One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 455: Both sides compete

At night, in the quiet Wuchao Village, twenty high-end people were waiting in a serious line, and more than a dozen middle-level people were also gearing up.

Right now, some of the middle and lower levels of fighting power in the village have been transferred away, and they are the last group left.

Today is going to perform a play, let the whirlpool family disappear from the vision of others, and develop in secret.

Luo Ya, who changed his appearance and was shrouded in a black robe, met everyone under the recommendation of Yuzhu Yuzhu.Although the members of the Maelstrom clan were very defensive to the sudden appearance of strangers, after knowing that the other party was a close friend of the patriarch and also a key part of the plan, they still reluctantly let go of their grievances.

Slowly approaching the boats in Wuchao Village, more than 30 Shangren gathered together. The expressions of his "Two and One Zero" were as solemn, and several of them were the first to visit. Ushio Village, and the Kaminin of Wunin Village who was repelled.

"You should know that the Ghost Lantern Shang Xuan Yue Shang had to die in the last raid, and our last plan completely failed. This time, Lord Shui Ying has issued a strict order to wipe out the Maelstrom family. Let the sealing technique flow into the hands of other countries."

With a gloomy expression, he told Shangren to sit down again. The person who spoke was the leader of the last time. Because of his experience with the seal technique, he began to tell others how to deal with the seal technique.

"There are several types of sealing techniques used by the Maelstrom clan that can restrain the water escape ninjutsu. Among them, the seal of the water seal, the diamond blockade is particularly threatening to us, and the more troublesome thing is that the seal of the water seal is one of their five basic sealing techniques. , The Diamond Blockade is a must-learn ability for everyone"

After telling a lot of precautions and countermeasures to the companion who was sitting again, the Shinnin eyes solemnly looked in the direction of Ushio Village.

"This time is different from the last time. Mine is here to wipe out the enemy, so I try to gather the enemies together and kill them all at once."


Hearing that everyone who sat down again had a clear idea of ​​the battle plan, the leader, Shang Shinobu, announced that he would take his place.

Not long after the ship docked, more than a hundred people quietly marched towards the Wuchao Village behind the dense forest.

A firework exploded in the air, the deafening alarm bell was sounded, and Luo Ya, who was standing at the head of the village, had a good time to watch the crowds of Wunin Village who were slightly flustered in the eyes of Kagura.

"No, I've been found out." Seeing the fireworks in the sky, the ninjas of Wunin Village looked grim. This time the reaction of the Uzumaki Clan was many times faster than the last time. I thought it was because of multiple attacks. Next, they strengthened their guard.

It's no secret that the whirlpool clan's bloodstains and the eyes of Kagura's heart are not secret. Although they are rare, they are also regarded as the strongest perception technique. As a neighboring country, they certainly know it.

"One hundred and thirty-one people 1,500 meters, 1,000 meters, 800, 700, six, and five." Nasa Uzumaki, who has the ability to perceive, pinches Yinjue in his hands, closes his eyes to perceive the enemy, and keeps reporting in his mouth. The distance to each other.

"Seal Technique Five Elements Suction"

Hearing that the enemy had entered the attack range, Uzumaki Yuzhu shouted, and the clansmen around him began to seal. Two seconds later, everyone pressed their handprints on the ground together, and the ninja of Wunin Village who hurriedly entered had already entered. The range of four hundred meters.

The huge seal formation on the ground is activated. This is the trump card of the Maelstrom family. A group seal technique requires at least ten talents of the upper level to be able to activate it.

The five chakra properties are all restrained by the absorption of the five elements. This is why many countries are afraid of the seal family. Not only can they seal the tail beasts, they have the ability to restrain most of ninjutsu.

"It's awful to disperse and attack from both wings"

Ninjas at the upper ninja level can barely dodge the frontal suction, but those rushing faster middle and lower ninjas are unable to resist, and go directly and uncontrollably in the direction of the five elements.

Water escape, water breaks, water escape, water cut, earth escapes earth wall

All kinds of ninjutsu have been used, except for those who use the non-attribute instantaneous technique to avoid or have strong physical skills. As long as they step into the attack range, the ninjutsu of the middle ninjutsu will not work at all, rotating Also sucked in

Whether it is a person who traps himself in water prison and is immune to the enemy's attack, or a person who tries to block it with attribute defense ninjutsu, there is no exception here.

The slower ninja hurriedly turned around and walked to both sides to avoid the frontal attraction.


I saw that I sacrificed more than 20 middle and lower ninjas in just one face. The lead was blue on the face of the misty ninja. Last time I went back, I finally got a chance to make meritorious deeds. In battle, the Maelstrom family didn’t use this technique at all.

Seeing the effect of the five elements' suction, Roja nodded. Although this trick is a bit troublesome and needs to be arranged in advance, the effect is really extraordinary.

"The technique of water escape and mist hiding"

It is the old strategy again. The Wujinmen who live in the thick fog can care about revealing their identity at this time, as long as they kill all the opponents later.

The most important thing for this large-scale seal formation is the cooperation between each other. At this time, if you use the technique of mist hiding, you can successfully eliminate the contact between the opponents, and the strong formation will also collapse.


The Five Elements Suction is powerful, but when dozens of Wujin Ninjas use one ninjutsu together, they are temporarily blocked from the side. The cooperation of a few people is chaotic, and the formation of twenty people can't be maintained. .

"King Kong Blockade"

Vortex Yuzhu shouted again, and a lot of chains appeared first behind him, and each group also used this trick when they heard it.

There is a chain link between each other, even in the thick fog, they can know each other's position, even if the five elements can't be sucked, they won't be at a loss for the fog hiding technique.

Raising his eyebrows, and seeing the practice of Yuzhu Yuzhu, Luo Ya secretly sighed that he was worthy of being a patriarch. There were indeed two brushes, and he started to act through the thick fog..

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