One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2054: Zickrein, Geral?

Almost at the moment when God Anxelam died, in the middle of the distant sea.

The island where the tower of the paradise once existed has long lost its glory. Some are endless, empty sea level, and nothing on it, and occasionally a few pieces of trash can be seen floating alone.

But under that seabed, 20,000 miles deep, there is a cave mansion.

The place where the black dragon Akunorokia once slept, now looks a bit empty. Inside the cave, the ground is dusty, and there is only a thin figure sitting there, his whole body covered with thick. The dust, I don’t know how long it stayed.

It was a man. He lowered his head, with disheveled hair, but his hair was bloody red, as if it had been contaminated with blood, exuding a strange breath. A blood hole appeared in his chest, like being What sharp claws passed through, the blood had already solidified.

The area around the wound is black with blood and scabs.

Inside the empty wound, strangely clusters of black flames throbbed and burned.

Suddenly, the man's fingers moved, as if he had come back to life. He actually raised his head 070, and suddenly opened his eyes. What kind of eyes were they, dark and hollow, as if they had no eyeballs. , Lacklustre.

But the strange pair of eyes suddenly appeared red like blood, and they became extremely strange. The direction that the blood-red eyes were staring at was the direction where the god Anxelam fell.

The moment he raised his head, Fang was able to see his appearance clearly, that face with a trace of iconic scars, besides Geral who once disappeared without a trace, who else


He is still alive

You must know that at his mouth, it happened to be in the direction of the heart, as if it was penetrated by sharp claws, emptied everything, and without crushing the heart, he could survive.

This scene is really weird.

The resurrected Geral seemed to be startled by some kind of power, and it seemed that he felt some fluctuations. He raised his head and stared at the direction of the sea of ​​trees. In his hollow eye sockets, a coquettish fire suddenly ignited.

"God changes to heaven"

He opened his mouth, and spit out strange notes from his throat. The hoarse voice didn't look like a human voice, but a bit similar to the voice of a fierce beast or a demon.

"Roja is dead"

In the next moment, his eyes suddenly burst with terrible blood, full of intense hatred and monstrous killing intent. In his body, groups of strange blood blossoms bloomed, making the smell of blood permeated around him.

A terrifying force slowly radiated from him. In an instant, the entire cave was reduced to ruins, and the calm seabed was suddenly turned upside down by this force.

He slowly got up and walked in the direction of Shuhai.

at the same time.

The land of the sea of ​​trees.

When the god Axelam fell, when countless people were still immersed in shock and inconceivability, the heaven and earth where the god Axelam was gradually dying out suddenly had the mighty power of God surge, slowly Slowly gathering, finally formed a hexagonal crystal exuding brilliance.

God core

At the moment when this crystal exuding sacred aura appeared, Roja felt it. He watched with some curiosity. He was about to move, but he didn't expect that Chickrein, who had been on the ground, was better than him. The action is even faster.

Almost when Roja was about to reach out and grab it, Qi Klein's figure flickered, and he appeared in the void. He was very decisive, and opened his mouth to swallow the god core into his abdomen.

The sudden occurrence of this scene caught everyone present a bit by surprise, no one bdcf expected it, and even Luo Ya was quite surprised.

In fact, as early as the moment when the dazzling light of judgment was about to fall on the head of God Anxelam, Zicrein, who had been standing side by side with Oge, quietly raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. At that moment, it became tense, like a bow and arrow ready to go.

He seemed to have anticipated the next scene a long time ago, so he was able to get ahead of Roja. At the moment when the god core appeared, he quickly rushed up and swallowed it very decisively.

"this is"

Everyone was full of stunned faces, and no one thought that at the last moment, Chi Klein would make such a move.Even Ouge, who came with him, was very surprised.

"Zikerein, what are you doing?"

Oge was stunned, frowning and staring at Zickrein, asking somewhat puzzledly.

He has always been on the same line with this teammate, and he even regarded Zickrein as his strongest ally, but he didn't expect this guy to do such a thing, which made him feel a little caught off guard.

Although he didn't know exactly what the crystal was, since it was exploded from the god Anxelam, it certainly wouldn't be anything mundane, not to mention that the crystal nucleus exuded was full of sacredness. Breath.

In a dull gaze, there was a touch of ecstasy on Qi Klein's face. With his eyes closed, he seemed to be refining the divine core in the body, continuously injecting divine power, making his body more and more crystal clear.

Almost instantly, Qi Klein's aura reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian, but he was still climbing, and his momentum became more and more magnificent. In the end, the whole person was almost bathed in the sacred light. .

"Boom bang bang"

The sacred and vast power continued to agitate from him, and after about a few minutes, his aura became more and more terrifying, still approaching the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

He opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were electric, so sharp that he could penetrate everything.

"So your purpose is here"

Roja looked at Zicrein in surprise and smiled faintly. Until this moment, he did not understand why Zicrein would appear here with Oge. It turned out that the purpose of this guy was neither the General of the Six Demons nor the generals. Roja itself.

But this core

It’s just that Roja wondered why this guy knew that the god Axelam would appear here, and even if he could find the whereabouts of the god Axelam, why could he be sure, Axelam God has fallen here, and the core of God will be exploded.

There seems to be something wrong with this guy.

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