One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 2032: Naz, be careful!

At the same time, another place.

"Thunder Dragon Flame, gather"

Naz clasped his hands, his eyes flashed, and the flame-entangled arms drew a gorgeous trajectory in the air.


The thunder fireballs gathered around Brian attacked him at this moment. Although each small thunder fireball is not as powerful as the large thunder fireball at the beginning, it wins in a large number. If such a dense attack is directly hit It’s absolutely uncomfortable to take this trick on the same person without any protection

"Bang Bang Bang"

The sound of thunder fireball explosions one after another, resounding through the sky, deafening

The billowing dust and smoke continued to churn, and the afterwaves from the explosion quickly spread in all directions. Everyone cast spells to resist the aftermath, and stabilized the "One Eighty Three" in the shortest possible time.

Naz still had a glimmer of hope for this trick of Thunder Dragon Flame Flame Reform. After all, this was a skill change he had accidentally thought of recently, even though many people had obtained information about the old version of Thunder Dragon Flame Flame. However, Naz never showed the thunder dragon flame reform after the change.

After a while, the dust gradually dispersed, and Naz frowned, staring blankly at the looming figure in the distance.

"It looks like it's still in the dark"

Naz was distressed secretly in his heart, and wanted to try to see if he could cause some damage to Brian, but now it seems that he hasn't fully mastered this skill.

"I heard them call you Naz before, right"

Brian appeared in front of everyone again, but at this time he was unkempt and his clothes all over his body were messy. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot from the series of attacks just now.

After killing Jura, Brian thought that the opponent’s coalition would feel more fearful of him, and would even stop and retreat. He didn’t want to have someone planning to challenge his authority, and he accidentally made it now. This embarrassing look.

Really hateful

"Boy, your adult hasn't taught you how to respect your seniors?" Blahn looked at Naz and his eyes were filled with endless anger, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing an extremely intriguing smile.

While speaking, Brian quietly put a hand behind his back, and he didn’t know what he was talking about. No one knew what he was going to do next. The hand behind him was wiggling back and forth, fingers. The joints make a creaking noise from time to time.

"What's the matter, it's too peaceful"

Elsa and her group watched the battle between Naz and Naz from a distance. They couldn't help but become nervous. Everyone was worried that Naz would encounter an accident. After all, the example of Jura was right in front of them.

Just as Naz was thinking about the next offensive route, Brian's pupils shrank instantly, and the hand behind him was instantly raised to his chest. The palm of his hand was covered by the green light, which looked extremely strange.

"Ten Thousand Swords Demon Demon Array, Kai"

Brian shouted in a low voice, and a strange formation suddenly appeared in the space behind Naz. The lines on it were rapidly rotating back and forth, and the sound of the sword rang out from it, and the hostility directed at Naz, which made people shudder.


At this time, a sharp sword formed by magical power was shot out of the formation, and its power seemed to be no less than the small thunderball in the Naz Thunder Dragon's flame reform.


Naz quickly turned around and concentrated all the magic power in front of him, forming a flame barrier in an instant.

"Bang Bang Bang"

Thousands of sharp swords were densely packed, and they rushed back and forth against Naz's flame barrier like moths to the fire. Naz worked hard to use the magic in his body to block these sharp swords one by one.

It is not difficult to imagine that if such an attack were to be used in peacetime, Naz would definitely not last long. Now that he can resist it for so long, it can only be said that Brian's strength has been greatly weakened.

On the one hand, Naz resisted the attack of the sword formation, and on the other hand, he was also secretly paying attention to Brian behind him, fearing that he would attack behind him at this time.

At this moment, the sword formation that had just shown signs of weakness suddenly raged like a tide for some reason, and it intensified against Naz, attacking stronger than ever.


Seeing this, Bryan clenched his fists, his eyes flashed cold, and the moment his pupils contracted, his figure disappeared in place.

"Naz, be careful"

When Elisa saw Brian disappearing suddenly, she felt something was wrong, and she reminded Naz.

The inexplicable heart palpitations made Naz instinctively turn around, but before he could stand firm, an unspeakable pain came from his abdomen, blood spurted from his mouth, and then the whole person instantly Fly out

In this way, Naz's back penetrated one tree after another, and even the ground instantly cracked with his arrival.

At this moment, Naz could no longer care about the pain coming from all over his body. He clearly felt that his power was constantly passing by, and the fire of life began to weaken, even though the person who came to kill him now was a magic The civilians who don't know how, I am afraid that they will not be able to resist.

"I thought I could fight for a while, but I still underestimated the enemy a little bit.

He glanced at Brian in the distance, a sorrowful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he slumped weakly on the ground. He suddenly felt that he was too careless.

"Huh, go to hell"

Brian snorted coldly, a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, as if he was looking at a dead body, and he glanced at Naz coldly. He slowly raised his palm, and dark energy was flowing between his palms.

It was an extremely terrifying wave of dark magic, full of monstrous evil aura, like a demon from the dark abyss, giving people an indescribable sense of fear.

"Always Dark Echoes"

Brian was really on fire. He wanted to kill the annoying fly in front of him. He didn't know what it was, he wanted to challenge him again and again.

The horrible dark magical energy poured out, and the magical fluctuations emitted seemed to destroy everything and bring everything into the endless darkness.

"Are you going to die?"

Naz raised his head, a look of despair quietly appeared in his eyes. He was really powerless to resist. He was lying on the ground with blood flowing from the wound on his body, and it was difficult even to get up.


Miraj let out an exclamation. At this moment, she was in the state of Demon Tesuri, and her speed was so fast that she appeared in front of Naz like a ghost almost in the blink of an eye.

Dark magic energy swept in like a black chain, and Miraj stood in front of him as he was about to bring Naz into the endless darkness.

With her strength, it was a bit difficult to stop Brian, not to mention that Brian, who was already furious and went all out, was also a devastating blow to her.


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