One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2062: Before Leaving

God Emperor Roja is leaving.

I don't know when, this matter is no longer a secret.

Although Roja has not ruled for a long time, what Roja has done during this time has been enough to make everyone feel respected. Their respect for Roja is not simply because of the kind of strong people. Respect.

It was Roja who did the real thing.

After the empire stabilized, in order to improve the magic cultivation of all members, Roja deliberately set up a three-year World Magic League, using many genius treasures as rewards, which has attracted countless wizards to come. participate.

"Have you heard that the empire hosts the World Magic League, and the prizes are amazingly rich. It is said that many of them are the treasures of the heaven and earth that were taken out by the Emperor God himself. The service can increase the strength and extend the life, and some can even succeed. God"

"Cut, this is nothing, do you know that, the most precious thing is that I heard that the champion can also get a chance to personally advise the Lord God Emperor, this is much more precious than the treasure of heaven and earth."

"I heard that many great magisters have decided to participate in the competition. 13"

"I also know that the Saint Ten Great Sorcerers also participated."


The holding of the World Magic League caused an uproar among the people, triggered a wave of magic practice, and swept the entire continent with an unstoppable force.

Time passed quietly.

Roja left behind a bunch of natural treasures to enhance strength and life expectancy. After giving them to the people of the Fairy Tail Guild, he took Mebis, Aquiya, Miraj and other women and disappeared.

Outsiders think that Roja and the others have gone to other worlds and returned to the previous plane.But only Makarov knew that Roja did not actually leave the plane of Demon Tail.

He went to the astral world.

Astral world.

The Star Spirit King was kneeling in front of Luo Ya at this time, with a humble face, and respectfully serving Luo Ya a cup of specialty tea.

This once inexhaustible and powerful king of the star world, in front of Luo Ya, can only shiver like a small person, and respectful, even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

"Master Loya"

The Star Spirit King opened his mouth, as if trying to explain something.

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Roya who was sitting in front of him and waved his hand. Roya glanced at him indifferently and said, "Don't worry, to be honest, I'll tell you the stars The world is actually not interested."

When he said this, the Star Spirit King was relieved, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and could not help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand.

Although he was far away in the astral spirit world, he had already heard of what happened in the demon tail world.When he saw the Lord God Emperor suddenly appear in the astral world, he almost was scared to pee his pants.

Even strong men like Jeff, the black dragon Akunorokia, and even the god Anxam couldn't stop this one in front of him, and the Protoss King didn't think he could resist the footsteps of the God Emperor's conquest.

Before he rushed over to see Roja, he had made up his mind secretly. Once Roja opened his mouth, he would definitely agree that even if he wanted to take charge of his world, he had to give in without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ya's purpose was not to control his Astral Realm, but this surprised the Astral King.

"That lord is" The Protoss King shivered, looking at Luo Ya with a blank expression, his eyes rolled, before Luo Ya could speak, he added, "The villain is willing to submit to Lord Luo Ya."

Originally I felt a little fortunate, but the Protoss King changed his mind. Since Roja is here, even if he doesn't say anything, he must actually have a plan for the Prosperity Realm. In that case, he might as well just hand over Give in.

Maybe, if the adult was happy and rewarded himself with some treasures of heaven and earth, it would be much better than being an empty Star Spirit King.

Thinking of this, the Protoss King suddenly changed his face and directly lowered his posture to the lowest level, even surrendering sincerely.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for subduing the Protoss King and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box x1."

This made Roya a little surprised. In fact, his purpose this time was really not to control the astral world. After all, he had no interest in such a small world.

But considering that he still needs to perfect the way of heaven, this will take a trip.Unexpectedly, it was so easy to get the power of the world origin.

"Okay, you will continue to be your Protoss King in the future, take care of me well."

Roja waved his hand, waved his sleeves, and left the astral world with Mebis and the other girls.

"The minister respectfully sent the Lord God Emperor"

The figures of women such as Roya and Mebis had disappeared in the astral world for a long time, but the Astral King still couldn't kneel in the direction they left. After a long time, it seemed that they could no longer feel the terrible pressure. The Star Spirit King was relieved.

He wiped a cold sweat, his face couldn't help becoming pale, and he felt like he was going to collapse.

too frightening

Looking at the direction of Luo Ya's departure, the Star Spirit King's eyes were full of jealousy, but after 940, he suddenly smelled a scent, and suddenly found that there was a lot of heaven and material on the ground. treasure.

"Thank you Lord Longen"

The Protoss King was overjoyed and bowed down again for compilation.

Fairy Tail World.

An unknown sea area.

At this time Roja had already returned, but instead of returning to the empire, he took Mebis and other women to this unknown sea for vacation.

The news of his return was not even known to Makarov.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a plane travel card, which can randomly travel to a world. May I ask if you use it?"

The system's voice sounded in Roya's mind. Roya smiled, looking at the women such as Mebis who was still sunbathing on the beach, and said with a smile, "Have we played enough, let's go now."

"System, use"

When the voice fell, he said to the system expectantly.

s; The Monster Tail Volume is over, and the next volume is the Marvel World.However, the specific update time may have to be next month.Because Mosquito has other books to be updated, the update will not be so regular outside the treasure chest, I hope you understand.After all, to feed the family, we still have to rely on new books..

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