One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 409: Thunder Dun·Super Thunder Leopard Group

"For such a task, you can better know the strength of your teammates. If you are familiar with it, you can complete the task in the future, and you can better divide the labor." After racking his brains back to the reason, Luo Ya turned his head aside, ghost Knowing why it is guilty to lie to this chick.

"Hmm, what do you need to prepare for the show?"

"No need, let's go directly, I have a silver pair"

As if he didn't want to talk more, Yu Muren nodded his head in understanding, followed behind him obediently, walking and jumping, obviously in a good mood.

Through the way of ordinary ninjas, the two reached the destination of the mission for a whole day.

Looking at the mountain in front of me, the thief’s cottage is on the top of the mountain. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are cliffs on all sides, and there is only one road from top to bottom.

For ordinary people, such a terrain would naturally be a peace of mind.But unfortunately, as long as the ninja of Naruto World has mastered the use of Chakra, the cliffs and cliffs are like walking on the ground, and the terrain does not have much influence at all.

Unexpectedly, I drew an identity treasure box of Qiuye Qiuye. This has not yet completed a few tasks for Konoha, but here I have to help Yunrencun complete the task. This is not considered an enemy.

"Senior Xiu, are there any tactics?"


Roya looked helplessly at the chick next to her. Is this girl a bit tiger so easy to believe in herself, if she faints, she can sell it directly.

"Shangnin is mine, you will take the rest."

"Senior Xiu is really considerate. He took the biggest risk and left the simplicity to me."

"You think too much."

Seeing that the girl next to her is getting more and more abnormal, Luo Ya really doesn’t even have the strength to roll her eyes. What's the situation? What about the lady, how can she look like a nympho?

I just don't want to let go of a ninjutsu treasure box, how come this girl has become considerate.Don't guess the woman's mind, the abnormal Luoya from the wooden man turned his head and threw it behind.

"Senior Xiu, let's go head-on now or wait till night"

Mu Ren spoke on the side, her own personality always makes her think of others first, and when completing tasks, she also listens to others' opinions first.

"Wait a minute, what's the situation"

"Senior Xiu, what did you just say?" Looking at Luo Ya with a look of confusion, Yumuren didn't hear what he said just now.

Turning his head slightly awkwardly, Luo Ya never thought that the little girl from Yumu would actually refresh a treasure chest, which is simply inexplicable.

Yurihong, Uzuki Xiyan, Nohara Lin, these three girls, except Uzuki Xiyan, because of her own worship and three generations of brainwashing, the initial goodwill is relatively high, a little easier, which is not extra difficult

Ye Yuanlin was a life-saving grace, she didn't promise her, she just came out of a treasure chest, and she couldn't open it for a short time, and Xi Ri was even more pitted. After all her efforts, all kinds of routines took turns.

"You got it wrong." With a casual response, Luo Ya put away the treasure chest.

The two were opened by the Mu Ren's Treasure Chest, and their favorability reached minus 80 or more.

Minus eighty or more

I have to dig out her family’s ancestral grave. Luo Ya felt a faint sadness in his heart. The girl’s favorability towards herself is now over fifty. If she doesn’t get a bit of excitement, she will definitely not be under fifty. .

"Go straight on."

Saying it, Roja moved towards the top of the mountain without waiting for the wooden man to react. Although he couldn't use physical skills because he wanted to hide his true identity, he even slowed down a bit, but he was more forbearing than usual. It's still going to be fast.

"Senior Xiu, wait for me."

Seeing Luo Ya who was moving fast, Yu Muren was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly followed. He darkly felt that Senior Daoxiu was still impatient, and he didn't seem to be willing to express his feelings.I was very lucky to be able to appear in front of the comforting monument and just know the past.

"Enemy Attack"

The fast-moving figure had just arrived halfway up the mountain and was discovered by the people above the mountain. The alarm sounded through the sky, and the harsh sound awakened everyone.

As the bandit leader, Shangren bounced from the soft couch. From the first day he was dispatched to the Thunder Country, he has never had a good night's sleep. Any wind and grass can make him sleepless at night. I am afraid that I will lose the head of Xiangshang in my sleep.

Among the five major countries, people like him are sent to each other. The first is to serve as a relay station for intelligence, which is the information of the village of Thunder Country.The second is to occasionally snipe the opponent's new generation genius.Third, it can disrupt the other party's domestic order and create a certain amount of panic.

People like him are fine when they don't go to war, and the senior leaders of the villages are more or less clear. As long as they grasp the yardstick and collect some insignificant information with peace of mind, the villages will also acquiesce.

However, when war starts, or when there is an intention to go to war, these people are definitely the ones that are given priority to deal with, and there is almost no luck.


As soon as he came out of the room, before he had time to check the situation of the cottage, a huge Leopard had already come into view. The b-level Ninjutsu Lei Leopard did not know him, but he had never seen such a huge Leopard.

Water escape

Seeing the Lei Bao, without thinking, the bandit leader directly used the water as a substitute to transform into a pool of water, and exchanged positions with the water in the tank not far away.


Looking at the Yumu man behind him, Luo Ya squashed his mouth secretly, because of the existence of this girl, he didn't think it was appropriate to use any means, and it seemed that there was only one trick Leibao could use.

So, here is an upgraded version

Lei Dun Chao Leopard Group


There was still the same seal in his hand. Luo Ya was like changing a water dragon bomb, slightly changing the nature of the Leopard. The Leopard that originally had only one Leopard turned into five.

With the huge supply of chakras, the blue and white Leopard did not increase in size as expected. Instead, it seemed that because of too many chakras, it had undergone a qualitative change and became a pitch black color.

Different angles and different directions directly block all the retreats of the bandit leader, and there is no way to heaven. Such ninjutsu is definitely the existence of s-level ninjutsu.

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