason, the leader readily agreed.

The tower of the paradise.

The majestic buildings that rose into the sky not long ago, the lush green islands, have now sunk into the bottom of the sea, and there is only a blue ocean that looks a little empty.

Roya appeared here alone, standing above the void, looking at this area, pondering for a long time, his eyes sharp as a falcon, as if searching for something.

Soon after, Roja suddenly fell rapidly and sank to the bottom of the sea. After a few breaths, he came to a depth of more than 20,000 miles.

Here, it was pitch black everywhere, and you couldn't see your fingers, the sea was so cold that you couldn't help shivering because of the coldness.

At this depth, except for some aquatic plants, the occasionally moving objects are monsters with weird shapes. There are crimson crocodiles that are more than ten meters long, and there are monsters with double wings that look like tigers and leopards. fish.

Of course, you can occasionally see large whales, passing by in front of you.

However, these deep-sea fishes have a common feature. They did not see Roja at all, or that they did not feel the existence of Roja at all.

It was as if Luo Ya was transparent, even if he swam past in front of Luo Ya, he still didn't even look at it.

After swimming for more than ten nautical miles, on a deep-sea volcanic crater, a mysterious treasure chest appeared, emitting a faint light, attracting many fishes.

The strange thing is that these fishes dare not approach.

Roja discovered that beside this mysterious treasure chest, there was a sleeping snake, all blue and white, as thick as an ox, hovering out like a hill.

The breath emanating from this snake is extremely tyrannical. If it were changed to Journey to the West, its strength should be equivalent to that of a golden fairy.

Ask for flowers

This is a big monster, perhaps inconspicuous in the world of Journey to the West, but in this world of monster tail, it can already be regarded as an extremely tyrannical existence.

Roja walked over and picked up the mysterious treasure chest.

This big blue and white snake's perception seems to be extremely powerful, and it can actually sense the existence of Roja. It suddenly opened its eyes, and the cold eyes shot out cold light, and its tail slammed over.

The big blue and white snake opened its mouth and spit out a snake letter, it was a gust of wind, which seemed to be venomous while affecting the sea water, rushing in the direction of Loya.

Luo Ya just smiled. Although such a big snake is not bad in strength, he is really not interested in him. With a wave of his sleeves, he raised his palm, and the majestic power rushed out.

The highly poisonous seawater evaporated in an instant, forming a vacuum zone in front of Roja, isolating all attack methods.

At the moment Roja shot, the blue and white snake's pupils shrank, and it seemed to feel an extremely terrifying aura. The feeling of approaching death made it tremble in an instant, and a chill instantly enveloped his heart.

It wanted to escape, but it was too late. Under the impetus of the majestic immortal force, the huge mountain body was thrown out like a cannonball.

The big blue and white snake was shot and flew thousands of miles away, smashing into a huge rock, was alive and well in the first second, and was dying the next.

If it is not easy for Luo Ya Nian to cultivate in it, and to be able to cultivate to this level in this low-level magic plane, it is not just as simple as being in a coma, but directly blasted into scum.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for opening mystery insurance and obtaining an unknown mystery key."

After opening the mysterious treasure chest, Luo Ya was stunned. He remembered that he hadn't opened all kinds of deceptive items in the system for a while.

He hurriedly checked and found that the above attribute was such an unknown mysterious key, the specific origin is unknown; the function is unknown; seeing this, Luo Ya almost couldn't help losing the key.

What the hell is this?

Roja hadn't opened a bronze treasure chest recently, and hadn't been pitted by the system for too long, almost forgot what it was like to be pitted, he smiled bitterly and shook his head, preparing to return to the guild..

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