One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 212: Sand Crocodile and White Hunter

The innocent victims in the entire incident were, of course, the workers in the laundry room. The scattered things falling from the sky had once again soiled the soldiers' clothes that had been hard-washed.

For this, Luo Ya can only say that taking it from the people and using it for the people has always been the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation that he believes in.Although it is not a human race in the world, this thing shouldn't be much different. Let's add some manliness to the soldiers of the new navy.

Smogg, who was in a coma, soon woke up and heard that Robin and the flying squirrel were having an interview, and the pig's head, which was a bigger circle under the gauze, sat with them.

Luo Ya, who was not interested in listening to their discussions, stood lazily at the door smoking a cigarette, and the three of them had walked out before long.Flying Squirrel looked satisfied, with vague expectations on his face.

As soon as Smogg walked to the door, he saw Luo Ya, and a pair of unhappy eyes appeared in the seam of the mummy's head. It seemed that he knew that he was going to work for Luo Ya.

"Old smoker, what do you look at, believe it or not, I'll beat you up again"

"Yan 017 Emperor Luoya, don't go too far" Smogg subconsciously contradicted.

As a person who speaks and counts, Roja slammed his fist and went up, and Smogg rushed forward, not to be outdone.Robin covered his eyes helplessly, and the flying squirrel also had an expression that couldn't bear to look straight.

The two fight together, and the situation is naturally completely one-sided.With the speed of light, Luo Ya can only touch the ashes with smoke or something.


Luo Ya, who was finished, stood beside Robin refreshedly, grabbed the shoulders of the beautiful woman and walked away, leaving Smogg who fell to the ground.

But fortunately, the swelling on his face has been completely removed, and I returned my fist to beat Smogg back to his original appearance.

The flying squirrel was originally going to go up and carry Smogg and go to the infirmary again. Seeing this situation, he had to admire Roja's level. This kind of power is so wonderful to control, it is worthy of breaking out of the sea. A prestigious person.

For the child's character, Luo Ya, who doesn't cover up at all, Luo bdcgbin is also a little bit dumbfounded, but it is precisely because of this undisguised appearance that he will be devoted to him.

It is easier for the revolutionary army to annex the new navy than imagined. Tiger's aura is really not measurable by ordinary people. As a person who can build a bridge between murlocs and mankind, he gladly accepted the joining of these people.

This kind of work of reorganization after the breakup was well-acquainted by the revolutionary army. Without much worry, Roja took Robin back to the port city of Canola.At the same time there is a big tail behind him, Small.

Such a dangerous person, Roja would not let him see his daughter-in-law Tina before he stopped thinking about it.So, it's better to take it with you.

Just after entering the base of the Revolutionary Army in rapeseed, Roja's sights found Krokdal's figure. There is no way, the golden hook in this cargo's hand is too conspicuous.

"It seems that Ivankov's work is going smoothly."

Smiling and saying something to Robin next to him, the two of them took the old smokers and walked towards the place where they were seen and heard.As for why the judgment process went smoothly, it was just because Krokdal had no equipment such as sea towers in his hands. If you knew that it was Roja's order, but the letter was not good, he went to martial arts.

As soon as I entered a huge conference room, before Luo Ya and the lightning and Ivankov were able to say hello, the sand crocodile and the old smoker met first, standing together with big eyes and small eyes. .

"Why are you here"

"I'm here to talk about what matters to you as if you don't smoke cigars."

"The last time I grabbed my cigar, I haven't settled the account with you, so you dare to appear in front of me"

"Find out, Krokdal, you robbed me of my cigar last time"

Sand Crocodile and Smogg are both smokers, and smoking is certainly the best cigar.But Alabastan only has much supply

The hatred between the two was naturally forged in order to compete for the supply of cigars.

Just as the two were arguing, Roja whispered in Robin's ear, and Robin, who was smirking, stretched out his beautiful hands and folded them in front of him.When it comes to black belly, Robin is not at all lost to Roja.

Two rounds of flowers blooming

Two arms appeared behind the old smoker and sand crocodile respectively, and pressed their heads up.

Unsurprisingly, the two people who were too close staged a male-male ěn war drama, just like Naruto Sasuke in Naruto, and they were full of love.

Lightning spit out hot tea directly, and Ivankov watched their behavior with interest, and seemed to want to try it too.

Krokodall and Smogg retched for a long time, and looked at Robin the initiator together quite tacitly. Robin stretched out his arm and pointed directly at Roja, with a very innocent expression on my face.

"Hey, hey, how did that feel just now"

The shameless Roja wouldn't be embarrassed, but he admitted it openly, and asked eagerly about their feelings.

"If one day, I can beat you, I will definitely find a way to kill you"

"Don't talk like me"

The tacit understanding between Krokdal and Smogg was obviously full, and they looked more like a pair of enemies.Soon, the two selectively ignored Roja's evil deeds and refocused the target on each other. After all, they couldn't beat them anymore.

The author of the book rebirth, the evolution of the ace of electric eels, eat shit to change fate.

Reborn, it's still an electric eel. Fortunately, there is an ace evolution system that can evolve by swallowing.It seems that this is forcing me to become the rhythm of the existence at the top of the food chain.

But what is the situation in this world? What are the swallowing objects? Piranhas, piranhas, Tyrannosaurus rex, aliens, predators, Godzilla, and the star behemoth system. Are you sure you are not teasing me? Yeah, I swallowed the star of the sun, there is no growth value.

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