One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2014: The Strength of the Six Demon Generals

It is indeed called the laser. The speed of this guy is so fast that people can't react at all. Even if Naz, who is already ready for battle and ready for battle, even his figure is still there. I didn't see clearly, I was kicked out.

What is even more surprising is that after kicking Naz away, this guy was able to retreat to the original position unharmed under the interception of Elisa and others. This is simply a typical grabbing food.

This kind of guy who is good at speed magic is really tricky. After all, when you are fighting, you always have to dikes from time to time to attack the other party at any time.

Fortunately, this guy is not good at using weapons, otherwise, at the speed just now, if he rushed over and stabbed Naz in the heart, Naz's situation would be very dangerous.

"Damn you bastard, you sneak attack while I'm not paying attention"

Naz got up from the ground. His body was stained with dirt, but there was no injury. His eyes were burning with angry fire. He walked step by step, and the flames on his body grew stronger and stronger. In the end, it was about several feet away. High.

He was irritated. This guy with sunglasses was too much to attack.

As one of the most arrogant members of the Fairy Tail Guild, Naz has always been disdainful of such sneak attacks. In his opinion, if you want to fight, you must go all out. There is a fierce battle on the front, why bother. So many bells and whistles

As for sneak attacks, it is the most unacceptable.

"Asshole, I'm going to beat you up"

Naz slowly walked over, and the breath on his body became stronger and stronger. The hot flames made the surrounding temperature rise a lot, a hazy mist appeared in the air, and his eyes became fiery red. .

"Speak up without shame"

Laser Lisa snorted, his eyes were full of disdain, he didn't put Naz in his eyes from beginning to end.

"The Fist of the Fire Dragon"

Naz threw a fist, and his hand was covered with a layer of hot flames. The violent energy caused the surrounding air to change, forming a stream of air. He rushed over like a humanoid tyrannosaur with a punch. Past.

"too slow"

Lisa curled his lips in disdain. When his voice fell, he avoided Naz’s attack directly, and turned to his back, slapped Naz with a palm, and immediately shook Naz back more than ten meters.

At the moment Naz had just stabilized his figure, Lisa appeared above his head again, with his feet spinning, seeming to have rolled up a whirlwind and swept down.


Suddenly, Lisa's face changed. He found that his left foot was actually caught by Naz. His eyes widened and he had great confidence in his speed. He didn't believe it. How could Naz react?

"You are nothing but that"

Naz smiled triumphantly, just when he was about to raise his fist to hit Lisa's lower abdomen, he suddenly saw Lisa's mouth raise a successful smile, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

His reaction was quick, almost immediately when he realized that something was wrong, he quickly let go, and quickly retreated back. It was only after he had separated from Lisala that he found out that he had been cheated.

"Damn it"

Naz was very angry. It was a good time just now. Elisha, a wizard who is good at speed, is definitely not strong. As long as he can attack him, there is basically no suspense in this battle.

But he actually missed this opportunity himself.

"Haha, what an idiot" Lisa laughed, his figure moved fast, each time he just left an afterimage on the spot, but laughter echoed in all directions in the air.


Lisa made a whirling kick in the air. Under high-speed movement, the generated airflow became fierce, forming a small tornado. The scale was not large but it was amazing. The surrounding wind was like a sharp knife. External lasing out.

His legs turned quickly, and in the end the whole person was submerged in the tornado and became a part of the hurricane, sweeping towards Naz at an extremely fast speed.

That kind of magical energy was so powerful that even Naz felt a trace of heart palpitations. His face changed. At first he wanted to avoid him, but found that he could not run the opponent at all, so he had to stop.

"In that case"

Naz's expression became cold, his magical power turned frantically, and the shock wave formed by the violent energy rippled like layers of ripples like layers of ripples. He said word by word, "Dragon God's brilliant flames"

He opened his mouth wide, and his throat burst out with a dazzling light, like a small round of sun, with extremely hot temperature, the fireball ejected from his mouth, it rose when the wind, turned into a hot flame, long The tongue of fire looked like a fire dragon.

With Naz's current strength, the dragon's breath that was displayed was extremely powerful, and the fire was unstoppable. No matter how fierce the hurricane was, the dragon could not be blown away.

The two forces collided together at this moment. After a short period of dullness at the beginning, a loud noise burst out in an instant, like an explosion from nine days of thunder, shaking the entire land.

The extremely violent magical energy collided together, and the shock wave produced was very terrifying. Almost in an instant, all the trees within a radius of ten miles were cut off, even those who seemed to have four kings and five people together. The stout sky and big trees cannot escape bad luck

The thick smoke dissipated, and two figures slowly appeared.

Naz didn't have any scars on his body, but on the opposite side of him, Lisa's skin appeared to be scorched, and most of that golden and flowing hair was burned out, looking very embarrassed.

"Ahhh, I'm going to kill you"

Lisa was crazy. He didn't expect that a kid who was indistinguishable from trash in his eyes would have such a strong strength that he was injured. What made him feel angry was that the other party had something wrong. nor.

"So strong"

Seeing this scene, as a member of the Allied Coalition, almost everyone was stunned. Among them, Wendy's mouth opened wide, and she was also the Dragon Slayer. She really didn't know that she had such a powerful strength..

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