One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 203: Yan Di and Lei Di

A minute later, under Roja’s command, two rum bottles were placed upside down in the corner of the conference room. The ladder knelt on the bottom of the two bottles with a dead face expression, and there was a lang on top of his head. The wine bottle, holding a thick encyclopedia of words in his hands, read each word like a broken bean.

The remaining captains laughed from ear to ear, and the roof of the entire conference room was almost lifted.

More than a dozen team leaders lowered their heads with a stern smile, and their shoulders kept moving.The ladder is the captain, so I won't be pleased after seeing it.

"You are not allowed to get up until dinner"

Luo Ya was really speechless for such a group of bastards, and threw down the future development plans and arrangements for circulation, turned around and left the conference room.

"Hahahaha Ladder Haha"

"Hohohoho can't work, my stomach hurts"

Just as Luo Ya left, a group of subordinates couldn't help it anymore, and laughed at the side of the ladder.Ladder is either panting or using improper words. I don't know how many people have suffered this loss.

13 At this time, I'm too sorry for myself not to fall into trouble.

Luo Ya, who left the meeting room, went straight to the training room. A scream came from the training room. Ain, who has the artist's cloak, has greatly increased his resilience. He locked himself in the training room almost every day, and his strength leap forward. Began to grow.


A Ruyan surrendered, and Ain, who found Roja had arrived, flew into the warmth that made her obsessed with her.

Taking a deep breath of the good smell of Ain's body, a scent of zi scented in, making Roja's body feel lighter by three points.

You must know that since putting on the cape of the artist, Ain has never changed his twenty-year-old appearance, even when only two people are together.

The big hand rubbed the pretty little butt twice, and Ain, who was wearing only a pair of hot pants, suddenly blushed.But this Nizi was bold enough, instead she proactively stood on tiptoe and licked Loya's earlobe.

"Xiao Nizi, will catch fire."

"Not afraid."

Daddy, Roja's heart has already begun to mourn, what is this all about? It looks like it is twenty, but actually it is still a loli. If you don't get it, even if you are sixteen, your brother has already opened his mouth. Up.

I slapped Nizi's ass twice, I really miss Xia Li and others who have not been seen for a long time.This Ni Ziguang was responsible for burning the fire but not for destroying it. She couldn't do anything about it, and she was suffocated to death.

"Brother, the little phone worm thought about it when you were away, it was from sister Lanlan."


There is such an inadvertent chanting that Lanlan is Xia Li’s pseudonym in Dressrosa. Roja grinned. I really didn’t expect her to have just appeared in his mind. Ain said Xia Li called. The rhythm is really better. Cao Cao is fast.

"Sister Lanlan said that the family has started contact with the Hicks brothers recently. The Dongxi family has thoroughly studied it and the other party has agreed to the terms."

Roja was dumbfounded when I heard Ain's words, the two brothers of Hicks

After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that I was drunk with Xia Li’s caution. This girl started to speak in cryptic words. Isn’t it the revolutionary army at home? The Hicks brothers six, Derma 66, a war expert?

As for what I said, it should have been given to Xia Li some time ago to bring it back to the revolutionary army, the murderous drug es.

The side effects of this kind of thing are too great. If you want strength, you have to pay a price. Letting the soldiers of the revolutionary army eat it is a dead end, and the revolutionary army cannot withstand such toss.

Then, the Vinsmok family, who mastered Bergapunk’s descent factor technology and can create artificial humans, became a good target for use.

Vinsmok, who had always had the ambition to reunify the North Sea again, could not withstand such confusion.No matter how strong the man-made warriors are, they can't compare to the monsters on the sea, and the evil drugs can make them burst out with far-than-normal combat power for a short time.

As long as it is used well, it is a great help from the revolutionary army, which can almost be said to take the North Sea effortlessly. After all, the power behind Vinsmok can directly put pressure on the world government.

If you don't use it well, it's going to be a tiger for skin, which is very dangerous.The reason why we say that we have thoroughly studied the evil drugs, that is, the revolutionary army has a complete means of encrypting the ingredients of the evil drugs, and will not allow Vinsmok to make such things by himself.

"What else did you say?"

Luo Ya didn't believe that Xia Li called just to inform, that she could make a decision on this kind of thing herself.

"Yeen, say yes, say that the wolf is not coming, and people don't follow it."

"Cough cough cough"

A mouthful of old blood almost squirted out. Roja felt that the name "big wolf" is definitely a slander. Last time the tortoise shell was tied to something as an accident, just to clean up the peach rabbit girl.

Ain's face blushed when she said this, she was definitely thinking of some 203 programs that are forbidden to watch under the age of 18.

This codeword is also too level. Doesn’t it mean that Roja won’t come, Vinsmok won’t be able to sign it? It’s so ambiguous, so bloody, why is it incidentally blamed for five consecutive times. Hours of fighting

But if the Vinsmok family said this, he must leave here temporarily.

Now that Kaido and the aunt have just beaten back here, the pirate group of the violent thunder disaster is raging, and there will be no unsightly coming to look for things, but it does not matter if you leave.

But if Emperor Yan appeared, Lei Di's disappearance would definitely attract the attention of interested people. It seems that this should be planned first.

Thinking of this, Luo Ya loosened the waist of Xiao Nizi's Ruan Ruan, sitting on the sofa on one side and thinking intently.The well-behaved little Ain didn't bother, and went to make coffee.

Emperor Yan's identity is more troublesome. At the beginning, he was not afraid of the sky, and he dared to hit anyone in the face, and his enemies were almost all over the country.

The existence of an artist's cloak can make people act as Yandi.But the key is to let someone pretend to know that Yan Di’s enemy is not a simple guy, and anyone who pretends accidentally has to die.

"You can't pretend to be Emperor Yan, you can only pretend to be Lei Di."

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