One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2021: This is just a joke

"what is this"

Makarov's face changed, and the evil atmosphere radiated from the triple dark spell array under his feet, even he felt a trace of heart palpitations, and the strong premonition of anxiety made him afraid to be careless.


Hades seemed to be answering Makarov's words. He looked indifferent, as if looking at a dead body, staring at Makarov. The magic circle under his feet suddenly burst out when his voice fell. An extremely violent and destructive force.


The power of the triple spell array is at least equivalent to a ton of tnt explosives, detonated at the same time, and the resulting power is unimaginable. Layers of shock waves spread to the surrounding like ripples, and immediately blasted a piece of it. building.

In the center of the explosion, the violent energy seemed to be unavailable, and it was surging there, causing the entire ground to shake, as if the world had become a doomsday at this moment, making people feel terrified.

The terrible shock wave shook everyone else back, flying several miles away.

Above the sky, a huge mushroom cloud rose slowly, which looked very thick.


"Mr. President"

Kana, Lucy and others all changed their faces. They didn't expect this situation to appear at the beginning of the battle. Although they have confidence in Makarov's strength, they can also feel it. This triple spell method How terrible is the power of the explosion.

If you change to any of them, you will be crushed to pieces, and there will be no bones left.The power of that explosion is simply not something they can resist.

Didn't you see that many of them were stunned by the shock wave? Some members with too weak magic power even crashed into the tree and coughed up blood.

"Not dead yet"

Hades frowned.

I saw that in the ruins, the thick smoke slowly dissipated, and Makarov's figure was revealed again, and he was unscathed.


Hades opened his eyes wide. He had great confidence in the power of his move. Even if he couldn't kill Makarov, he would definitely damage him, but he didn't expect that this guy would be safe and sound.

How is this going

Before Hades decided to attack Fairy Tail, he sent Urutia and others to do a lot of investigations and had a clear judgment on Makarov's strength.

Logically speaking, without any precaution, Hades was sure that Makarov would never do nothing.

However, this scene appeared.

In Hades's astonished gaze, he seemed to see a familiar figure, looked up, and suddenly exclaimed "Mebis"

Above the sky, two figures suddenly appeared, one tall and one short, one male and one female.Among them, the petite and cute one is the first president of Fairy Tail, Mebis

As for the other person, it is naturally Roya.

"Long time no see, Hades."

Mebis looked at him faintly, a complex color flashed in her eyes, she didn't know what kind of attitude she should face the Hades who had co-founded Fairy Tail with her.

Former partners are now enemies of life and death

At this time, Mebis remembered what Roja had told her.

"Some things are not something you can avoid if you want to avoid it. What should come will still come. Instead of just avoiding it, it's better to face it and solve it all at once."

"Maybe it feels too cruel for a while, but the short-term pain is exchanged for longer peace and stability in the future."

At this moment, Mebis realized that because she hated the killings of the Naruto World, she didn't want to see the bloody scenes continue in the Monster Tail world, blindly avoiding, and letting the Dark Guild and various forces out of control to breed.

She thought that she could make a little sacrifice in exchange for a relatively peaceful situation.But she found out that she was really wrong, and it was not peace but aggression that returned.

Perhaps, only as Roja said, fighting to end the war is the best choice

"My lord." Mebis ignored Hades. She raised her head and glanced at Roja, her eyes full of complicated taste.


Roja glanced at her, a little strange.

"It turns out that you are right."

Mebis said seriously.

Luo Ya smiled slightly and patted her head nonchalantly. His eyes were full of pampering. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, everything will pass."

Ask for flowers

Mebis nodded.

"Who is this"

Hades was stunned. He had never seen Mebis such a small bird, he was suddenly surprised, and there was a quiet look of jealousy in the eyes of Roja.

"This is the mysterious Lord Roja."

Ulutia was below, answering Hades' questions.

When Hades heard this, he suddenly reacted. He remembered that there seemed to be such a person in the intelligence Ulutia had given him, and according to the intelligence, this Roja was still quite mysterious and his strength was unfathomable.


Hades looked at the two people indifferently, and his eyes were suddenly filled with jealousy. A Mebis was enough for him to have a headache. If he adds an unfathomable Roja, I am afraid he is today. The plan may not go smoothly.

However, he still didn't know the details of Roja, so he had the confidence to stand here, otherwise, he would not dare to show up with a hundred courage.

Even so, Hades felt tremendous pressure when facing Roja. The invisible Via gave him the impulse to surrender and kneel down.

"Hades, are you really planning to go to war with Fairy Tail"

Mebis took a deep look at Hades, sighed, and asked.Although she probably already knew the answer, remembering the friendship back then, she still didn't want to be too extreme.

"Hahaha" Hades laughed frantically when he heard the words, like a ghost crying laughter, echoing in this world, he stopped the laughter and looked at Mebis playfully. You are still as naive for so many years."

"Do you think that this kind of thing, do I make fun of you"

Hades looked at her faintly, his smile looked a little playful.

After hearing this, Mebis took a deep breath, her face suddenly became cold, and there was no more emotional fluctuations. She looked at Hades coldly and smiled, "If this is the case, then I can't blame me. ."

Her voice fell, and an extremely terrifying aura was released in an instant, sweeping the entire world, the terrifying Via, as if even this world would have to surrender.

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