One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2038: God of Anxelam

"I didn't promise to let you take it away"

Roja's voice was flat without a trace, cold and ruthless, with a low voice, but with great majesty, like a lofty ruler, the emperor who controls all the fortunes of life, could not tolerate a hint of rejection.

If this matter has nothing to do with him, he doesn’t bother to care about what the Magic Council guys want to do, but now General Six Demon injured his woman, even though he showed up in time at the last minute, Roja still doesn’t Will let go of these people.

Dragon's Niqin, if you touch it, you will die. Roja also has his Niqin. Everyone he cares about is his Niqin, especially his woman, who can't tolerate the slightest offense.

You know, when he sees Milaj being seriously injured and lying on the ground alone and helpless, the anger in Roja's heart is more than that of the surging river. If it were not for his extraordinary state of mind, I am afraid that he could not bear it on the spot. Suddenly, the whole world of Monster Tail will be destroyed in his hands.

There is a saying, Piff was angry, blood splashed three feet, the emperor was angry, and a million corpses, let alone Luo Ya, as the ancestor, if he really got angry, even if he drained the entire world of the monster tail. Can not be extinguished.

Fortunately, Roja showed up in time. If he was a step late and failed to save Miraj, then Roja could not care about any plan. He would rather give up a piece of heaven, and he would destroy the world with his own hands. Calm the anger in my heart.

Speaking of it, Brian and others should feel fortunate that if it weren't for their mercy in the end, I am afraid that it is not just the six of them who are dead now, but the entire world will be destroyed with it.

Roja's attitude is very tough, giving the other party no room for negotiation at all.

This caused the face of the six demon generals who were kneeling on the ground to change, and the hope that they had finally seen seemed to be lost all of a sudden.But at this moment they knew very well that their destiny was in Roja's hands, and they did not dare to take a breath.

"Your Excellency is too overbearing, isn't it possible to discuss it?" Qi Klein frowned. Although Ulutia mentioned Roja before, he still doesn't know how terrifying Roja's strength is, so it is not special. Fear, not to mention that this time he still has many tricks.

"Hmph, do you think Fairy Tail really has the final say in everything? Did you put the Magic Council in your eyes?" Oge's face became gloomy. He had suffered bitterness from Roja before, knowing Roja's strength is unfathomable, but this time he is not afraid at all.

Because, someone will come to help him solve Roja, which is not a problem for him.

"I have the final say, is there any problem?" Luo Ya glanced at him lightly, his expression indifferent, and a murderous intent appeared quietly. If it weren't for figuring out what tricks the Magic Council wanted to play, he would have ignored it. Everything is done, the General of the Six Demons must die, and anyone who dares to stop him must die.

"You" Ouge was so angry that he pointed to Roya and could not speak. He was so angry that he sneered again and again, "Okay, very good, you are very good" three words "good" in his mouth, deep in his eyes A touch of murderous intent appeared quietly.

"Since you insist on opposing the council, no one can blame me"

Ough seems to have some trump cards. Knowing that Roja's strength is unfathomable, he even dared to provoke openly, even with such a tough attitude, which made Roja even more weird, and wanted to find out where he came from. Up.

"Please show up, the great and respected God Anxelam"

Ouge bowed deeply behind him, with a very humble attitude, and said sincerely, he seemed to be singing some kind of spell, and soon there was a strong wave in the void, like something Things are going to come out of the void.

Those strong magical fluctuations actually caused the space to ripple in circles.

Immediately afterwards, from the violently fluctuating area in the void, a deep black hole slowly appeared, which looked like it had been torn apart deliberately, and a gray-haired figure came out from there.

It was an old man with a childlike face. He crouched on his back and seemed to be very aging, but only a careful person could feel the horrible wave of magic power faintly emanating from him.


As the god who controls life and death in this world, God Anxelam doesn't know how long he has lived. He looks very old and old, but in fact he has been like this many years ago.

In normal times, he even looks kind. If he doesn't feel the sacred aura radiating from him carefully, he will almost think that he is no different from an ordinary old man, but only when his strength reaches a certain level can he feel his magical power. How unfathomable it is.

"The God of Anxelam"

Elisa's pupils shrank slightly, her face couldn't help but change. She seemed to recognize the identity of God Anxelam. She vaguely remembered seeing this name from ancient records. She didn't understand it carefully at the time, but only knew It is a god who controls life and death.

In fact, even if Elisa wanted to understand, there was not much way.With her previous strength, compared with the level of gods, the gap is still too big, that is not the level that she can reach at all.

But since Roja came, all this has changed.


Roya glanced at the old man curiously, a depressed color flashed in his eyes, and an interesting smile rose slightly at the corner of his mouth, but in the end he only glanced lightly.

"This lord, the old Nide Nuo Zhao is the god of Anxelam who controls life and death. I hope you can give the old a little face and let the six demon generals. These guys have a big role in the old."

God Anxelam smiled kindly at Roja. He didn't say anything about it, but he still gave people a sense of unattainableness. This may be because of his inner thoughts after knowing his identity.

"What if I don't agree"

Roja only smiled at the kindness of the god Anxelam, with a playful smile on his face. Although he didn't want to target this kind god Anxelam, he had already decided something, no matter who it was. It can't be changed.

"That's it" God Anxelam heard the words, it seemed that there were not many surprises. He nodded and took a deep breath, as if he had decided something, and said slowly, "If this is the case, then we have to compete first. That’s it."

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