One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 422: Raiking the Fourth Generation

Roja's voice came from the smoke and dust, and as his dark figure slowly walked out, Raikage Ai's eyes became more solemn

"Big Brother"

"Better Together"

Seeing the person in front of him, it seemed that he was thinking of something. Kirabi was about to explain to his elder brother, but was roughly interrupted and had to swallow what he had said.

Asked by the host if he was ready to pay the price, Ai Ke was not a good temper. He was already furious, and made up his mind to beat the person in front of him to a half body.

Seeing Ai's reaction, Roja knew that he had successfully angered the man who was doing something, and the idiot halo taunting halo had been successfully added.

"The Best Knife"

One person covered the tail beast Chakra, and the other was in the Lei Dun Chakra mode, using Yunren Village’s secret ninjutsu Jue Niu Leili Hot Knife.

"The fourth door of the eight-door Dunjia wounded door opens"

Seeing the joint ninjutsu of the two, Luo Yasi was not afraid, the eight doors opened, and he brazenly greeted him. The chakra burst out of the whole body with a brilliance different from the two, and the energy rose vigorously, more than the two.

Iron block octupole collapse 13

The dark armor color is entangled, the body is pierced with eight-stranded force, and the muscles are bulging. The original strong body is even more mighty. He punched Kirabi who came to the front and struck Ai behind with a kick. .

The immense strength made the two of them have to give up a blow to Roja's neck and resist the attack that was close at hand.

The wave of anger was tumbling, and the weaker Chilabi retreated again and again, and the blue Se Lei Dun Chakra on the fourth-generation Raikage Ai once again skyrocketed, abruptly blocking the heavy sinking leg.

The ground beneath his feet was cracked inch by inch, and everything below his knees was sunk in the ruins, his arms crossed to block a blow, and the gold-iron bracers on his arms were a little deformed and twisted.

"Ah, I'm Raikage"

Pushing away the pressing legs, Ai's cheeks were flushed, and the blood vessels in his body were protruding.With a roar, he used it violently, pushing his elbow directly to Roja's abdomen.

Roya snorted noncommittal when he heard Ai's howl.I have beaten the five old stars, and you are still a Raikage

Instant kick

The bottom surface of the foot shattered, directly letting Ai's elbow hit the air, and the sky full of legs covered his figure.At this time, Kirabi who was knocked into the air burst out from the thick tail beast Chakra, the original tail beast coat gradually increased, and the time increased to six in a moment.

This is already his limit, unlike more than ten years later, after training on an island, he can completely control the tail beast and transform into eight tails.

"Moo Roar"

There was a cry like a mad cow and a beast, and he stepped out of an unknown number of houses and turned into ruins, and the eight tails on the coat of the Kirabi-tailed beast flew madly at Roya.

Six Kings Spear

Yao's strength soared, as if he was about to lose his mind, Luo Ya narrowed his eyes slightly, bowed his hands, and hit his head with the Six-Type Uprising and Six King Spears.

How could the six tails stop the power of the six kings spear, it was directly beaten into a bubble.Kirabi's head slammed into Roja's arm, and there was a bang in his mind, as if the whole world had become white.

The eight-tailed expression in its body is slightly flustered, and now it shares vision with Kirabi, and the power of the person in front of it is more powerful than that of the beast.Even the previous three generations of Raikage couldn't do so.


The Six King's Spears were energized, and along with Roja's explosive drink, Kirabi was shot for an unknown distance, huge smoke and dust rose, and the rocks and trees along the road collapsed and broke.

He received a blow to his head, and Kirabi, who had been beaten up, wanted to recover and he didn't know how long it would take him. Seeing the Raikage who swiftly retreated before him, Luo Ya squinted his eyes, and his fingers creaked.

"who are you"

Seeing the odds of his opponent, Lei Ying asked in a deep voice.However, such an image has no majesty at all. Roja's instant kick hit him blue and purple, and his strong body now looks like a clown.

Even if the Lei Dun Chakra mode has fully activated the body's cells, such injuries will take some time to be eliminated.

"Want to admit defeat"

Luo Ya, who was still waiting to explode the ninjutsu treasure chest and the supreme treasure chest fragments, could not stop Ai's face flushing as Raikage wished. Even if his opponent's strength far exceeded his estimate, he couldn't just bow his head.

Under the Lei Dun Chakra mode, he was so angry that he set off a piece of rubble. Ai Zheng, who was in his thirties, became a man of life, and his muscles became stronger under the increase of Lei Dun.

Thunder abuse level

The sixth door, Jingmen, open

Seeing Ai attacking him, Roja no longer kept his hand, his arrogance skyrocketed again, and his speed had completely surpassed the so-called strongest body art Ai, and he couldn't see clearly.

A whip kick hit Lei Ying Ai's back waist, and a heavy kick made the kicked Lei Ying feel sulking. The enemy reappeared in front of him before he was relieved.973

The same whip kick went to Lei Ying's breath, surpassing the limit of speed, he could only be reduced to a sandbag, and even decent resistance could not be made.

"Boom Boom"

The Thunder Dunge Chakra on his body surged, and the original bronze se skin turned into a brown-red se, which obviously drove the Thunder Dune mode to a level beyond his control.

Barely capturing the figure of Luo Ya, Ai's hands are embodied with the strongest tricks of the previous generation of Raikage, which is much stronger than before.

There was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. Luo Ya really didn't expect that the Lei Dun Chakra mode could explode like this, and it seemed to have many similarities with Bamen Dunjia.

However, such an outbreak is still far from enough.

Finger Gun Quartet

Boom Kacha

The tip of the needle against the Maimang, a consistent hand and finger gun collision, a crisp sound of bone cracks, Roja's eyes are sneered, and under the domineering armed color, this kind of point-to-point attack, it is only strange that his fingers are not broken.

The ten fingers connected to the heart, and the sharp pain in the fingertips made Raikage's expression change drastically. Even his wrist bone was injured in a blow, and he still pulled out of the pain, and the man on the opposite side had already begun to change his moves. .

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