One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2052: Anxelam’s Last Trump Card

The thunder and lightning bead in the sky, which was only the size of a longan, exuded a breath of heaven.This caused Anxelam's face to change drastically in an instant. As a god, he knew exactly what the way of heaven meant.

What that means is the supreme will to control all things and life, dominate the world, and even make laws

Under heaven, but the subjects are ants.

Even the so-called gods are only capable of mastering part of the law and power within the scope of the heavenly way, so that they can perform the destiny of the heavenly way and control the life and death of all things and the common people. Simply put, a god who controls life and death like the god Anxelam , To say that it is awkward is to mess with the will of heaven.

All his power comes from the favor of heaven.

If you let him fight against Heaven, that would be absolutely impossible.Not only is it impossible, but even if it can be done, he dare not, because he knows exactly how terrible it will be if it goes against the will of heaven.


That's all light

Therefore, the appearance of Thunder Bead, the kind of breath from Heaven's Punishment exuded, made Anxelam's reaction so excited.13

It can be said that, as a god who controls life and death, he can even control his own destiny. In this world, except for the mysterious and supreme will of heaven, nothing can really threaten him.

Including Jeff.

In order to resurrect his younger brother, Jeff committed himself to the construction of the R-system and solar eclipse, breaking a taboo. The god Anxelam became furious and cursed him to become immortal.

Even the ancestor of the dark magic, Geoff of the Great Black Sorcerer, could not stop the curse of the god Anxelam

Even if it was Roja, God Anxelam actually didn't think he could threaten his life, but at this moment, he found that he seemed to be wrong, especially when he saw the appearance of Thunder Ball, he felt that From the deep fear of death.

"What are you?"

The pupils of God Axelam suddenly shrank, and in his gaze looking at Roja, there was more fear than horror.

"Don't worry, you will die very happy"

Luo Ya smiled, and there was a cold murderous intent in those dark and deep eyes.Don’t look at all the way he smiled before, in fact he wanted to kill a long time ago

Anyone who prevents him from revenge must die

Not only the God of Anxelam, but also the Magic Council and the Generals of the Six Demons, they all must die not only because they are on the opposite side of Roja, but also because one of them was injured. Miraj

Women who dared to hurt Roja, let alone a small lower plane, even in the Journey to the West, those so-called mighty, saints, and daring to offend the dragon’s scales will undoubtedly die.

No room for negotiation

Roja had been suppressing the anger in his heart before, but it did not mean that his anger had disappeared.If it hadn't been for his temperament to become more and more stable in the past few years, if he changed to the previous words, once Roja's anger was aroused, with his temper, even if he ruined the whole world, he would not be able to calm down.

Speaking of which, God Anxelam might be thankful.


Anxelam was shocked and angry. His eyes widened and his face was completely gloomy. He felt the terrible aura emanating from the thunderball. Even he did not dare to take it lightly. His nerves were tense and his muscles were tight. At this moment it skyrocketed, as if facing an enemy.

"The law of God, in the name of God, awaken the sleeping profound meaning and merge"

He chanted ancient magic spells, and the breath of God poured out crazily from his body. That kind of mighty power, surpassing incomparableness, is definitely not a police world that ordinary wizards can reach, controlling vitality with one hand, death with the other, in the sound of the spell , Slowly come together.

In an instant, the terrifying divine power burst out, even the heaven and the earth resonated.At this moment, there seemed to be a beam of light rising into the sky in the place where Anxelam's heavenly spirit covered, and various divine powers from the heavens and the earth were continuously injected into it.

"Life and death, fusion"

Prior to this, the god Anxelam, who had always used the two powers of life and death separately, merged these two powers together for the first time. This is his biggest trump card and the one of the gods he holds. The ultimate meaning of the law.

In fact, no matter in any world, life and death seem to be contradictory independent individuals at first glance. They are full of contradictions like the incompatibility of water and fire, but only when they come into contact with this level can they understand that life and death Death is one.

As the saying goes, life and death is actually an indivisible community.People always habitually oppose life and death, but in fact, looking at everything in the universe, there are three thousand great ways, life and death are in fact irrelevant.

If one regards life as a line, then life is and death is the end. Two points and one line form life.Indivisible, once one of them is lost, the line will not exist, and life will naturally not be born.

The God of Anxelam seldom merges the profound meaning of life and death. He knows how terrifying the power of the two fusions is. When life and death are combined, his law of God tends to be complete, close to the way of heaven.

In other words, at the moment when life and death merge, what he holds is a part of the power of heaven.920

This kind of power has never been used by God Anxelam. It is not necessary at all. With his magic power, he has long been invincible in the world, so why bother.In this world, there has never been an opponent worthy of the power of heaven.

But this time Roja's appearance broke the routine.The seemingly petite Thunder Ball, but it possesses the power of destruction, and even has the aura of Heaven's Punishment, so that he dare not take the slightest care, only with the last hole card, can he have a chance to resist it.

"Life and death upright, shattered"

The yin and yang of the heaven and the earth, the life and death of all things, in a sense, life and death are part of the world. There is no life or death, no death, where can life come? The power of life and death represents the world.

When these two kinds of profound meanings merge together, the power produced is enough to destroy everything in the world.

Even the Pearl of Thunder

At least, God Anxelam thought so at this moment.

He felt that no matter how weird and terrifying the Thunder Orb was, even with the power of Heavenly Dao, it could only perish in the face of life and death, because this is the irreversible law of Heavenly Dao in the Three Thousand Dao.

Terrible power was born in the invisible, and the power of life and death exploded, shrouding the little lightning orb..

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