One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 414: Kill Back to Yunnin Village

Tuan Zang, who could not do anything during the whole process, directly smashed the desk and smashed everything in the office indiscriminately. The copywriting and chairs in the office were all not spared and turned into pieces.

Fighting with Sarutobi for most of his life and robbing him for most of his life, but he has never won, how can Danzo be willing to think that he has a chance to win, and he could not expect to lose.

Of course, Dashemaru's research team knows that even more than half of the human experiment materials are his. Originally, this was used as a means to restrain the new "Naruto", and not wanting to be the reason for the mess of losing.

"Naruto, Naruto"

With an angry roar, Tuan Zang punched the wall, but fortunately he was somewhat sane in his heart, otherwise this characteristic wall would have already collapsed.

The Sarutobi who walked out of the roots, the Hokage hat on the head that was taken down, looked at the sunset in the sky in a daze.From now on, it will be the world of young people, and he will finally step down.

Roja didn't know Konoha's upheaval, but even if he knew it, he would pretend to be deaf and dumb. It was just a memory that had happened long ago in his mind.Dashemaru does not rebel, how can you study 510 ninjutsu unscrupulously?

The land flew under the feet, and it didn't take long before the original dense forests turned into hills, and the land of Thunder Country had already appeared in front of him.

The treasure chest in Yunren Village has been taken away, and there is no need to go again, but Luoya's team is required to look for it one by one, and it will not exhaust people.

Turning his heart horizontally, his body changed for a while, his face turned into the appearance of an unknown Wuren in his memory, Luo Ya went straight to Yunren Village.

As a man who even dared to break into the sacred place of the Pirate World's Heavenly Dragons, Mary Joa, he was just a Ninja Village. As long as he didn't fall into the strange sealing circle, who would be afraid of anyone.

It was a small town near Yunren Village.It was the daytime, and many pedestrians were walking through the street. Roja stood in the sky and threw the body of the Yunnin Ninja show that had been stored in the warehouse.

Because of the peculiarities of the system warehouse, Xiu's appearance still remained the same as when he died, and even the blood remained warm.

Puff through.

The corpse that fell from the sky aroused the attention of pedestrians, and a team of ninjas resting in the small bddd town appeared beside the corpse in an instant.

The standard lineup of one ninja and three ninjas, after seeing the appearance of the ninja on the ground, the appearance changed greatly.

As a veteran Shangren, few people don't know the face of the person in front of them.Xiu, the man who was originally a wandering corpse, teamed up with the famous big beauty in the village. This is something that has caused countless Ninja Ninjas to tick their teeth recently. I don't know how many people want to replace them with their bodies.

Now that he died here, the appearance of his wounds was just not long after he died.You should know that there are two-tailed people in this team, two Yumu people

Who can kill such a powerful combination and where are the two Yumu people?

A vertical leap, Roja with a black scarf on his face has appeared on the roof not far from the corpse, standing with his hands holding hands, looking at the four people who are waiting in formation below.

"The three of you, rush back to the village right now and report this incident. The unknown strong men killed Xiu and Yu Mu Ren squad, Xiu was killed, Yu Mu is missing, let the village support as soon as possible.”

"team leader"

Seeing the captain's intentions, the three hesitated for a while, turned their heads and ran towards the village. It only took half an hour to get to the village from here, and only hoped that the captain could hold on.

In spite of the prayers in my heart, the three Ninjas clearly know that they can kill the strong man in front of him, and their captain may be more or less fierce, but their staying is only a hindrance, and they will take their lives in vain. There is no use.

Seeing the three Xia Ren going away, Luo Ya did not stop him, inserting his index finger into the ring of Ku Mu's tail, causing Ku Mu to spin endlessly at his fingertips.

When the original lively pedestrians saw the ninja corpse, the birds and beasts were scattered. The thing about the ninja adults who came up high was not something they could join in the fun.

"It's wise."

Seeing Shinobu's behavior in front of him, Luo Ya raised his eyebrows. Even if the script was written long ago, the actor's cooperation in this way is really pleasant.It seems that the most correct approach will make Yunyin Village lose its troops.

"who are you"

The left leg bowed slightly, and the right leg withdrew a little later. Shangren in front of him made the most suitable posture for exerting force. As long as the opponent moved slightly, he could initiate a thunder strike.

"Ninja's habit is to get information, can it be a bit new?" Touching the tip of his nose, Roja made no secret of the joke in his words.

The simple actions made Yun Ren Shangren nervous for a while, and he almost couldn't help but want to make a move, but one didn't know the strength of the other party, and the second he did it later, the better it was for him.

As long as we can insist on the arrival of the village's support, we can survive. If there is still hope of alive, no one wants to die.

"It seems that you are not going to chat with me, so you can only do it."

"How come chatting"

"It's late, I don't want to chat with me depending on your appearance, then I might as well send you to rest earlier."

Seeing Yunnin Ninja's stunned gaze and the hasty reaction, Luo Ya snorted, and Jie Yin started directly on his hands.

The technique of water escape and mist hiding

The dense white mist blocked Yunnin Ninja's sight. At this time, Shang Ninja was as uncomfortable as eating poo. What kind of plane he couldn't talk about people properly? The previous sentence was still asking himself for information.In the last sentence, I just say I don’t chat with him. How can I play it like this?

Lei Dun walk

Haolai, as Shangren, saw that the other side made a move, Yunren Shangren almost subconsciously began to seal, and the attack and defense were used.

The scattered arc began to find the enemy's position. Although this kind of ninjutsu is not very lethal, it can paralyze the enemy's body, which is especially suitable in this thick fog.


The screams came, making Yunnin Ninja's face a joy.The hilt of the Ninja sword behind him was gripped, and his feet rushed towards the direction of the scream.

"Xia Zhan in the cloud flow."

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