One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 402: Obtain replacement treasure boxes

The three fluttering words made Yakura's expression extremely ugly, his anger surged but was suppressed abruptly, he snorted, and stared at the distant figure.

Ignoring Huo Xuanjian, Matt Dai, and Ebisu looked at the atmosphere in front of them, they were silent and dare not say a word. The power of the shadow rank powerhouse made them almost unable to breathe.

"Let's go, we should go back, my three little apprentices are still waiting for me to eat."

"Uh, uh."

The three of them stunnedly responded, and the image of Senior Akiba Uzumaki became extraordinarily tall in their sight, facing the fourth-generation Mizukage Yakura, without shyness, and even the other party’s choking and unable to repay, this glorious deed, Even the legendary Sannin can't do it

On the way back, because of the existence of four oil bottles, he walked for nearly an hour. At this speed, Luo Ya kept urging several people.13

This fight was a loss. Four people were slaughtered, and none of them were useful. It would be better to go to the Uzumaki Kingdom and gain two useful ninjutsu.

Back to the town where Xi Rihong and others took a temporary rest, Roja waved his hand and countless delicacies were served on the table. The average price of each dish was more than 1,000 taels. Such a feast makes Matt Dai these few people who escaped from the dead can't help but sigh in their hearts that it is really great to survive.

A day later, the Shiranui Genma team, who had finished resting, had to embark on the way back because the mission time was about to run out. Several people said goodbye to Roya in tears.

This kind of true feelings made Roya have to wonder whether these guys regarded themselves as free meal tickets and super bodyguards.

After calculating the time of his mission, Luo Ya smacked his lips. It was too boring. For three months, except for the kind of guard missions and spy missions that span the entire continent, it is really rare to have such a long mission time.

I was already swaying as hard as I could, but I didn't expect that it was only two months past, and the remaining one month was really difficult.

Xian opened the system map in his mind very boringly, checking whether there was any treasure chest that he could easily get, but Luo Ya was attracted by a treasure chest refreshed thousands of miles away.

Replace treasure chest

The five newly unlocked treasure chests are rarely refreshed, and the places where they are refreshed, except for the point treasure chest in the Uzumaki Kingdom, which is easier, most of the time they are refreshed directly in each Ninja Village.

This kind of cheating refreshing law made Roya hate the roots of his teeth, so he can't let him rush to the old man Tuying's office to pick up the treasure chest. Although the guy said that he is old, he is very powerful, and his power is not to be underestimated. .

Even if he could retreat all over, the ghost knew whether he would drive that guy crazy.

If there is no fourth Ninja War, no big snake pocket, Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha bring the earth to contribute, how to gather the pieces of the supreme treasure chest, can you let yourself dig the graves one by one, and pull the dead strong ones out and whip the corpses? It's disgusting enough to think about it.

However, this replacement treasure chest was refreshed on an isolated island on the edge of the Thunder Country. Such a location can be visited. The time limit for the treasure chest refresh is more than enough.

In the case of Thunder Country, I wondered if I could get more Thunder ninjutsu to study, and come up with a move like the "vitality package". This time it happened to be an opportunity.

But this spans the entire Thunder Country. It is obviously a bit inconvenient to bring three little apprentices with them. Let them stay outside alone, and I don’t feel relieved, or let them go back to the village first, as long as they are not there. It doesn't matter whether these chicks are there or not.

"Hong, you take Xiyan and Hongdou back to the village first. I have recorded the details of the mission on the scroll. You can just hand it over to the three-generation old man at that time."

"Oh, but Master, if you don't have a mission, a ninja can't stay outside the village without permission."

Xi Rihong looked at her master in surprise, puzzled in her ruby ​​eyes.Roja had already told them the reason for coming out of this trip, and it happened to avoid the vortex of Naruto competition in three months.But if I asked a few of them to go back and hand in the task, it would be inconsistent with the rules of the Ninja Code.

"Red, remember, rules are made by the strong."

Waved indifferently, Luo Ya touched his little red head and started a tutoring class on outlook on life.By the time he returned to Konoha, Mizumon had taken over the power. Who would blame himself for staying outside the village privately.

The three little apprentices were properly placed, Luo Ya's psychic blew out a gust of wind, and the three little niezi went up to the wolf's back and waved goodbye to him.

Hong held Yuewan's cute pet in her hands, and said goodbye with a whimper. After speaking, she arched into Hong's chamber, which made her teeth itchy.This kind of profit is not available to most people.

Seeing a few people go away, Luo Ya also rose up into the sky and marched towards the destination.

A few days later, stop and go, enjoying the special delicacies along the road, Roja came to the place where the 263 replacement treasure chest was refreshed. Looking at the isolated island with beasts everywhere, he felt very familiar.

Falling on the island, the entrance to the residence resembling the face of an eight-tailed bull ghost suddenly reminded him.

This small island is probably where Kirabi controls Yao in the original book, which is the small island where Naruto can use the nine-tailed chakra.

Stepping into it, under the seemingly small exterior, there is a cave in the residence. There are more than a dozen empty rooms, which clearly show signs of residence.

Looking at the dust on the table, there should be people living here a few days ago.

Now the kingdom of Lei has fallen into internal friction due to the death of three generations of Lei Ying. A few days ago, Wuren Village sent him a threatening letter.

The next four generations of Raikage Ai and his brother Kirabi who wanted to come to practice here have just left.

In the innermost bedroom, Roja saw the replacement treasure chest refreshed on the ground, and sat curiously beside the treasure chest.

Replacement treasure chests are randomly refreshed throughout the map. After placing a certain item and reopening it, you can randomly replace it with an item of the same value.This treasure chest can replace a random fantasy world item.

What should I put on? Luo Yamo rubbed his chin and started thinking..

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