One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 443: Tsunade’s Arrival

As Luo Ya expected, what the whirlpool Yuzhu said was his plan.

And after some details are processed and improved, it becomes more detailed and comprehensive.Various situation analyses have been added to make the emergence of this plan even more justifiable.

After listening to the patriarch's words, the hall fell silent for a while, and the sense of honor of the whirlpool clan made them feel like they had received a great insult. Their cheeks were flushed, and they wanted to speak but held back.

Changing their faces means asking them to abandon their original surnames. Even if the patriarch says that this is only a temporary expedient, the pride in their hearts makes them feel extremely humiliating.

"Elder, what do you think?" Maelstrom Naizo was silent for a long time and started talking first. Out of trust in the patriarch, he chose to listen to the opinions of the elders.

"Things are not that far, but the shadow of the war has begun to loom, and it will erupt within a year or two. Yuzhu has considered aspects that we did not expect. To be honest, I am very pleased."

Although there is no blunt support, the meaning has been expressed very clearly inside and outside the words.When the two elders, who were mature and refined, made this proposal in the afternoon, they were the same as the Shangren in the 363 seat.

But after all, he had already experienced the cruelty of the first Ninja World War. After listening to Maelstrom Yuzhu's analysis, his heart had faintly fallen to his determination.

"We and Konoha are allies, why can't we ask for Konoha's support? Even if there is a war, we can"

"Tsubaki, Konoha has changed since the death of the original Naruto Senjuma. Whether it is Senjuma or Sarutobi, you haven't seen their practices clearly yet"

"How come, we are an ally, Konoha still has our clan emblem on his ninja costume"

"Tsubaki, you are too naive. They just use us as a tool to create human pillar strength. Sarutobi Hisaki is how to treat the Senju Clan after coming to power. No matter how concealed it is, it can't hide from everyone's eyes."

"That's just"

A fierce quarrel began in the hall. Shangren was divided into three factions: neutral, opposed, and supportive. For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall was as messy as a vegetable market.

bdbg "enough"

With a palm on the low table in front of him, Yuzhu Yuzhu showed his majesty as a patriarch, suppressing the noisy meeting place.

"Let’s discuss this matter later, everyone will go back and think about it, and then announce another matter."

Seeing the venue quieted down, Yuzhu saw that there were only a few people who supported him. Knowing that this kind of thing should not be rushed, he changed the subject and talked about another matter.

"In about two days, Konoha's people will come, select talented children, and serve as the next person Zhuli, and keep the last password in mind, understand?"


Even if they disagreed just now, at this time, the cohesion of the Uzumaki clan made them answer in unison. No matter what Konoha's attitude is, it is undoubtedly the most important thing to keep the most gifted child in the clan now.

"The meeting is over. Keep what you just said, don't tell anyone."


After the whirlpool clan members responded, they walked out of the hall one after another, and whirlpool Yuzhu sat on the main seat with a face full of helplessness.

"This will take some time, and they will figure it out clearly." An elder patted Wuxi Yuzhu's shoulder and turned slowly to leave with the other elder.

The situation of Shenle Xinyan Jiangtang was fully reported, Luo Ya was happy, and the resolute and decisive method of Yuzhu Yuzhu was very suitable for him.

When most people disagreed, they decided to discuss it later. As long as those who jumped out to oppose it, the matter would be successful.

One night later, early the next morning, the sun rose, and the sun dissipated the cold of the night, and the bouncing Nine Sina came to Roya's residence.

"Brother got up, did I come in?" Before being woken up by him, Roja, who had just opened his eyes, put on his clothes, and after self-consciously said a word, Jiu Xinnai had already entered.

"Yeah" he screamed and covered his eyes, Kushina's face turned red, and his brother's shirtless upper body made him feel ashamed.

"Brother, why don't you wear clothes"

"People are big, little ghosts." Rolling his eyes, Luo Ya got up from the soft couch and got dressed in twos or twos.I left a pair of big pants when I went to bed at night, so I didn't want to let this rushing girl see it.

"Brother is ashamed." The little hand covering his eyes quietly exposed the seam. Seeing his brother put on the clothes, Kushina shaved her smiling face, seeing that little appearance was obviously making fun.

"The courage is getting bigger and bigger, today I still want to eat good food." A lightly burst of brain bounced on the little girl's forehead, Luo Ya began to wash.

God knows where this little Nizi has so much energy in a day, it is clear that yesterday was exhausted, and today he is alive again.Is the physique of the whirlpool family so abnormal?

"Oh no, I learned the three-shenzhen technique yesterday. My elder brother said he would treat me to eat today, delicious, delicious." With a cute mouth, Kushina started acting cute and acting like a coquettish. Roja disagreed, and was about to start rolling all over the floor.

"Good, good." He rubbed the little girl's red hair rather helplessly, facing such a Kushina, no matter who it was, he would raise his hand to surrender.

One day was spent in training, because the sealing technique originally required extremely high Chakra control skills, Jiu Xin Nai successfully mastered tree climbing and treading water, such a speed people have to praise her talent.

Konoha's people came faster than Uzumaki Yuzhu had imagined, and the lineup of three Shangnin had already arrived at Ushio Village that evening.

Luo Ya, who had been keeping Kagura's eyes open, also sensed the arrival of several people, but the appearance of the leader made his eyes twitch.


This woman who seemed to have an entangled relationship with herself, unexpectedly appeared here at this time. Could it be that when she recalled what happened in Konoha's house before traveling through time and space, Luo Ya suddenly became clear..

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