One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 2068: SHIELD

Pulling the black catwoman under control, Roja found Stark again, and the reception was about to end.Noting that Roja was holding the hand of the Black Catwoman, Stark was not surprised. He didn't think any woman could escape Roja's charm after that song.

Of course, Roja didn't explain, he took the Black Catwoman who was unable to speak because of being controlled, and got into Stark's car.

After a while, the four of them returned to Stark's house.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, several people talked about what they had learned at the reception.Stark wondered why Black Catwoman hadn't said anything until now. Roja explained that Black Catwoman was too shy.

The Black Catwoman just happened to have to make a lowered head movement, which confirmed Luo Ya's words.

After a while, Little Chili brought tonight's supper, steak and red wine as usual, and also brought a message.Hawkeye is here.

Roja was a little surprised by Hawkeye's efficiency, but when he saw a one-eyed white man behind the latter, he immediately made a whisper.Stark's face, who was sitting aside, immediately turned pale.

Hawkeye gave him a look of shame.

The one-eyed black man was named Nick Fury, the current director of SHIELD.

He considered himself Yuxuan and pacing in the hall, glanced at Luo Ya coldly, his eyes were very rude.

According to his understanding, Nick Fury is a strong man, sinister and cunning. Although it is considered politically correct in the original work, it is not very friendly to the superhero system.This is true even if he is the earliest initiator of the Avengers.

Stark may be able to handle this problem.If he can't, he doesn't mind sending this back personally.As for killing people directly, Roja has no plans for the time being, after all, this era is generally a peaceful era.Rushing against the government would go against his original intention, and of course Roja would not allow him to kick his nose on his face.

As long as he demonstrates sufficient deterrence, as a collection of qualified politicians, the government will not make any radical moves.

"Chief Nick, I don't think you received my invitation."

Nicholas nodded, the angular face and the one-eyed one on his face looked a bit hideous.He was pacing in this room like his master, but the eagle eyes behind him were strangely silent. Suddenly, he spoke.

"Stark, if the politicians make fools of people, let them see the ghost first. My purpose of coming here is very simple. I need to know what the energy level reaction that appears in your building during the day is. ."

"That was just an ordinary experiment. The specific content is a trade secret of our group. Although Director Nick is worthy of people's trust."

Stark said sarcastically, "But whether it is a clue is my freedom."

"We have tested the form of energy dissipation, which is not any known way of energy manifestation."

"Of course, that is our latest result. It is still in the experimental stage, if it can be put into use, it may be able to lead an energy revolution."

Of course Xianli could set off an energy revolution, Roja knew in his heart, but he also knew that Stark was slanderous.However, it is possible to produce results. After treating Stark, Stark collected Xianli's energy samples, but it has not yet begun research.

Of course, in order to prevent the earth's power system from being balanced by foreign objects, Roja also warned that this energy can only be studied and not used.

Nick Fury scoffed at Stark's rhetoric.He pointed to Roja's nose, looked at Stark and said.

"Perhaps you can explain what's going on with this person. Why a yellow person suddenly appeared next to you. And he appeared after that energy burst. If you can't explain it, maybe I have to take it back today. This is me. My duty is also my duty."

"It's impossible." Stark shouted.Roja felt impatient, but Nick Fury continued domineeringly.

"In fact, this matter has nothing to do with you, Stark. You don’t have to stand up for someone who doesn’t want to shut down. SHIELD has mastered the weaknesses of superheroes, such as you. As long as you interfere with the source of your body, you Can't summon the steel armor, can't it, but Hawkeye and I can take him away forcibly, instead of discussing with you politely here."

Stark did not go to confirm Nick Fury's words, he must have made a complete preparation for the decision.Roja discovered that in the distance of the Stark Building, there were a few people who obviously had special abilities, and they were about to start flying here.Reminiscent of the technological level of Stark, Roja should think that the reinforcements did not follow Nick Fury to the Stark building at the beginning, naturally because they were afraid of being discovered by the monitoring equipment in advance, and Roja escaped.

Knowing that the other party is unkind, and that it is bound to win, Roja doesn't need to bear it.

In other words, Luo Ya does not need to forbear.

He stood up.

"I heard that your target is me."

Nick Fury stared at the man who had just gotten up from the chair, and when he noticed his eyes, his whole body trembled.But his self-esteem does not allow him to bow his head in front of a junior in his twenties, he said with a sneer.

"of course."

"What if I disagree"

"I don't mind using violence."

Roja nodded, then glanced at him again.

Nick Fury seemed to feel a huge blow, and he almost shredded his soul, so in an instant, he lay straight on the ground.

Roja controlled his strength to a level that would cause him pain but not death, and then squinted his eyes again and took a breath out of the window.With this breath, they knocked out all of Nick Fury's reinforcements, and at the same time they were thrown into Times Square in New York for people to watch.

Stark naturally didn't know what Roja did.It just feels weird.

Roja looked at Hawkeye again.

"I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

Roja noticed Stark's hesitation and stopped, and gave him a comforting smile.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

Hearing that Roja was still as peaceful as usual, Stark said nothing, and simply waited for Hawkeye's answer.

"Nick Fury has brought a lot of people. This time should have already arrived. If they find that you have knocked down the director, they will definitely attack here directly."

Hawkeye looked very nervous.

"You don't know how terrifying those people are. At least Stark will never be one of their opponents. Even if he is fully armed."

Stark was obviously surprised by his description. Hawkeye’s combat effectiveness is almost only reflected in fighting skills and archery skills, as well as external equipment. At best, it is the pinnacle of a top martial arts master and a master of various weapons. The ability.

Stark is far beyond, at least the defensive power of the steel suit is sufficient to defend against most firearms and shells, and the equipment on it is also sufficient for a single plane and a battleship.

Are those who are better than him a monster?

Although to some extent he guessed it right.

Regardless of Stark, who regretted not going to conduct a detailed investigation of SHIELD, Roja interrupted Hawkeye.

"They won't be coming. If you get the news sooner, you should be able to hear that they are sleeping in Times Square."

Hawkeye and Stark felt puzzled, Roja stretched out his hand a little, and a light curtain appeared in front of him, on which a scene of a dozen men sleeping in Times Square was playing.

"So, now, can you give me an explanation."

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