One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 2001: Elisa vs Miraj

No one thought that when Luo Ya was mentioned, the Protoss King's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

The quick-minded Protoss King quickly realized that the girl who had been arguing with him before seemed to have something to do with the adult, especially after seeing that Roja did not deny it, he strengthened his mind.

The Star Spirit King's face turned cloudy in an instant, with a smile on his face, a smile on his face, and he said enthusiastically, "Of course, if Lord Luoya speaks, then this matter will naturally be no problem."

"Hey, Miss Lucy, are you right"

I have to say that this flattering look of the Star Spirit King really makes people feel a bit disgusting.But at this time Lucy would naturally not care about these, she cared about whether she could subdue Loki and become her own Protoss.

This is the most important thing

"Then you don't hurry up and let Rocky go"

Lucy is not stupid. When she saw that Roja hadn't expressed anything, it meant that he allowed himself to "take advantage of the situation" appropriately, and immediately made a stern face.

"Of course, of course." The Star Spirit King smiled, he was a little fat, and the flesh on his face trembled when he smiled. He stared at Loki coldly, and said coldly, "I don't want to thank Luoya. Your lord and Miss Lucy"

Loki didn't expect things to change so quickly. In desperation, he bowed deeply to Roja, and then thanked Lucy again.

"Well, Protoss King, if I accept Loki as a Protoss, you shouldn't refuse, right?" Lucy quickly said the main point.

At this time, the Protoss King who had planned to let Loki be spared, it was naturally impossible to offend Lucy because of this little thing. He waved his hand and said flatly, "Of course not, there can be a master like Miss Lucy, yes. The blessing of this kid Rocky."

Subsequently, under the witness of the Protoss King and nearly 100,000 spectators, Lucy and Loki signed a magic contract, and since then they have become the Protoss with a contractual relationship with Lucy.

The Protoss King waved his hand, and the power of the Protoss was endless, bathing in Loki, like the radiance of the golden sun.

"Well, I have cancelled Loki's exile, and he can freely enter and leave the astral world in the future."

The Star Spirit King said.Although this feeling of being persecuted was a bit uncomfortable, he didn't dare to violate it, and he wouldn't offend Lord Loya because of such trivial matters.

God knows if you provoke that unhappy, will you slap yourself in seconds?

Although it sounds absurd, the Protoss King believes that this is definitely something that is extremely likely to happen.In his cognition, people of this level generally have no good tempers.

Even, worrying that he accidentally offended Roja, the Protoss King deliberately ran over to apologize like Roja even after handling everything. In order to show respect, he specially invited Roja to play in his astral world.

Roja also felt helpless for the Protoss King, smiled and agreed, and then sent him away.To be honest, if Luo Ya did not agree, it is estimated that the Protoss King would be frightened and sleep insecure.

In the end, the first quarter-finals game ended with Loki's initiative to admit defeat, Lucy won, and finally succeeded in conquering Loki as his own Protoss.

Although there was no dazzling fierce fighting in the whole process, and there was no exciting plot to make people applaud, the sudden change of things still made many viewers stunned, and then they all witnessed the signing of a magic contract.

The next second game is even more eye-catching.Because of this, Elisa, known as the "fairy" queen, confronted the "Magic" Miraj after her strength was restored.

As the two strongest female members of the Fairy Tail Guild, the duel between them can be said to have attracted a lot of attention, and even many viewers made a special trip today to see the beauty of these two beautiful women.

The fame of the two of them, let alone Fairy Tail, even the national popularity has been high, almost everyone has heard of their names.

Especially in recent years, Elisa, due to Miraj’s retirement, took the lead, became the strongest woman in the guild, and was honored as the "fairy queen" by the outside world.

Not everyone can have this honor.

Ask for flowers

But the opponent she met today was the "Magic" Milaj who had made many magicians frightened and shivered.

You know, the title of Demon is not something that can be easily picked up. When receiving magic and awakening the soul of Satan, Miraj is even more powerful and almost invincible of the same order.

Long before she lost her magic power, Miraj was already an S-level wizard in the guild, but now she has recovered her magic power. Not only has she not regressed, but she feels that the whole person is full of energy and energetic.

"Okay, welcome everyone to the scene of our second round of competition, let us use the warmest applause to welcome the fairy queen Elsa Demon Mirage"

Marcus's passionate voice, in the entire empty hall, seemed to have echoes, it sounded very shocking.

Every time he pronounces a name, the audience in the audience will inevitably burst into thunderous applause and enthusiastic cheers. Who makes the fame of these two people so great?

"Audience friends, I don’t know if you guys are looking forward to this game as much as I do." Marcus saw that the backstage staff were still arranging some things, so he hurriedly eased the warm-up. Magic, I don’t know who can have the last laugh in the end."

"The duel between the fairy queen and the devil, who will get it?"

Marcus used his rich experience and ability to organize lines, skillfully delaying some time, and also very well mobilized the enthusiasm of the audience.

After his commentary, the audience could not wait and expect the two strongest women to play.

Amidst thunderous applause and one after another cheers, Elisa and Miraj went hand in hand and walked together until they separated on stage.

The relationship between them is a well-known thing, but they did not expect to become opponents in the game.

It’s just that they are very clear in their hearts that only by working hard can they show respect for each other.

Therefore, in this game, they will not be merciful.

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