One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 2005: Naz vs. Laxus

"Hold on, I'm coming"

Marcus's "abstention" in his mouth was almost yelled out, and suddenly it was stuck in his mouth abruptly.Because he saw that a red figure was rushing all the way, it was the fellow Naz, behind him, and followed Lucy, Gray and others.

"This stinky boy is finally here"

Seeing this scene, Makarov's frowning eyebrows finally eased. He looked at the figure of Naz running wildly, slowly showing a faint smile on his face.

Naz ran all the way, and there were more than a dozen battles away from the ring. He suddenly jumped and fell on the ring lightly. His face was full of excitement. He looked at Laxus and said excitedly, "Great Now, this time the opponent is actually you, Laxus"

"Hmph, do you dare to come"

Laxus sneered, eyes full of contempt.

At this time, Lucy, who was following Naz, ran over breathlessly and explained the reason to the host. When she learned that Naz did not participate in the game in time, it was because she overslept, and the audience was suddenly covered. There was no sound.

"This can also overslept with 380"


Almost everyone's face has an extremely speechless expression.No one can imagine that this guy can be so nervous.You know, this is the quarterfinals, let alone his opponent is Laxus

Change to other people, who is not serious about preparing, trying to adjust to the peak, dare to face a powerful enemy like Laxus

This guy's heart is too big, right?

Different from others, when he learned the reason for Naz’s lateness, Laxus’s face was completely gloomy, and there was a flash of sullenness on his face. He was annoyed. This guy actually looked down on him so much.

If it is said that Naz was late for other reasons, it was because of the reason that he overslept. Doesn’t it mean that Naz didn’t put Laxus in his eyes or how could he sleep peacefully?

"Hmph, you are too conceited, Naz" Laxas looked gloomy, looked at Naz, and sneered. "It seems that I haven't taught you a lesson for too long."

"Pretty" Naz was stunned. He didn't seem to understand what Laxus meant, but he couldn't care too much. When he thought that his opponent was Laxus, he felt as if he was beaten up. "Come on. , Duel, Laxus, I am already on fire"


Laxus snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

At this time, Marcus saw that the players on both sides of the game were in position. In addition to the wasted too much time just now, he quickly announced the start of the game. He first quit the ring far away, standing on the periphery, and staying away. Yuan, for fear of being accidentally injured, he retreated to a distance he thought was safe, then paused, picked up the microphone and announced, "Okay, in that case, I will announce the last quarter of the quarterfinals, start."

After speaking, Marcus ran away like a snake. He was very clear about the tempers of these two players, based on their strength and character. If he got too close, he would be careful. There is a real possibility of being injured by mistake.

The battle is about to start.

With the impatient Naz, there will never be a cold match in the game. Almost at the same time as Marcus spoke, Naz could not wait to rush up, and his whole body was lit up with a crimson flame, especially covering the double The flame on the arm is even more alarmingly hot.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist"

Naz's figure flashed quickly, and he soon came to Laxus. He slammed his fist, covered with fiery flames, and blasted towards Laxus with a violent breath.

Facing Naz’s fierce offensive, Laxus just twitched the corners of his mouth and showed a disdainful smile. He didn’t see any movements of his bdfd until Naz’s fist was almost touching his face. At this time, he Then he lifted his palm.


Naz's eyes widened. He suddenly felt that his fist was bitten by a large iron tongs, and he couldn't pull it back. His face slammed, but he didn't have time to respond. I felt a sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

He flew out uncontrollably like a cannonball, smashed to the ground, rolled up a puff of smoke, and bursts of tearing pain from his lower abdomen made him grin.

But at this moment, Laxus' figure suddenly became blurred, and then he appeared in Naz, who had just gotten up from the ground, and an elbow knocked Naz into the sky.

A mouthful of blood came out of Naz's mouth, and the red blood mist made the air seem to be filled with a faint smell of blood.

The speed of Laxus was too fast. Soon after Naz hadn't fallen, he appeared in midair again, and a whip kick smashed Naz to the ground, even on the extremely strong arena. , A faint human mark appeared.

It's Laxus

Strong as Naz, in his hands, he was like a child without the power to bind a chicken. There was no chance to fight back, and he was passively beaten.This is still the result of Naz's strength improvement. I really don't know. If you change to the previous Naz, I don't know how badly you will be abused.

"Hahaha, just like you trash, want to challenge me"

Laxus laughed frantically, his eyes were full of disdain, his face was disgusting, his voice fell, his hand suddenly swayed into the void, agitated a burst of magical energy, the violent energy formed an arc, half-moon-shaped, like a sickle The same cut down the past.

Naz's complexion changed drastically, he hurriedly turned sideways, and barely avoided, but his arm was still scratched by the magic sickle, and a bloody hole was torn open. The blood gurgled out, enduring the pain on his arm, he stood slowly stand up.


Naz looked at him seriously, but his face was surprisingly calm.


Laxus had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he thought Naz was about to give up so soon.

"You are strong but don't insult me ​​with rubbish"

It is rare for Naz to get serious, his face is calm, but he gives people a kind of peace like the eve of a storm or before a volcanic eruption

"The Flame Dragon King"

As Naz’s voice fell, a terrible flame was rolled up and down all over his body. The hot temperature scorched the space and became a bit distorted. The flame rose to the sky and enveloped his whole body, looking like a fire god descending. The same in the world.

His eyes became bloody red, and he was cold and indifferent without any emotion, staring at Laxus, as if he was being stared at by a fierce beast hiding in the dark..

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