One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 2016: Wake up, midnight!

"Puppet Attack"

The doll summoned by Shirley barely blocked the falling rock, but with her strength alone, it was impossible to resist Hetley. At this time, the remaining coalition members in the field also hurriedly helped.

The remaining four or five people, including Shirley, surrounded Hetley.This big guy looks shameless, but his strength is so strong that Shirley and others can barely block this guy by joining forces.

Gray and Leo took advantage of this opportunity and hurriedly struggled to get away, but depending on how deeply they were trapped, it would take some effort.

Suddenly, the coalition team composed of dozens of people was left with Wendy alone and nothing to do. She was still on the spot, looking stupidly at the people who turned to fight.

"Xia Lulu, what should I do"

Wendy looked helplessly at Xia Lulu next to her. At this time, the only person in the field who was still with her, besides Xia Lulu, there was only one hobbit.

One person and two cats, looking at the fierce battle group in the sky, were silent for a moment.

"You should go to fight, Wendy"

Xia Lulu said seriously.

"Can I?" Wendy was a little frightened. As a teenage girl, coupled with her weak personality, fighting is really not what she is good at. She asked a little unconfidently.

"Of course, don't forget that you are the Dragon Slayer" Xia Lulu encouraged, politely, "You must learn to take the first step bravely, otherwise you will only be bullied by others in your life."

"Yes, Wendy, you have to believe in yourself, Naz is great for you."

Habi took the opportunity to interject, but it has always wanted to perform well in front of the goddess Xia Lulu, if it weren't for its lack of combat effectiveness, I'm afraid it would have to join the battle group.

"But, do I still have an opponent?" With the constant encouragement of Xia Lulu and Hobby, Wendy barely gained confidence, but she suddenly realized that she didn't seem to have any opponents anymore. She glanced around and found out. There is another person not far away.


This guy is still sleeping

"Good opportunity, Wendy, take this opportunity to kill him"

Xia Lulu said.

Wendy was stunned. This kind of killing is too challenging for her. She is not unable to do it, but she is afraid to kill without the courage, even if the other party is still sleeping at midnight.


"Don't hesitate, Wendy, there's not much time, if you don't want to see everyone in trouble"

Xia Lulu persuaded resolutely.

In the end, under Xia Lulu's persuasion, Wendy walked over slowly.

At this time, above the sky.

As the strongest man among the coalition forces, Jura consciously chose the strongest leader of the opponent as his opponent. He stood in front of the opponent with deep fear in his eyes, but he did not show a hint of timidity. .


The head Brian recognized Jura’s identity, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile, "One of the top ten holy wizards, ha ha, it seems that the Magic Council is very shameful this time."

In front of the top ten holy wizards recognized as the strongest in the entire continent, Brian was surprisingly calm, as if he were chatting normally, as if nothing had happened.

"What tricks are you playing Brian?"

Jura frowned. He could feel the magic fluctuations in Brian. Judging by common sense, he was not his opponent, but he really didn't understand why this guy could do this when facing himself. Calm

"Kill you"

Brian smiled and said.

"Hmph, then try it"

Jura snorted coldly, and the magic in his body ran wildly, forming a layer of hard stone clothing on his body surface. This is his soil hardening magic, which can make any soft object hard as iron, even the body. .

This is Jura’s famous magic, and even because of this special magic power, he got the title of "Rock Iron"

He didn't know exactly what Brian was playing, but at this point, he had to make a move, even if he knew that the other party might have a conspiracy, he would bite the bullet.

After hardening his skin, Jura’s defense has been greatly improved. He swooped down and threw a punch. The hard as iron fist rolled up the fierce wind, especially in his body. Under the unfathomable magic power, the power of this punch is even more amazing.

The muffled sound of bursts of air explosion sounded in the air.

"The Hand of Constant Darkness"

What Brian possessed was dark magic, and the magic in his body poured out, and soon a large dark hand was condensed above his head, huge as a mountain, covering the sky and grabbing Jura.

Ask for flowers

"Small bugs"

Jura snorted, and rushed forward indefinitely. His power reached an extremely terrifying level. It could shake the mountain and shook the tree. One punch went straight through the big dark hand, and the speed was only slightly slowed down. , He was about to blast Brian's head with a punch.

"Always Dark Rondo"

At this time, Brian just smiled, not seeing what he was doing, only seeing countless dark energies gushing out crazily, and a whirlpool condensed in front of him, seeming to have some swallowing power, which looked extremely strange.

Seeing this scene, Jura's face suddenly changed, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. He wanted to stop but it was too late. His fist just touched the dark magic vortex, and suddenly he felt like a mud cow entering the sea. The same, Sora has the strength but can't show the slightest.

"Often Secret Palm"

A flash of madness flashed in Brian’s eyes, cold killing intent surged, he raised his palm, and under the cover of the vast magic power, his entire palm quickly turned into pitch black. Under the dark energy, he shot To the heavenly inspiration of Jura.

At this moment, Brian's face suddenly changed, and his voice became a little cold, saying, "I advise you not to mess with him. Once that guy wakes up, the consequences are very troublesome."

It turned out that at the time of the fierce battle between Brian and Jura, Wendy finally plucked up the courage under the persuasion of Xia Lulu and Hobby, and planned to take this opportunity to kill the sleeping midnight. At this time, she held it in her hand. A dagger approached step by step.

But when he heard Brian's shout, he was so scared that the dagger in his hand fell to the ground, and the reflective dagger was lying quietly on the ground less than one meter away from midnight.


Wendy was incoherent with fright.

At this time, Jura asked the Dark Vortex, and after understanding Wendy's intentions, he quickly took the opportunity to entangle Brian.

"Hurry up"

After receiving Jura's order, Wendy only hesitated a little this time, so she squatted down and picked up the dagger on the ground. She held it in her hand. Wendy, who had plucked up the courage, looked up again, but saw A pair of strange eyes was looking at her.


The dagger in her hand fell to the ground again..

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