One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 2026: Demon Stand-in

A flash of madness flashed in Hades's eyes, dark magic agitated in his body, exuding an extremely evil aura, transformed into a pitch-black palm, and grabbed the seven servants of Purgatory who were kneeling on the ground, namely Ulutia Waiting for people, treat them directly as a physical shield and block them in front of you

"Master Hades"



The expressions of Ulutia and others changed drastically. They quickly realized what Hades wanted to do. This guy wanted to use them as a shield, but it was too late to avoid them when they realized it.

A majestic immortal power, with devastating fluctuations, swept over them in this frenzy. Before they had contact with that power directly, the terrible fluctuations that emanated just gave them a sense of suffocation.

That is a kind of power that transcends taboos, transcends this world, far above this world, and that level of power is simply not something normal people can resist. At this moment, Ulutia and others are here. With their faces pale, they slowly closed their eyes, as if they had already felt the coming death.

No one thinks that they can survive under this terrible force.

Even Ulutia thought so.

"Is this death"

Urutia slowly closed her eyes. For the first time, she felt that the distance between herself and the god of death was so close, and the feeling of being close to death was abnormally calm.There is unwillingness, anger, and disappointment in my heart

However, she did not give up, as if silently accepting fate, she did not want to resist at all, or that kind of terrifying power made her feel unprecedented despair, which is not a force that humans can resist. .

However, after a long time, the surroundings were still so quiet, deathly silent, and there was no sound. She hardly felt the slightest pain, which made Ulutia feel very strange, she couldn't help but open her eyes. .

What appeared in front of him was still the man who wore a luxurious robe and had his hands on his back, watching the world, but it was strange that that terrifying power had disappeared.


Ulutia frowned. She felt a little strange, and turned her head to look subconsciously. What she saw was Hades behind her, and a shocking blood hole appeared in front of her, as if she had been affected by some power. It penetrates the heart directly.

His eyes were still wide open, but there was no breath of life on his body. When he was dying, his eyes seemed to be filled with horror, and he didn't look at him.

"this is"

Not only Ulutia, but also the other companions around her were also surprised. They were all ready to die, but it was unexpected that Hades was the one who sacrificed in the end.

Is this fighting cattle across the mountain?

Ulutia seemed to understand something. She looked at Luo Ya with a complicated expression, and there seemed to be a struggling expression in her expression. She looked at Luo Ya like this, and finally made a voice from her mouth, "Thank you."

Her voice was very low, so small that only people around her could hear it, but she believed Luo Ya would definitely hear it.

After her reminder, the companions of the other seven family members of Purgatory reacted. After a brief astonishment, they followed Ulutia with a complicated expression and said thank you to Roya.

Although as a dark guild and as a black wizard, they are despised by regular guilds, but in fact, they are not all heinous bad guys, just the wrong people.They know how to distinguish between grievances and grievances, and even to a certain extent, they know how to distinguish right from wrong better than the wizards of the regular guild.

As Hades's subordinates, they naturally stood on Hades's side without hesitation, but Hades tried to sacrifice their lives in exchange for their lives when they encountered danger.

But the end result was the enemy's mercy, and Hades died.

Although they don’t know exactly what happened at that moment, they are very clear in their hearts that if it weren’t for Roja’s mercy, they wouldn’t be able to take the move just now because of their own strength. That kind of terrifying power is enough. Destroying this piece of heaven and earth is not something they can resist.

It is inevitable to express this gratitude for reason.

Of course, after thanking them, they still stood on the opposite side of Roja steadfastly. Even though Hades betrayed them at the last moment and Roja rescued them, no matter what, the two sides have different camps and are destined to stand. On the opposite side.

They knew this very well, so after thanking them, they stood on the opposite side of Roja again.Although the ending was already doomed the moment Roja shot, none of them flinched.

Ask for flowers

As the Black Sorcerers, they also have their own pride and dignity. They would rather die in battle than back down, let alone surrender.


Ulutia looked at Luo Ya with a complicated expression, and sighed helplessly.In fact, she herself understands that no matter how many people there are on their side, they are not an opponent of Roja alone. Even if Hades is resurrected, she can't change it. Knowing that she will die, she still stands by the devil without hesitation. The heart is here.

Luo Ya smiled slightly and did not speak.To be honest, the performance of Urutia's people was really a bit beyond his expectation, which made him admire him, but he would not be merciful for it.

There are some things that should be faced, it is inevitable

"Go ahead"

Zanlock, one of the seven family members of Purgatory, said to Roya. He has always been arrogant, but this time he became cautious. He took a deep look at Roya. Since it is inevitable, he hopes Roya can make a move sooner. .

"Don't worry, your president is not dead yet."

Roja naturally understood what Zanlock meant, he just smiled and motioned to them not to be nervous.


The seven relatives of Purgatory and the others were suddenly startled, and they seemed to be a little confused. They followed Loya's gaze and saw that there was a strange layer on the "dead" Hades. Magic fluctuations.

Hades, who had already died and completely cut off the breath of life, suddenly flew out of a jet of dark magic energy, exuding a strong evil aura, slowly drifting above the void, condensed into black fragments, Regroup.

Before long, a brand new Hades appeared in front of everyone.

"Hades is not dead"

On the ground, the expressions of Makarov and others couldn't help but change.

"Hahahaha" Hades resurrected, with disheveled hair that looked like a demon, extremely strange, his almost crazy laughter echoed in this world, causing many people to frown.

"This is a demon stand-in"

Ulutia seemed to understand something, her face suddenly changed..

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