One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 2119: There seems to be an audience

"Yes. I will try to control the attack rhythm."

For this kind of sparring work, Roja will not exert too much power.In case of smashing Stark directly, there is no way to collect data.After a little thought, Luo Ya took out a long sword from the space.

"You can start anytime."

Seeing that Roja was ready, Stark nodded and equipped the armor on his body. The stronger energy external device made the energy core of his chest more powerful. In Stark’s view, now At this stage, this power is already the limit he can master. If a higher output mecha is developed, he will probably not use it. In that case, under excessive speed and power, his own The body may not be able to respond appropriately.

Roja raised his eyebrows, he sensed something, and Stark seemed to notice.

Banner came in from the door of the test site, followed by Wolverine and Deadpool, while Little Spider and the others were ordered to watch the duel of Roja and others with a monitor outside.

He and Stark should have been seen from the monitor.

Roja thought about it for a moment, and Dr. Banner had already completed his transformation. In this form, he would not encounter any danger if he wanted to watch the battle up close.

"It looks like there is an audience."

Stark smiled slightly, and then signaled to Roja 197 that he could start attacking.

The spectators were curious about what Roja and Stark's new suits could be, and almost everyone was intently.

At this time, Roja had already launched an attack.

Slightly shook the sword in his hand downward, and moved it to Stark in two steps.Then he slammed a sword on Stark's head.


The blunt force played by Qiao Li slammed Stark's head with the sound of a blunt weapon colliding, and Stark quickly moved backwards immediately after reacting.

"Can't this kind of force break the defense?"

Give it a little more strength.

Just thinking about it, dozens of beams blasted into Stark's palm in a curved way. This technology is an improved version of the laser whip technology derived from the whip, which has very strong practical value.

Luo Ya's response was to use the sword to directly sweep the beams of light, pulling a sword flower, half of the beam was broken, and then back a few steps, volleyed a few points, and the remaining beams also fell silent.

Of course, Stark’s offense is not so simple. At the same time that Roja’s bdcd sword was launched, more than a dozen missiles were launched from his fingers. The laser’s burst damage could not help Roja. Stark believed that the explosion damage from live ammunition might Can play a little role.

"The pace is too slow for Stark."

Luo Ya slammed a sword gas, and then came first, cutting the missiles into two volleys.

Because the sword energy was too sharp, it swept away without detonating the missiles, and the missiles that had been broken into two fell directly on the ground.After cutting down the missile, the sword attacked Stark unsharply.

Seeing this, the latter hurriedly flew upwards, and at this moment, Luo Ya had already rushed up and kicked hard.


The tremendous force kicked Stark against the wall.The claws of the melee control device mounted on the mecha climbed onto Roja's thigh almost instantly, and quickly folded and stepped on the air. Almost at the moment of being caught, Roja flew backwards.

"Thunder Gun."

With a hand stretched forward, the spear composed of lightning directly pierced Stark's mecha.

"Luo Ya, how many abilities do you have?"

Stark yelled out. In fact, the battle prediction model he made completely simulated the ability data that Roja had shown.He originally thought that Roja's fighting method was to use teleportation and spells and close combat methods to cooperate, but he did not expect Roja to have such a sharp body skills.

"Reset the combat model. New data is loaded. The way to deal with it is"

"Add a micro thruster to replace the damaged body."

The flame-throwing arm armor flew towards Stark from the ground. Roja was not prepared to give him a chance to breathe. When using spare equipment like this, it is very important to grasp the timing of replacement, if it is blocked by the enemy. , You prepare 100 sets of spare equipment are useless.


Almost at the same time that Roja was close to his body, a lightsaber swept towards him according to his offensive line.

"data analysis"

"The same inspiration found in the movie. But your movements are not something this kind of program can see through."

While Roja dodges a blow, Roja’s other hand has been pressed on the left shoulder of the suit, followed by another thunder gun, piercing the left shoulder of the suit, and at the same time, Stark Then he jetted forward with all his strength, pushing Roja far away.

Taking this opportunity, the parts have been replaced.

Of course, this is also the problem of Roja's release of water. In fact, just using the current power, Roja also has countless ways to prevent Stark from changing parts, but if it is a normal battle with an enemy, this kind of replacement equipment The opportunity is enough.

"The installation of the external propulsion device is completed, and the computing speed of the system is overloaded. The pre-judgment of the enemy's course of action is complete, and the preparation for self-discipline attack is complete."

The speed of Iron Man instantly accelerated to more than three times the previous speed. As the body progressed, Roja's hair was blown up by the strong wind.


The sound barrier is directly broken.

A shield appeared in front of him in a reflective manner. Attacks like this speed were difficult to fail when predicting the opponent's actions. Roja was exhausted for the actual combat simulation, and the response method he chose was frontal confrontation.


The fist and the beam sword collided with each other, and the immense force caused the violent wind to blow back from both sides of Roja's body.

"Fuck Loya is a monster"

Shaking the steel giant with a physical body is naturally a monster in the eyes of ordinary people. Even though the strength of the two bodies is not much different, as a guy with a lighter weight, it is impossible to stand in place even if it is not injured. a bit.

He even blocked the opponent tightly.

"This does not conform to Newton's first law"

Dr. Banner exclaimed.

"I used magnetism."

Roja gave an explanation.At this limit of power, even if Roja is strong, he can only use skill to deal with the opponent's offensive under absolute power.Of course, this is only confined to the first condition that is hard-wired. Dr. Banner doesn't think that Roja has no other way to fight.

And Stark also knows that this is a sparring activity, not a confrontation of the century.If it was an actual confrontation, when Roja touched Stark, he was already dead.

After all, no matter how strong the defense power of the steel armor is, it can't be as strong as the Hulk's body.

Stark didn't think he had even a chance..

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