One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 394: Mai Shiranui is a headache

After Shiranuiwu finished speaking, she closed her fan and circled Roya, her eyes filled with confusion, her brows raised, and she brought her face to Roya's eyes.

"It's just a bit too tall, then, handsome guy, what's your answer?"

"Are you confessing to me?"

With a smile at the corner of his eyes, Luo Ya was extremely satisfied looking at Mai Shiranui in front of him.Not only is she outstanding, but in the eyes of Kagura, this girl's strength is also good. Although she is a bit worse than Esders, her appearance and moves are also quite compatible with people in the Naruto World.

Also, this character is really interesting, as soon as he was summoned, he began to entice the summoner.However, this girl is obviously far behind with this kind of trickery.

"The confession is really cute, then treat it as my confession, have you considered it?"

"Not yet, it depends on your performance. If you perform well, maybe I will accept it, Miss Shiranui Mai, well, and, I must be very clear about my identity. There is no denying that even if I am handsome 240, I still I hope you can change your name."

In turn, this little girl was brought together, and Luo Ya became happy.With Shiranuiwu's existence, there must be no problem with the country of Uzumaki. Ordinary Shangren comes over, this little girl can handle it without any effort.

"It's really distressing, Mr. Qiuye"

Leaning to Roja's ear, she said, Shiranui Wu has changed into a conservative outfit when she hit her fan.Although his appearance is wild and bohemian, he is actually quite a conservative person.

Briefly talking about the current situation, Shiranui Wu lay directly on Roja's back, the two groups of murder weapons clinging to each other, and were taken high in the air.

Looking at the situation in the Uzumaki country all the way, Roja has always been mind-blowing. Although this scale is not as large as Tsunade, it is not small. His two legs are restlessly wrapped around his waist, obviously deliberately showing his flexibility and flexibility. Perfect body.

Under the lingering wind, the situation in the country of the vortex has been investigated for a long time. Except that bdac has an underground exchange, there is no influence, but there are many rebellious to avoid the limelight.

The two upper-level renunciations were easily solved, and two ninjutsu treasure chests were obtained, and they respectively contributed to Loya the magic technique of Narukian, a soil escape heart decapitation, and two c-level ninjutsu.

The rest are the middle and lower ninjas who can't be on the stage. Even if only Ye Yuan Lin is alone, they can easily solve them. However, after hesitating for a long time, Luo Ya still chose to let Shiranui Mai stay here.

Shiranui Wu's identity is a trouble for Ninja Village. The village's xenophobia is quite serious. Even the people Luo Ya brought back will not be trusted, but will be looked after by layers. It would be better to let it develop outside.

There is also the reconstruction of the original Uzushio Village site in Uzumaki Country, which will definitely attract the attention of interested people. After all, there are too many types of ninjutsu, and the five powers also have their own intelligence networks. It is impossible to slowly develop an underground force. Right.

Shiranuiwu's Shiranuiyu can also act as a facade in the early stage, resisting the eyes of those prying eyes, as long as you clean up a few people who don't have eyesight, you can definitely save a lot of trouble in the future.

After exposing the plan and its whole story, Shiranui Mai was a little unhappy. Could it be that her charm has declined, why the seduction is not working now?

"Oh, did Qiuye-jun be so cruel to abandon a weak woman of mine here?" Lying on the tatami in the big hotel room, Shiranui Mai pointed her head, pretending to be weak.

Weak woman

Luo Ya rolled his eyes directly, knowing that if Huo Wu is a weak woman, there are really not many normal women in Naruto World.

"Others don't know your strength, I don't know how to sleep, don't make trouble."

Waving helplessly, Roja was really helpless when he didn't let him eat this kind of food, and tried to tease his little fairy.Just stay in two rooms if you don't want to eat, or you have to get into one room, this is deliberately, I really don't know what this girl is thinking.

"Okay, okay, really a cruel man." She squatted her mouth, closed the skirt that was deliberately naked, Shiranuiwu smiled at the corner of her eyes, this kind of man who does not force a woman is quite popular.

You must know that Shiranui Wu can't violate Roja's orders at all. In other words, even if the girl is ordered to get naked and go to bed, she can only admit her fate.

However, Roja agrees that the best way is when it happens. The kind of sex without emotion, there are many in the izakaya next door, one thousand and two a night, you can choose any height, short, fat and thin, and even double the silver. , I don’t have any problems if I want to play and sleep together.

There was nothing for a night, and when Luo Ya woke up the next day, he saw the treasure chest refreshed by Shiranui Wu, and this girl was sleeping soundly at this time, feeling nothing.

It’s so easy to get up to 50% of the favorability rating. Take out the favorability detector in the warehouse, Luo Ya clearly sees that his favorability rating has reached the secret promise.

My charm has grown

Touching the stubble on the chin, the speed of this kind of favorability improvement is really puzzling, Roja can only blame himself for being too handsome, and it is really annoying to be too charming.

He got up and put the treasure chest into the system warehouse, and looked at the conditions for opening the treasure chest.

Shiranui Mai's Nuri treasure chest makes Shiranui Mai volunteer to give the host a full body massage.

Full body massage

Looking at Shiranui Mai who was still asleep, Luo Ya angrily touched the tip of his nose. The connotation of this full body massage was very strong.

Although his own command exit, under the mighty power of the system, she can definitely let Shiranui Wu come over and press it, but the evil taste of the system directly indicates that it is voluntary, even if it is pressed, it is of no use.The difficulty of this task has increased tenfold

How can I make it voluntary

It's another headache. I didn't expect that Yuyue Xiyan's Treasure Chest had just been completed, and here I came up with a difficult condition for opening the treasure chest..

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