One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 200: This old lady is not four foolish

The navigators on the Bi Pirate Ship were obviously of average level, and they moved straight in the direction of the nations without hesitation.After all, he had spared such a long road, and no matter how ambush was, he also avoided.

Although there was a cloud of thunderstorm in the sky, it seemed that there was about to be a heavy rainstorm, but at the current speed of the ship, it seemed that it could definitely pass through before it came.

Commanding the grassroots brother on the ship to control the sails and steer them, and constantly calculate the distance to the nations, the proud navigator still believes in his own judgment.

Roya's mouth was floating in the air with a hint of sarcasm, and the aunt's aura was already felt in the sight.

Charlotte Lingling's abilities are indeed weird. If she has enough soul, even Kaido may not be able to beat her, but this guy is really useless except for soul fruit.

Although the fat and bloated figure gave her strength to be underestimated, the speed was also a line higher than the ordinary general, only a line.

The disgusting talent of the violent attack gave this old woman the potential to explode before the battle, but she didn't even know who her son was, and the weakness after the violent was enough for her to bear.

If the four emperors in the original 230 rated one of the strongest, then Shanks, Kaido, and White Beard are really hard to distinguish.Domineering, strength, and destructive power, each of the three has its own strengths. If you judge the weakest one, it is undoubtedly the aunt, and her ability is just weird.

Charlotte Lingling, who was sitting on the Pirate Ship, had a sense of unreliability in her heart for no reason. Powerful people of this level would have a certain sense of the coming danger.

"I want to eat puff tart"

The saliva from the corners of his mouth dripped on the deck involuntarily. The more it came to this time, the cruel and vicious nature of his nature was exposed. This sense of unreliability reminded him of the situation of the world. The strength of the old bat can really make him feel. Throbbing.

"Mom, I will be in all countries soon, please bear with me a little bit, soon, soon"

"I want to eat puff tart"


The eighth woman Charlotte Bulley originally saw that her aunt's expression was a little wrong, her face changed, and she was talking in her mouth, her figure retreated, and she pulled past a pirate group behind her.

The aunt opened her second sentence and stretched out her hand in the direction of Bu Lei, and the ability of the soul fruit in her hand had already appeared, and Bu Lei pushed her hand to her.

The pirate let out a scream, his body was aging visible to the naked eye, his pupils were wide open, fear had filled his heart, and even the emotions of hatred and anger were too scared to produce.

"Life Dim Sum Fifty Years"

Opening her mouth wide and swallowing the life she had spared, Charlotte Lingling ignored Bree, who had already retreated to the door of the cabin, and Tian licked her fingers as if she had just finished eating a delicious cake.

The pirate was left on the ground with the strength of his breath, his old and shriveled body, and sluggish eyes, I was afraid that he would have been able to live without a few years.

After eating the snack, the somewhat recovered aunt walked out of the cabin and looked up at the thunderclouds in the sky, with a burst of doubt.

Kaido, who fought single-handedly, failed, and now he could not decide where to hide to recover from his injuries. The information that Thundergun Lu Xian used thunderclouds to gather lightning hasn't reached her at all.

After watching Charlotte Lingling, who was in the unknown for a long time, saliva dripped from the corner of her mouth again. The chef who had heard the shouts brought up various desserts on board one after another.

Even when she is away from home, this old woman's boat will not lack dessert reserves and dessert chefs.

Seeing and hearing the information on the ship, Luo Ya really felt sick and panicked for this old bdai woman.When you look back, you must quickly find Shanks. He is not in the new world yet. He is waiting for the dishes, but the sauerkraut is also fermented right now.

As soon as Shanks came, there would be no worries about killing this old woman.At that time, it would be interesting to get Shanks into the rebellion team if you do something about it.Hey, most of the New World is his own.

As for now, let this old woman understand what fear is.

"One Million Volt Ray Kirin"

Connecting his hands to the thundercloud, his arms stretched out, and the roaring Lei Qilin emerged from the thundercloud, his appearance becoming more and more vivid.

Because of these several uses, some small flaws in the original moves have been completely improved.

The dark blue had a dark color, and there was no need to say hello. With one hand, Lei Qilin rushed towards Bi's pirate ship with a beast roar in the air.

Four hoofs like thunder, with a galloping arc, the huge body is almost larger than the entire ship

His complexion changed suddenly, and he instantly overturned the dining table with various desserts in front of him, and the power of the strong soul instantly formed a white mask to envelop the entire pirate ship.

"Oh, this old lady is so stupid that Kaido didn't dare to do this when he took the trick."

Roja stood high in the sky, looking at the power of the soul that envelops the entire ship, and really felt that in this woman's mind, apart from dessert, there was only a child.

When Kaido faced Lei Qilin, even though he suffered only a few skin injuries, the guy wrapped himself with abilities and armed color.Playing like Charlotte Lingling, it's not a matter of skin trauma at all.

The full man didn't know that the hungry man Roja was used to flying on the sea, so he could run without a boat.Kaido is also a ruthless man who can run around the world without a boat.

Charlotte Lingling can't keep up with Kaido's pace, and the fruit ability can't grow into wings. Even if Yuebu can last a long time at sea, the ghost knows how long it will take to go to the next island.

As a person with devil fruit ability, it is a death to fall into the sea, and protecting ships naturally becomes the first task.

Amid the huge roar, Lei Qilin hit Charlotte Lingling’s soul defensive cover, and the white defensive cover almost turned into substance. It can be seen that this old woman must have used all her strength at this time. Libizhi was not much worse than when he blocked the Seven Sect Emperor Jun..

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