One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 397: Seven to Two

The faces of Wunin Qidao suddenly changed. They didn't know what the Eight Door Dunjia was, and they didn't know what the day tiger was, but the move in front of them clearly exceeded the scope of s-level ninjutsu, even if it was forbidden. There is no such power


Seeing the white vigor in front of him, Wu Li Jinba subconsciously roared and dared not hesitate to ran back. Such a move could not be blocked at all.

Compared with Wuli Jinba, the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost, the loquat juzang, and the black hoe Leiya were quicker to respond. Because the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost was based on the principle of caution, the three of them had already taken precautions.

People who can be regarded as saviors by these people, how can they be simple people, but they didn’t expect that the moves used by the other party are even more terrifying than the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura.

"Mom Lao Tzu is a user of double-sword flounder, Feng Jian Wan" 13

Feng Jianwan, the double-sword flounder user who was kicked out by Roja in the first place, unwillingly climbed up from the ground. Since he was called the Seven Swordsman, he has never been looked down upon.

The kick that was easily kicked deeply hurt his heart. I don’t know how many days and nights of hard work, and how many hardships to get up after falling. He is not reconciled, not reconciled to such hard work, and is still being rubbed by others. Pinched ants.

In this original work, the double-sword flounder user who has no name issued his most brilliant blow to defend the underestimated dignity.

Liberation of flounder

Inject almost all of the chakra crazy into the flounder.Feng Jian Wan's eyes burst out, the blue veins on his cheeks burst out, the blood vessels on his body also bulged out, and the extremely fast flowing blood was vaguely visible.

The flounder glowed brilliantly, and the blade kept getting bigger, and the blue Chakra column was fiercely fierce, facing the day tiger issued by Roja.

"You are much braver than them. Unfortunately, when your strength is not as good as others, the first thing you think of is how to protect yourself."

Roja looked at the only one among the seven who stood up to resist, with a hint of mockery in his eyes.Everyone has their own way of survival, just like Bashas, ​​the champion of Pirate World.

It is not a question of whether he is strong or not. When Bashas is placed in the Naruto World, he is definitely stronger than the existence of the Seven Swordsmen. He knows how to avoid evil and how to protect himself.

Keeping the green mountain is not afraid of not having firewood. For the sake of a momentary struggle, the so-called "resistance" is just the fury of the fool, and it is of no use at all.

Roja's day tiger went straight to the middle of them, if it dodges properly, it can still be avoided.But if there is a positive shock, there is only a dead end.


The earth and rocks splashed, the ground was plowed into deep gully, countless trees were crushed into dust, and the place where the day tiger passed was a mess.

To become the Seven Swordsmen of Wuren, and a sharp edge to the outside of Wuren Village, these seven people have their specialties.

On the occasion of the day tiger's presence, the user of long knife stitches, Li Shichuangwan, used the penetrability of the needle to nail the trees in the distance, and tied a steel wire to pull himself out of the range of the day tiger.

Using the peculiarity of a blunt knife to cut through the grass, the wild bait man constantly taps the handle of the knife to make himself continue to accelerate, relying on the perception of a quick step to avoid danger.

Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, Loquat Shizo, Black Hoe Thunder Tooth saw the chance early. Although the three of the three's knives only have the speed bonus of Black Hoe Thunder Tooth, they still escaped by virtue of the instantaneous technique.

The only tragic death, that is, the user of the blasting knife droplets, Wuli is very eight, and wants to use the reaction force of the explosion to send himself out of range.

However, as the first person Roya chose to start, Zhouhu went at him. Even if there was a mind to play with a few people, it would be impossible for Wu Li to hide.

The first double-sword flounder user Feng Jianwan was unable to withstand the power of the day tiger. The light on the flounder was annihilated, and before a wave of waves was set off, he was already in a different place.

The body was ground into blood foam powder under the high-pressure gas bomb Niuhu, only the thousand-hardened double-sword flounder barely collapsed from the Niuhu, rotating and inserted on the ground in the distance, the blade plunged into the ground, only The remaining handle is faintly visible.

With a time difference of almost a few tenths of a second, the user of the blasting knife droplets, Wu Li Jinba, saw the sun tiger in front of him. The white teeth in the tiger’s mouth exuded a breath of suffocation, as if it brought death. The messenger made him unable to bear any resistance at all.

Memories mixed with countless faces flooded into my mind, and those who were killed by the explosive knife droplets appeared in front of them one by one, like a fatal ghost, roaring and wanting to drag them into hell.

It turns out that I have killed so many people before. It turned out to be this way.

Wu Li, who was hit from the front, was too late to react. The endless pictures in his mind were shattered, and his consciousness sank into darkness.The body was crushed by the day tiger, more thoroughly than Fengjianwan, and it seemed that even the smallest molecules in the blood did not exist.

The 257 blasting knife dropped with a drop and was knocked out. Looking at the broken blade and hilt, it is obvious that one of the famous seven knives is seriously damaged under the sun tiger. If it is not repaired, I am afraid It can no longer be used.

"Okay, amazing."

Doing a blow that Roya deliberately released under the water was like a god in the eyes of Matt Dai and the others. With just one blow, the famous Ninja Seven Swordsmen killed two people, and the remaining five people Also fled in embarrassment

Is Wu Ninja Seven Sabers too weak? I don’t know that Huo Xuanjian was stunned. The seven people who just played with themselves in applause just made them unable to cope with just a few playful attacks. How could they possibly be? Will be weak

Such an attack can no longer be resisted by Shangren

They have never seen a shadow-level powerhouse take action, but at this moment, they can be sure that Senior Qiuye Uzumaki is much more terrifying than the shadow-level powerhouse.

"Congratulations to the host for slaying the second of the seven Wunin swords, Shangnin Feng Jianwan, Shangnin Wuli Jinba, and randomly refreshing the ninjutsu treasure chest."

The aftermath of the day tiger gradually dissipated, and the system's prompt sound came as promised. Luo Ya flashed and put away the two ninjutsu treasure chests, and by the way, kicked the two fallen swords in front of Shiranui Genma..

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