One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 437: The Golden Treasure Box in Whirlpool Village

Kunai is kind-hearted. Seeing her girlfriend smile happily, she also turned into a flower. She blessed Kunako deeply in her heart. I hope that one day, she will be able to be like Luo Ya said. , Become a big beauty.

The three of them walked and talked. It wasn't enough, Roja saw his goal, replaced the treasure chest, stepped forward and collected it into the system warehouse.

Replacement treasure chests are randomly refreshed throughout the map. After placing a certain item and reopening it, you can randomly replace it with an item of the same value.This treasure chest can be replaced with a random World of Fighting Breaking Sky Item.

Seeing the introduction of the treasure chest, Luo Ya's eyes narrowed slightly, no wonder that although the appearance of this replacement treasure chest was similar to the last one, the outlines were different, and it turned out that the world that could be replaced was different.

Last time it was an item that could replace the fantasy world, this time it was an item that could replace the world of Doubreaking Sphere.There are a lot of magical items that can break the world, and the pill alone can benefit people endlessly.

Thinking of this, Luo Ya's expression became even more excited, lost the mulberry elm harvested by the East, and today he pitted himself out of the bronze treasure chest from the points treasure chest, and he has to replace the treasure chest here. His luck has always been reliable.

After thinking about what to put in for a long time, Luo Ya didn't think it was appropriate, but the force value of fighting the world was very high.There is no high-value, and no practical items or props in his hands for the time being.


The snake's voice came from behind Luo Ya, interrupting his thoughts, Kunako looked at the giant snake behind Luo Ya and was shocked.

"Brother, run away." Even though he was panicked in his heart, the always weak Jiu Xinnai exploded with courage far beyond ordinary people at this time. near.

The body is more than ten centimeters in thickness, ten-meter-long snake teeth are exposed, and there are a pair of cold snake pupils on the triangular head, and the catapult bite towards Luo Ya, who is facing away from him.

Looking at the appearance of this snake, you can know that it is very toxic, and ordinary people will never be lucky enough to be bitten.

King Kong Blockade

Jiuxinai gritted her teeth to activate the Chakra in this body. The talent of the Maelstrom family allowed her to use ninjutsu at a young age. Although the chain was only two fingers thick and only two, her talent was evident from this.

"Don't be nervous ."

He said casually, Luo Ya gently waved back with one hand, and a small sword aura shot out with an unparalleled sharp aura.

The giant snake's figure stopped abruptly, and fell to the ground with a thud.The head of the snake was divided in half, and the tail of the snake was struck straight under the slight shock of the sword energy.

In terms of power control, the current Loya is many times stronger than anyone in the Naruto World. The nerves of the giant snake's body are destroyed by the sword aura, and there is no struggle, and it is no longer sound.

"Then, please have a barbecue."

Disturbed by the giant snake, and there is nothing suitable at hand for the time being, Roja temporarily put aside the replacement of the treasure chest.A big smile at Jiu Xin Na made the cute little Nizi blush again.

"Yeah." Astonished at the strength of his elder brother, but when the innocent nature heard that he could eat barbecue, he immediately threw other thoughts into his mind, and lit his head with embarrassment.

After a while, a big bonfire rose by the woods, burned some water, and soaked two cups of Youlemei.The sweet smell made Kushina's eyes narrowed into a line.

Amidst the sound of sizzling oil, the snake meat was grilled with a tempting aroma, and some special barbecue sauce brought from Pirate World made the taste even more mouth-watering.

A few people feasted, most of the barbecued meat entered Roya's belly, and the greasy Kushina was touching her belly with happiness.

After the picnic was over, the three returned to the village again, Kushina, Kunako and Roya also returned home after bidding farewell.

In the empty small room, Roja kept Kagura's eyes open. After all, there are several sensory ninjas in Uzumaki Village, which is quite troublesome.

When night fell, after everyone fell asleep, they recovered their original body shape and put on the invisibility cloak, Roja quietly approached the location of the golden treasure chest.

The Namiantang in the center of the whirlpool clan, because of the reason why World War II has not yet begun, the whirlpool clan living a semi-reclusive life did not even have guards.

The once glorious Uzumaki clan signed an alliance treaty with the original Naruto Senjuzu.

After the second generation of Naruto Qianshoujian came to power, the Maelstrom clan felt their prying heart for their own abilities, and the Maelstrom clan who were unwilling to be involved in war disputes withdrew from the center of the continent and were at ease on this island surrounded by the sea. Settle on top.

This kind of evasive attitude is somewhat useful now, because the island has no special resources, and the area is not very large. No one has attacked it yet.

However, Roja knew that this kind of ease would soon pass. With the approach of World War II, the Maelstrom clan that was extinct in World War II could not escape the wheel of history.

Flashing into the interior of the Namian Hall, Luo Ya couldn't help grinning because of the strange masks. I really don't know why Li Zhaoji's one is more terrifying than the other.

The mask is specially prepared for various sealing techniques, just like the death mask in this one, which is used when the ghoul seal is out.

In the scroll given by Watergate, the Ghoul Seal is also listed, but Roja, who has no love for this method, has no intention of learning at all.

In the center of Namiantang, the golden treasure chest was lying quietly on the floor, Wukongshu flew over, and collected it into the system warehouse. Roja's eyes flashed with scarlet light, urging the kaleidoscope to write round eyes. The moment, the next moment he appeared in his room.

When I went there, I was afraid of appearing unexpectedly, something that would be touched at once, but when I came back, I didn't have such scruples.

Another golden treasure chest was in hand with a triumphant smile on his face, Roja put his mind in the system..

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