One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 451: Kushina’s Birthday

"System, open the attribute treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the attribute treasure chest x2, getting lucky 1 and potential 10."

Luck and potential

With a curved corner of his mouth, Luo Ya secretly sighed that the system was finally reliable. What was added to the attribute treasure chest the first two times.

I am handsome in appearance, what can I do with a little charm and the inexplicable long-lasting, my own combat power leverage, how can it be used to last.

This time the attribute treasure box has added a little bit of luck. The ring "The Blessing of the Goddess of Luck" obtained from Pirate World, he always wears it. Although it has no obvious effect, the lucky thing accumulates, and it may be added. Plus, he became the old friend of the goddess of luck.

If there is a lack of equipment, someone will send it. If there is a lack of subordinates, the tiger's body will be shaken, and all the people will come to vote. The boss does not need to fight.

The level of potential 13 is like the difference between Vegeta and Broly. A person who is exhausted will not be able to rise in combat effectiveness. If he sleeps easily, his combat effectiveness will increase.

All in all, both attributes are attributes that the more the better. As for the attribute treasure chest this time, Roja finally no longer has any messy complaints.

After opening the treasure chest, looking at the corners of the clothes that were held by Huoyu and Huoyu, Roja scratched the tip of his nose and beckoned to it.

"What are you doing." Pulling up the mask, covering the stitched wounds on his face, putting on clothes that I didn't know which ninja came from, the eyes with all green horns had no initial defense.

He could see it, the one in front of him can no longer be said to be a major customer, he is completely a man of the level of Shenhao, and the gems and money are thrown out.

"Jiaodu, there is a long-term mission, and the treatment is generous." Luo Ya, who finally showed the fox's tail, pretended to be inadvertent, said lightly, and looked forward to Jiaodu's answer in his heart.

"I don't even know the name of the employer. I'm afraid I don't know who I should ask for money in the future."

"Hey, didn't I tell you?"

Ignoring Luo Ya's rhetorical question, Jiao Du's expression at this time was full of gloom.From beginning to end, besides giving orders, this guy was ridiculing and said a fart name.

And there is no strong man in his memory who can match the man in front of him. This man seems to have emerged out of thin air.

"My name is Qiuye Uzumaki, remember, of course you can also call me the boss."

"Aren't the Uzumaki clan the Uchiha clan?"

"Cut, it's the Uchiha clan that writes round eyes. If you want, turn around and help you get a pair."

With a casual wave of his hand, Luo Ya put the topic behind his head and turned back to the topic again.

"You know my identity, so Jiaodu, what about your answer"

"It seems to be an escort mission, thirty million taels a month. If I default on commission, I will leave."

The things that can make money, the corners have always been there to come, and this time I can ask one more question, it is the highest sense of alertness in my heart, after all, the strength of the man in front of him is too terrible.

Thirty million taels a month for Naruto World’s silver taels, a little conversion of the unit, is almost equivalent to the monthly salary of hundreds of thousands of a month in the previous life, and it is quite cheap for a shadow-level master like Jiao Du.

The Maelstrom clan doesn't have a shadow-level master, and Roja can't help them all the time. If you want to stand firm in the Moon Kingdom for a long time, it is inevitable to find a bodyguard to escort.

The corners of the original work have lived to Konoha for more than sixty years. That is because they are tired and crooked. They have to die with the Son of Destiny, otherwise it is quite simple to live a thousand and eight hundred years old.

At least the time when he is away, the horns can't die, and there will be no problem with the Moon Kingdom. The Maelstrom clan can survive in another form, and when they need to use people in the future, they can summon them with a wave.

After telling Jiao Du about the general content of the task, he threw a pile of gold jewelry as a deposit, and Luo Ya returned to Wuchao Village.When I just returned here, I saw Kushina kicking my legs in the room and playing with Chibon boredly.

From the day she didn't go to Konoha, she abandoned her original identity and couldn't play carefree with her original friends. Everything she could do every day was left with Roja.

"Brother, you are back." Seeing Loya standing in the room, Kushina jumped off the bed and plunged into his arms, his little face full of attachment.

After Tsunade and others left, Kushina knew Loya's identity.After asking if he would treat her as well as before, and after getting an affirmative answer, he readily accepted the "bigger" brother.

"Well, Jiu Xinnai is boring alone."

"No, I learned all the ninjutsu taught by my brother today."

After spitting out his little tongue, Jiu 223 Xin Nai rubbed his face in Roya's arms. In order not to worry him, he told a little lie.

A five-year-old girl who has no playmates, can not play at will, she can only learn ninjutsu boringly, how can she not be boring, all of this is because she wants to be with Roja.

"Brother, tomorrow is my birthday" seems to be a little embarrassed, but Jiuxina buried her small face in Roya's arms and never raised it.

Because this time has been dealing with the matters of the Uzumaki clan, except for the ninjutsu, Roja has no good company to accompany Kushina.

"In other words, I will be officially five years old tomorrow."


With his little head lit, there was a longing in Jiu Xinnai's heart, hoping that her brother could spend it with her tomorrow.

In the ninja world, children grow up to five years old, which means they have entered another stage, just like Konoha's children mostly start to go to ninja school when they are five years old.

"Kushina waits at home for a while, brother will be back in a while, and then take you to a place."


It seems that he has become a chicken pecking rice, but Kushina is nodding, showing his neat teeth, smiling and watching his brother walk towards the clan..

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