One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2109: Kwai Molly

Putting the black cat woman to sleep, Roja turned around and came to the meeting room. Except for Stark, who was sorting out the information, and Peter Parker, who was temporarily serving as his assistant, the others were still doing nothing.At this moment, the black widow walked in from outside with a tray and put a cup of coffee in front of Roja.

"Thank you."

After a little thank you, the black widow continued to give others their favorite drinks.When all this was over, the black widow came to Roja again.Raising his eyebrows slightly, Roja drinking coffee asked.

"what happened."

"The news from Hawkeye. It seems that there is some resistance. I think I should help him. Obviously I can't help him here now."

Luo Ya thought for a while.

"Be specific."

Roja worried that the so-called resistance of Hawkeye would bring danger.

"The little spider should know each other, it's Dr. Octopus. Hawkeye's movements are too fast, so those people feel a little at risk." Roja didn't correct the black widow's misnomer and let him continue.

"So some villains were brought out of prison by them. As their own protectors. The ability of an eagle eye does not fully guarantee the success of the assassination."

847 Roja frowned, "What about the others"

"I don't know yet. Clot only met Doctor Octopus. We guessed that there should be no too strong guys, because too strong guys are difficult to control. If I get together with Klot, I should be pretty sure."

Roja raised his eyebrows, "Don't you should, you have to be completely sure, our hands can't be damaged by these scumbags. Peter Parker can't walk away now, you can ask x23 and Logan if they can help you. It should be enough."

There is no shortage of manpower in the Avengers, and there is no need to take these risks.Dr. Banner and Johnny are enough for the ritual to summon the devil.The American captain went to follow Thor and should not be in danger. After all, the order given to the American captain was to send him a message as soon as he saw the abnormal situation.So it's no big deal to send Wolverine and x23 to the Black Widow Knight.

With Liroya's instruction, the Black Widow left with Wolverine and x23.Soon after, Stark ran out of the laboratory.

"The monitor was broken again by that bastard Thor."

In other words, Thor has now left.

"Did bdbj Steve follow?"

"Follow up."

"Okay. Stark, you continue to monitor. If anything happens, the support over there will be handed over to you. Later, Dr. Banner and Johnny will summon the demon with Constantine."

Stark nodded. Although Loki's evaluation of the power is very strong, it is not too strong to be afraid of people. It is relatively simple for Stark with 10,000 Iron Legions to cope.What's more, there are no less than ten superheroes left behind.Assuming that the combat power is not enough, just bring them together.

So he didn't bother with Luo Ya's three-way warfare.

"Okay, Roja, I wish you can summon a beautiful demon beauty. It is not a problem to leave it to me here."

He nodded slightly, the sky was already a little dark.

Roja decided to act now, but at the end he spoke to Stark.

"My side should be over soon. If there is a problem on Thor's side after the end, I will take Banner to support you immediately."

Stark thought for a while, "It should not be so fast. Even if Thor finds Loki, it will take time. If you move fast, we can even have a good dinner first."

"I hope so."

Smiling at Stark, the latter waved his hand.

"Dr. Banner is in the laboratory, Constantine and Johnny are in the study."

Roja nodded to indicate that he knew, and found Dr. Banner and Constantine in two places.

The three of them walked outside, Constantine and Johnny had prepared all the materials.Constantine led the crowd to a crossroads, and then began preparations.

"what is this"

Dr. Banner expressed doubts. The first step of Constantine’s work was to draw a huge magic circle. Although everyone simply learned a little bit of occult knowledge, Constantine did not have something like the Solomon matrix system. take it out.Because something like this requires the power of the user, unfortunately, there is no such profound mystical attainments besides him.

"Solomon seals the magic circle. If the devil steps into this circle, he will be trapped."

To explain briefly, Constantine's plan is quite simple. If the devil stepped into this matrix when the demon appeared, they would save a lot of things.Because he wanted to expand some scope, Constantine's circle drawing was exceptionally large.

At the same time, after painting, he used some grass and stones to make a simple disguise for the array.

Then the ceremony began.Buried the iron box with the black cat's bones, grave soil and his own photo in the ground.


Constantine smiled and said that in the next moment, Roja felt a wave of fluctuations appearing nearby.Then a woman in a suit slowly emerged behind Constantine.

"The magic of space."

Then Roja noticed that Constantine's soul had given a strength.So the essence of this ritual is to use one's own power as a bargain to make the demon appear in the world.

See through the essence of the ceremony at a glance.Roya and Banner watched from a distance.

"Constantine has to say that you are a small celebrity in hell. It may be a pleasure to be able to trade with someone like you. Isn't it?"

The woman was a tall white man, and Constantine's reaction was relatively flat.

"Perhaps you can introduce yourself. Isn't it, madam. Since it is a deal, if the price is fair, maybe I will find you to trade next time. If you have heard of me, you must know the devil who traded with me. He basically got what he wanted. Didn't he"

"My name is Kwai Molly."

The woman thought about it.She knows the foundation of Constantine, who has reincarnated countless times.There are memories from ancient times to the present, and the reason is because his soul is very special, it seems that he has committed some sin, so neither heaven nor hell will accept his soul.

In other words, because of something, Constantine achieved a certain sense of immortality, although he has always thought that he was cursed.

On the contrary, because of this curse, Constantine can distribute power to others. Compared with a simple soul, the immortal power of the soul is not worse than the latter.

In other words, Constantine can deal with demons almost free of charge..

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